Monday, October 4, 2021

Куда пойду от Духа Твоего? — Where Will I Go from Your Spirit

SOCART's music video


Based on Psalm 139
See also:  for lyrics & performance
 1 куплет:
Куда пойду от Духа Твоего?
Kuda poydu ot Dukha Tvoyego?
Where will [I] go from Spirit [of] Yours?

Такое разве Господи возможно?
Takoye razve Gospodi vozmozhno?
[Is] such really, O Lord, possible?

Моё с Тобою слито естество,
Moyo s Toboyu slito yestestvo,
My with You joined essence,

И наш союз святой и непреложный.
I nash soyuz svyatoy i neprelozhnyy.
And our union [is] holy and unalterable.

Куда пойду, куда я убегу?
Kuda poydu, kuda ya ubegu?
Where will [I] go, where will I flee (run away)?

К чему пересекать меридианы?
K chemu peresekat' meridiany?
For what to cross [the] meridians?

Жить без Тебя Создатель не могу -
Zhit' bez Tebya Sozdatel' ne mogu -
To live without You, Creator, [I] cannot —

С Тобою, безусловно, я останусь.
S Toboyu, bezuslovno, ya ostanus'.
With You, certainly, I remain.

2 куплет:
Возьму ли крылья утренней зари
Voz'mu li kryl'ya utrenney zari
Will [I] take [the] wings [of the] morning dawn

И унесусь к окраине вселенной?
I unesus' k okraine vselennoy?
And speed away to [the] fringe [of the] universe?

Ты будешь там и дух мой ободришь,
Ty budesh' tam i dukh moy obodrish',
You will be there and spirit [of] mine will encourage,

Присутствие Твоё там вне сомненья.
Prisutstviye Tvoyo tam vne somnen'ya.
Presence [of] Your there beyond doubts.

3 куплет:
Сойду ли в преисподние места,
Soydu li v preispodniye mesta,
Will [I] go down in [the] underworld places,

Где ночь тоски* без проблеска отрады.
Gde noch' toski
* bez probleska otrady.
Where night of sadness
* without glimmer [of] joy.

"Ты здесь, Господь?" произнесут уста,
"Ty zdes', Gospod'?" proiznesut usta,
"[Are] You here, Lord?" will utter [the] mouth,

А слух уловит: "Я с тобою рядом..."
A slukh ulovit: "YA s toboyu ryadom..."
But [the] hearing (that is, the ear) will catch: "I [am] with you near..."

* тоска....
тоска isn't really weariness, it's closer to sadness, but it doesn't really have an English equivalent. Kind of sadness mixed with weariness of soul and despondency with a bit of depression and boredom thrown in for good measure. One popular definition is "the feeling of a person who desires something, but doesn't know exactly what, but knows that the desired thing is unachievable". Basically, the most Russian thing imaginable.  (Source: TG.)

--------- English to fit the music ---------
Oh, from Your Spirit, whither shall I flee?
O Lord, could I in fact depart and leave You?
You've joined me to Yourself with guarantee;
Our union now is holy, changeless and true.

Oh, whither shall I go where shall I flee?
What purpose would it be to cross each far land?
Creator, without You I cannot live —
With You I stay protected in Your strong Hand.

The wings of morning dawn then shall I seize
To speed away to fringes of this vast sphere?
Your Spirit will be there to strengthen me,
Your Presence there beyond all doubt is so near.

Should I descend into the underworld
With night of endless angst and joyless bleak tears
My lips would utter, "Are You here, O Lord?"
My ears would hear your voice: "I am with you near..."


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