Sunday, May 10, 2020

Христос Воскрес — Christ is Risen

Группа Мелодия sings in Ukrainian.  Olga Androshchuk also provided the lyrics in Russian which I could translate far more easily.

Радостным утром не таким как всегда
Radostnym utrom ne takim kak vsegda
Happy morning, not such like always

Расцветало все Божье Творенье
Rastsvetalo vse Bozh'ye Tvoren'ye
Flourished all God's creation

Мы пришли поклониться и прославить Христа
My prishli poklonit'sya i proslavit' Khrista
We have come to worship and to glorify Christ

За надежду что дал, за Его Воскресенье.
Za nadezhdu chto dal, za Yego Voskresen'ye.
For [the] hope that [He] gave, for His Resurrection.

Христос воскрес
Khristos voskres
Christ is risen

Христос воскрес
Khristos voskres
Christ is risen

Всё торжествуй земля и люди
Vsyo torzhestvuy zemlya i lyudi
All celebrate/triumph (imperative) earth and peoples

Настанет день и скоро с Ним
Nastanet den' i skoro s Nim
Will come [the] day and soon with Him

Воскреснем и мы и радость будет.
Voskresnem i my i radost' budet.
will be raised up as well we and joy [there] will be.

Божья любовь нас спасла от греха
Bozh'ya lyubov' nas spasla ot grekha
God's love us saved from sin

Он весь мир держит крепко в ладонях
On ves' mir derzhit krepko v ladonyakh
He [the] whole world keeps/supports firmly in [the] palms [of His hands]

Он послал для нас Сына Иисуса Христа
On poslal dlya nas Syna Iisusa Khrista
He sent for us [the] Son Jesus Christ

Чтоб Он умер, воскрес и исполнилось слово.
Chtob On umer, voskres i ispolnilos' slovo.
So that He died, rose again, and fulfilled [the] word. 
                    (ie, and the word be fulfilled)

---------- English translation following better syntax -------

Happy morning, unlike any other:
All God's creation flourished.
We have come to worship and to glorify Christ
For the hope that He gave—for His Resurrection.

Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!
All earth and peoples celebrate!
The day will come and soon with Him
We also will be raised up; and joy there will be.

God's love us saved from sin;
He keeps the whole world firmly in the palms of His hands.
He sent for us His Son Jesus Christ
So that He died, rose again, and the word be fulfilled.


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