
Many of Simon Khorolskiy's renditions of songs have become favorites of mine—some familiar and many previously unknown to me. He has placed the names of the composers by a few of the songs, but many have no source nor composer listed. I asked him about this. He wrote back:
"All of these songs, besides the ones that have 'original songs' by them, are old Russian hymns from 50-100 years ago that were sung by our grandparents back in the Soviet Union. I am merely just reviving them. Thanks for kindly asking, but, you don't even need my permission to translate them. Go forth!"Thus I have carte blanche to translate these and make them accessible to people here in the States. It is especially sweet to think that some of these songs were sung during the darkest days of the communistic oppression. And it increases my desire to make these available to the Body of Christ within the English-speaking world.
NOTE: There will be many songs in both categories.
NOTE: Many new translations in the Third Section Below.
Metrical Translations —
(Fits the translation to the music)- Иерусалим — Jerusalem (Александр & Владимир Шевченко) ** New, 11-Oct-24
- O How Life's Sea Now Rages (Melody Group)
- A Mother's Prayer
- Cloud of Fire
- O the Word of God Do Not E'er Neglect
- Take me
- I am Dreaming of the Mountains
- Not a translation, but I added an additional verse
- Spring Again
- Mowers in the Meadow
- I am Just a Poor Sinner (Socart)
- Here on Earth Life is Short
- Bless That House — Благословен Тот Дом (Rusavuki — Русавуки)
- If I Could Forever Be Yours
- My Home In Heaven — Мой Дом
- O Prayer Time — О Молитва
- He Placed His Golden Crown
- Lord, When the Disciples
- Years of Youth—They Fly Away!
- White Clouds
- Near the Cross — У Креста
- Where Are You, Homeland Eternal? — Где ты прекрасная
- Together With You — Вместе Мы с Вами Верили
- On the Heav’nly Roll up Yonder — На Небесной Перекличке
- Wonderful and Marvelous — Велики и чудны
- Heaven Is My Native Land — Мой в Небе Край Родной
Transliteration and Word-For-Word Translations —
(Does not fit the music)Each line of the song will expand into 3 lines:
1st Line: The actual Russian (in the Cyrillic alphabet)
2nd Line: The Russian represented by English letters
3rd Line: The translation.
Words that have to be supplied are in [square brackets].
- Возвожу Очи Мои — I Lift My Eyes ** New, 12-Aug-21
- Там, в Вышине Бесконечной — There in the Infinite Heights ** New, 11-Aug-21
- Крылья зари — The Wings of the Dawn
- Одна Дорога — One Road
- When The Roll Up Yonder (Russian version)
- Дни Как Звук Отшумят — Days, Like a Sound
- My Redeemer Lives - Искупитель мой жив
- You Are Worthy - Ты Достоин
- Неизвестный Край -- The Unknown Land
- Choose Life - Избери жизнь
- Осень — Autumn
- Столб Огня — Column of Fire
- Я Падаю — I Fall
- The Mighty Have Fallen - David & Jonathan
- Обратись, Господи! — Turn, O Lord!
- Ты Куда Идешь? — Where Are You Going?
- Не Грусти — Do not Grieve, Do not Weep
- Когда Безбрежный Рокот Океана — When the Roar of the Ocean
- The Sign of the Son — Знамение Сына
- Наша жизнь коротка — Our Life is Short
- Скажи мне, Господи —Tell Me, O Lord
- Научи меня, Боже, молиться — Teach Me to Pray
- Господь, Спаситель мой — O Lord, My Savior
- Ах, журавли, журавли — Oh, the Cranes
- Lyrics were written by Leonty Mihailovich Zhidkov in 1974
- Here and Again Farewell — Вот И Опять Прощание
- Wayfaring Stranger — Странник
- Mowers in the Meadow — Косари на лугу
- В Сионской — In Zion's Upper Room
- Here and Again — Вот И Опять
- Wayfaring Stranger — Странник
- O, If Forever — О, Если б Навеки
- Years of Youth — Годы юности летят
- Desert sinful, worldly—Пустыней Греховной
- Happy Childhood — Счастливое Детство
- Take Me — Возьми Меня
- Mother's Prayer — Молитва Матери
- Confession — Исповедь
- Wonderful and Marvelous — Велики и чудны
- My Home in Heaven — Мой Дом На Небе
- O Prayer — О Молитва
- Placing the Golden Crown — Сложив Златой
- Lord, When the Disciples — Господь, когда
- How Good & Pleasant — Как Хорошо (Ps. 133)
- New Heaven — Новое Небо (Rev. 21:1 - 5)
- White Clouds — Тучки Белые
- God Be With You — Бог с Тобой
- Near the Cross I Want to Stand — У Креста Хочу Стоять
- Together We with You Believed — Вместе Мы с Вами Верили
- Nearer, My God, To Thee — Ближе, Господь, к Тебе
- Where Are You, Beautiful? — Где ты прекрасная
- O Lord, There are Clouds on the Horizon — Господи, На Небосклоне Тучи
- For God So Loved the World — Ибо Так Возлюбил (John 3:16)
- Again Spring — Снова Весна
- Grace of the Lord — Благодать Господа (2 Cor. 13:14)
- Heaven Is My Native Land — Мой в Небе Край Родной
- Ocean of God's Love —Океан Божьей любви
Other Russian Songs Translated Word-for-Word —
For English, the language is strongly dependent on word order:
Other difference that show up in doing a word-for-word translation are:
- Будь храброй, душа — Take Courage (Natalya Dotsenko)
- Самое главное — The Most Important Thing (White Angel — Белый Ангел)
- Это мой Бог – This is My God (White Angel — Белый Ангел )
- Хлеб Насущный — Give Us Bread (White Angel — Белый Ангел)
- Bless That House — Благословен Тот Дом (Rusavuki — Русавуки)
- Do Not Neglect God's Words — «О Божьих слов не пропускай» (SOCART)
- I am a Poor Sinner — О, Я Грешник Бедный (SOCART)
- В Минуту Жизни Трудную — In the Troubled Time of Life (SOCART — Лермонтов) ** Updated, 07-Apr-21
- Иерусалим — Jerusalem (Darina Kochina — Дарина Кочанжи)
- Хочется в небо — I Want to Go to Heaven (Alla Chepikova — Алла Чепикова)
- Отцы — Fathers (Melody Group — Группа Мелодия)
- Отче Наш — Our Father (Melody Group — Группа Мелодия)
- Есть На Небе Город — There is in Heaven a City — Jerusalem
- Славьте Господа — Praise the Lord (Valerii Korop — Валерий Короп)
- My Heart Sings — Поёт моё сердце (Melody Group — Группа Мелодия)
- Нежный Голос — Gentle Voice (Melody Group — Группа Мелодия)
- Христос Воскрес — Christ is Risen (Melody Group — Группа Мелодия)
- Свеча — Candle (Melody Group — Группа Мелодия)
- Повей, Великий Божий Дух — Breathe Great Spirit of God (Ольга Заворотная — Olga Zavorothaya) (SOCART)
- Нас Христос Учил Молиться — Christ Taught Us to Pray (SOCART)
- Вечный Свет — Eternal Light (Христианская Группа Альфа — Group Alpha)
- Cтрашно Бушует Житейское Море — Wildly Rages the Sea of Life (Группа Мелодия & Братья)
- Иди Веселей — Go Cheerfully! (Melody Group — Группа Мелодия)
- Там в Небесах — There in Heaven (Kirnev Family — Cемья Кирнев)
- Я Радуюсь — I Rejoice (Melody Group — Группа Мелодия)
- Милость Божия — The Mercy of God (SOCART)
- Не Сдавайся — Don't Give Up (White Angel — Белый Ангел)
- Мой путь — My Path (Melody Group — Группа Мелодия)
- The Man of God — Божий Человек (Василий Перебиковский, Vasilii Perebikovskii)
- Господь Моя Сила — The Lord My Strength (Melody Group — Группа Мелодия)
- Хорошо, Когда Вместе В Общенье — Good When Together in Fellowship (SOCART)
- Далеко, Далеко! — Far Away, Far Away! (SOCART)
- Боже! Слышать Слово — O God! To Hear the Word (SOCART)
- Слушайте Повесть — God Has Saved Us from Death (SOCART)
- Я в Бессмертье Иду — I Go into Immortality (Melody Group — Группа Мелодия)
- Бог Есть Любовь— God is Love (SOCART)
- Мой Духовный Сад — My Spiritual Garden (SOCART)
- В Ночном Саду — In The Night Garden (Дети Поют — Children Sing)
See also: The Angels Sing, New English Words for this Song - Ночь тиха над Палестиной — Quiet Night Over Palestine (Дети Поют — Children Sing)
See also: Night Is Still O'er Ancient Israel (New English Words) - Лучший День — Best Day Ever (White Angel — Белый Ангел )
- Папа — Papa (Бэкки и Юлия Базан | Becky & Yulia Bazan)
- Я Верю В Любовь — I Believe in Love (White Angel — Белый Ангел)
- Ты Их Прости — Forgive Them (White Angel — Белый Ангел)
- Ты Всё Что есть у Меня — You Are All I Have (Ольга Андрощук, Fedor P. Vision)
- Да Будет Имя Бога Благословенно — May the Name of God Be Blessed (White Angel — Белый Ангел)
- Господи, Даруй Народам—O Lord, Give the Nations (SOCART)
- Мой Бог — My God (Melody Group — Группа Мелодия)
- Слушай, Земля — Listen, O Earth! (White Angel — Белый Ангел)
- Особенный день — Special Day (White Angel — Белый Ангел)
- Пусть Земля Вся Утверждает—Let the Whole Earth Claim (Melody Group — Группа Мелодия)
- К Награде Я Стремлюсь — "Faith" (SOCART, Hillsong)
- Тысячи Лет Пролетели — Thousands of Years Flew (Tambov Church)
- Я был Так Слеп — I Was So Blind
- С Ранней Зари — From the Early Dawn .
- Звёзд Дивные Алмазы — Wondrous Diamonds of the Stars (Высокая Гармония — High Harmony) .
- Мы Увидим Небеса — We Will See Heaven (Darina Kochina — Дарина Кочанжи)
- Любите Друг Друга — Love Each Other (группа Воскресение, Resurrection Group)
- Я Верую - I Believe (Молодежный Хор Церкви Вифания, Pavel Pislari)
- Взойдём на Голгофу мой брат — Let Us Ascend to Calvary
- Куда пойду от Духа Твоего? — Where Will I Go from Your Spirit (SOCART)
- Радуйтесь, праведные, о Господе—Rejoice, O righteous, in the Lord (Hosanna Voices)
- Исцели Мое Сомненье — Heal My Doubt (SOCART)
- Иерусалим — Jerusalem (Александр & Владимир Шевченко) ** New, 11-Oct-24 . . .
Some words about Russian and Translating —
Russian is far different from English, even though both are Indo-European languages. Some of the difference is superficial: Russian uses the Cyrillic alphabet, whereas English uses the Roman alphabet. But the deep-seated differences lie in word order and what happens to words as they are showing different roles in a sentence. I don't want to delve into the details of Russian grammar, but I want to help you appreciate some of what the Russian language is doing.For English, the language is strongly dependent on word order:
I book a place. OR I place a book.These two sentences have vastly different meanings. In Russian this is not possible because verbs have verb endings that reflect not only the tense (past, present, future, etc.) but also who the subject of the sentence is. Likewise, nouns have noun endings that mark them as being a subject or an object of a verb or showing possession. Thus Russian can move words around in ways that seem unnatural to the English mind. This allows for flexibility in poetry, allowing the cadence to move better. It also allows something to take focus by placing it first or in a position that highlights its role differently than you could do with English.
Other difference that show up in doing a word-for-word translation are:
- Russian has no articles: no a, an, nor the.
- Russian does not (usually) use the verb to be in the present tense.
- All you do is put the noun next to the other noun or an adjective
- "The house is green." Becomes word-for-word translated: "House — green."
- Sometimes the preposition that we use in English is embedded in the noun's ending. In other words, the Russian language does not need to say "The dog of the man." Instead the noun "man" would be modified to show that it was possessing something: usually the noun just before it.
- You will see a number of words that look like single consonant letters. Eg, s, k, v. They are stand alone words, often prepositions. However in pronunciation, they are run together with the word that follows. For example:
- Бог с Тобой — transliterated: Bog s Toboi
- but this would be pronounced more like Bṓg stəBṒY
- and the Word-for-Word translation: "God [be] with you"
- The English letter transliterations are approximate. For instance:
- zh is used to represent Ж — a soft French "j" sound, as in Jacque.
- sometimes a sound becomes voiced or unvoiced depending on what letters is next to it. In other words, making it easier to say.
- For instance: V voiced is similar to F unvoiced
- Likewise: B voiced is similar to P unvoiced
- etc.
- And the consonant will become voiced or unvoiced depending on what's immediately in front or after it.
- "Г" usually pronounced /g/ as in /good/, but sometimes is pronounced /v/ in some words that end in something like: "его"!
- Thus его ("his") is pronounced /yevo/.
- Translating: yandex
- Far better than google translate, especially for European and Eastern European languages.
- Although, google translate does provide the English phonetic spelling of the Russian words.
- context parsing of words: wiktionary —
- Biblegate (Russian Synodal Version) —
- This example is from Ps 90 (English numbering, #89 in the Russian Bible).
- The history of this translation is interesting in its own right.
Excellent. An excellent resource.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Dear brother David,
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and your precious family, in the powerful and beautiful Name of Jesus Christ xx.
Thank you for all these translations of brother Simon singing these glorious old hymns for the praise & glory to God.
I know that these hymns were annointed by God, as I felt the presence of Jesus while playing them & as I too sung in English, I raised my arms to heaven, tears streamed down my face, yet my heart was filled with joy, my name's sake.
I so Love this beautiful Russian accent, & the Love & Fire that these precious brothers and sisters in Christ have.
God has gifted me in many, Art fields from birth. I would so love to bring glory to God's Name by Painting murals up to 12x16 feet, some of these hymns. I do not know how, or when, but it is a desire of my heart,that God sees & to play Simon's powerful music in the while on display to the public, to bring lost souls to precious Jesus.
Blessings from Australia, in Jesus'Name, dear brother.
Warm regards,
Joybell 🌹🕊
Thank you!
DeleteSo thankful to find this valuable resource you've created! Looking forward to seeing more of Simon's songs here like You Are Worthy and The Unknown Land, if and when you have the time. It's a blessing that you're helping English speaking believers get even more out of Simon's inspired songs! Lord bless!!!
ReplyDeleteWe'll see what I can do on those songs.
DeleteI really feel a need to make the old, Russian hymns from the early 20th Century made known to the English speaking church. I will also delve into other songs from time to time.
I'm happy that you found this to be a blessing!
I'm hoping I could ask you if you could translate You Are Worthy when you have the time. I've been trying to translate it but not making much headway. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThere are some straight forward parts and several confusing parts requiring a good handle on parts of speech and the declination of the nouns. I have a first attempt up now. It is certainly open for revision. God bless!
DeleteHi David..Thank you and God Bless you for doing this....it helps me a lot to understand the language..I speak a little Portuguese and I noticed some words I can understand in some songs .. also Simon added some Latin in his song which I understand too..and his passioned singing and with the spirit of God you can feel the songs I'm originally from Germany..went to school in Brazil and living now in Texas since many years..
ReplyDeleteagain thanks for the translation.. greetings from Texas ..Uschi K.
Hello there!
DeleteThank you for your comments. I am very blessed that my little effort here has blessed you and some others too.
God bless y'all!
David, is it a safe assumption that since many of these songs were written during the Soviet era, that to sign one's name to one's song is akin to signing one's own death warrant? Could that explain why so many of these hymns are anonymous?
ReplyDeleteI tried to find more biographical info about Songwriter Leonty Mihailovich Zhidkov, to no avail. Would his name be spelled Леонтий Михаильовать Жидков? Would his family name be pronounced Zhitkov? I'm thinking I'll have to search for his name in Cyrillic to find more about him.
I so appreciate you posting the fruits of all your hard work!!!!
There is a sense in which it was safer to remain *anonymous*; but there might also be a sense of people writing little poems to share with the church and they didn't feel that it was theirs so much as it was something that God gave to His people. (cp. Acts 4:32)
DeleteLeonty Mihailovich Zhidkov is on facebook, fwiw, and there was several posts and subposts on Simon's video "Ах, журавли, журавли". Zhidkov, himself posted a few things and it was shortly after that that Simon added the author name to his post on youtube.
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome!
DeleteHey, I finally got it to work!!!! Thanks again for “One Road” and “Wings of the Dawn “!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are most welcome.
DeleteGlad my little hobby is blessing folks!
This is a EPIC SONG, would love for Simon to do this in Russian
ReplyDelete(with English, perhaps). This has special meaning for me: I used to
have recurring nightmares of falling into the darkness of the Abyss -
just before the time that I found salvation in Jesus!
That is indeed a beautiful song. There are many songs that I would love to hear Simon sing. (Perhaps more than he has time for. ;-) ) Thank you for the link.
DeleteThanks for the new White Angel song, Best Day Ever! So beautiful!
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome!
DeleteThank you so much for translating the new SOCART song, “O Lord, Give the Nations”!!! We need this song so much right now.
DeleteI've listened to it several times each day since it came out! It is our prayer for our world!
Thank you so much for SOCART’s new song! And very impressive getting it out the same day it hit my newsfeed!!!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy their work. Translating it helps me appreciate it even better! I'm glad that it helps others too!
DeleteThank you for SOCART’s new song!
ReplyDeleteThank you SO MUCH for doing the laborious job of transliterating the Russian into Latin script! I want to have a multi-lingual praise concert, and thought I'd have to do the task myself. I am so grateful you already took the time and trouble of doing this. I've now saved your list of Simon's songs as a bookmark, as my family and I LOVE his songs - all the way down here in New Zealand!