Friday, August 13, 2021

Любите Друг Друга — Love Each Other

youtube video

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Screen shot of phone from video.
Note: It is Ukrainian

привіт малишка я Тебе люблю дуже сильно чекаю дома  ЦЬОМ  ЦЬОМ!
Hi baby I love you very much I'm waiting for you at home!
 SMACK SMACK! (smooch smooch!) (ie, kisses)

Любите друг друга, любите от чистого сердца
Lyubite drug druga, lyubite ot chistogo serdtsa
Love each other, love from [a] pure heart

Пусть ваша любовь озаряется светлой мечтой
Pust' vasha lyubov' ozaryayetsya svetloy mechtoy
Let your love light up by [a] bright dream
Better: Your love lighting up becomes like a bright dream

Чтоб были сияющим неугасающим светом
Chtob byli siyayushchim neugasayushchim svetom
So that [you] would be [a] bright unquenchable light

Чтоб видели в вас эту Божью святую Любовь
Chtob videli v vas etu Bozh'yu svyatuyu Lyubov'
So that [they] would see in you this God's holy Love.

О Любви не сказать, не описать, не объяснить
O Lyubvi ne skazat', ne opisat', ne ob"yasnit'
About Love [you] can't tell, can't describe, can't explain

Так Она велика, глубока
Tak Ona velika, gluboka
So she (it) great, deep  (Ie, It is so great and deep)

Пусть у вас каждый час пламенеет в сердцах
Pust' u vas kazhdyy chas plameneyet v serdtsakh
Let by you every hour flame in hearts 

Мир святой, что превыше ума
Mir svyatoy, chto prevyshe uma
[The] Peace holy, that [is] above [the] mind.
   (Ie, May the Holy Peace that is above the mind it burn in your hearts every hour)

Как часто порою печалимся мы и страдаем
Kak chasto poroyu pechalimsya my i stradayem
How often sometimes grieve we and suffer

Что наша любовь исчезает, как утром луна
Chto nasha lyubov' ischezayet , kak utrom luna
That our love disappears, like in morning [the] moon

Мы плачем порою у ног Иисуса склоняясь
My plachem poroyu u nog Iisusa sklonyayas'
We weep sometimes at feet [of] Jesus bowing

Что нету любви в сердце к брату и близким друзьям.
Chto netu lyubvi v serdtse k bratu i blizkim druz'yam.
That there is no love in heart for brothers and close friends.


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Возвожу Очи Мои — I Lift My Eyes

Original song by Simon Khorolskiy
Lyrics based on Psalm 121 (Псалом 120)
Adapted with the help of Zarina Kozlov

Возвожу очи мои к горам
Vozvozhu ochi moi k goram
[I] raise eyes [of] mine to [the] mountains

Откуда придет помощь.
Otkuda pridet pomoshch'.
from where comes help.

Помощь моя от Господа,
Pomoshch' moya ot Gospoda,
Help [of] mine [is] from [the] Lord,

Сотворившего землю и небо.
Sotvorivshego zemlyu i nebo.
Creator [of] earth and heaven.

Солнце днем и ночью луна
Solntse dnem i noch'yu luna
[The] sun [by] day and [by] night [the] moon

Не поразят, не поразят тебя.
Ne porazyat, ne porazyat tebya.
Will not strike, will not smite you.

Господь будет охранять
Gospod' budet okhranyat'
[The] Lord will protect

Твои выхождения отныне и навсегда.
Tvoi vykhozhdeniya otnyne i navsegda.
Your departure henceforth and always.

Сохранит душу твою от зла,
Sokhranit dushu tvoyu ot zla,
[He] will keep soul [of] yours from evil,

Не дремлет и не спит,
Ne dremlet i ne spit,
[He does] not slumber (doze) and [does] not sleep,

Хранящий Израиля!
Khranyashchiy Izrailya!
[The] Guardian [of] Israel!

Солнце днем и ночью луна
Solntse dnem i noch'yu luna
[The] sun [by] day and [by] night [the] moon

Не поразят, не поразят тебя.
Ne porazyat, ne porazyat tebya.
Will not strike, will not smite you.

Господь будет охранять
Gospod' budet okhranyat'
[The] Lord will protect

Твои выхождения отныне и навсегда.
Tvoi vykhozhdeniya otnyne i navsegda.
Your departure henceforth and always.

Твои вхождения отныне и навсегда.
Tvoi vkhozhdeniya otnyne i navsegda.
Your coming in henceforth and always.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

A Dios Ofrecemos Gozosa Canción — To God We Offer a Joyful Song


youtube video

Letra: Julia H. Johnson.
Música: H. R. Palmer, 1834–1907

Lyrics found here:   A Dios Ofrecemos Gozosa Canción
               along with the music

1. A Dios ofrecemos gozosa canción
To God we offer joyful song
que cantamos en esta feliz estación.
that we sing in this happy season.
Le agradecemos Su luz y amor,
You we thank [for] Your light and love,
y Sus dones tan ricos de grande valor.
and Your gifts so rich of great value.

    ¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya! Entonad la canción;
    Alleluia! Alleluia! Sing the song;
    con rebosantes corazones elevemos el son.
    with overflowing hearts let us elevate the sound (tone).

2. Abiertas las puertas del cielo están,
   Open the portals (gates) of heaven are,

y cordial bienvenida a todos darán.
and warm welcome to all will be given.

Con fe, pues, obremos en bien de Sión,
With faith, then, let us work in good of Zion,

con afán trabajando por nuestra mansión.
with eager working for our mansion.



3. Al fin al llegar al hogar celestial,
   At last to arrive at the home celestial,

con sus calles de oro y mar de cristal;
with its street of gold and sea of crystal;

y con gran poder el Señor reinará
and with great power the Lord shall reign

y a todos los fieles Sus dones dará.
and to all the faithfull His gifts give.

English Translation with extra verse
To God let us offer glad songs of great joy;
That we sing in all seasons our hearts shall employ.
We thank Him for gifts of His light and His love
That He showers upon us as dew from Above.

The Portals of Heaven are now open wide
And extend a warm welcome to come on inside.
With faith let us work for Mount Zion's increase
With our eager endeavors to spread our Lord's peace.

At last we arrive at our heavenly land
Golden streets, a crystal sea we shall then see firsthand.
With pow'r and authority our Lord shall reign
And with gifts to His faithful with Grace He shall deign.

O bless now the Lord, O my soul, praise the Lord!
Tell His glory and splendor, all honor accord.
In great adoration fall down at His Throne
And worship the Sovereign who makes you His own!

  Alleluia!  Praise Jehovah!  Loudly sing His great Name!
  With songs of thanksgiving to the Lamb that was slain!

Там, в Вышине Бесконечной — There in the Infinite Heights

Там, в вышине бесконечной
Tam, v vyshine beskonechnoy
There, in [the] heights without-limits (ie, endless / infinite)

Между планет город стоит, город вечный.
Mezhdu planet gorod stoit, gorod vechnyy.
Between (among) [the] planets [a] city stands, [a] city eternal.

Как я хочу там отдохнуть и дышать, дышать, дышать
Kak ya khochu tam otdokhnut' i dyshat', dyshat', dyshat'
How I want there to rest and to breathe, to breathe, to breathe

И с восторгом наслаждаться, прославлять Христа, прославлять.
I s vostorgom naslazhdat'sya, proslavlyat' Khrista, proslavlyat'.
And with delight to enjoy, to glorify Christ, to glorify.

Всё предо мною прекрасно,
Vsyo predo mnoyu prekrasno,
Everything before me [is] beautiful,

Кажется нет, чувство мое не угасло.
Kazhetsya net, chuvstvo moye ne ugaslo.
It seems no, my feeling has not faded.

Город родной неповторим он живёт, растёт, цветёт.
Gorod rodnoy nepovtorim on zhivyot, rastyot, tsvetyot.
[The] city native (dear) [is] unique, it lives, grows, blooms.

Город чудный, город славный – красотой к себе влечёт.
Gorod chudnyy, gorod slavnyy – krasotoy k sebe vlechyot.
[The] city [is] wonderful, [the] city [is] glorious — beauty to itself [it] draws (attracts).

Здесь постоянно усталый,
Zdes' postoyanno ustalyy,
Here, continuously (constantly) tired,

Душу мою томит житейское море.
Dushu moyu tomit zhiteyskoye more.
Soul [of] mine wearied by life's sea.

Только в одном, мне со Христом все вперёд, вперёд, вперёд,
Tol'ko v odnom, mne so Khristom vse vperyod, vperyod, vperyod,
Only one thing, me* with Christ everything [is] forward, forward, forward,

Он в небесную Отчизну непременно доведёт.
On v nebesnuyu Otchiznu nepremenno dovedyot.
He to heavenly Fatherland certainly will bring (*me, see line above).