More than 3000 years ago, David penned his epic psalm praising God's Law in an acrostic psalm. What if we should update it to be an English language acrostic psalm? This is the second part of three that explores what it might sound like if David had written his psalm in English in the middle of the 21st Century.
Just and right are all your commands;
they show me what is right and good in your sight.
Jesus ever lives to intercede for His people;
I love Him and obey His commandments.
Jehovah, the self-sufficient eternal God,
reveals His majesty and beauty in all His Law.
Jewels there may be without number,
but the Word of the Lord is more valuable then them all.
Jealously the Lord protects His honor and His name;
He will not hold guiltless those that break His law.
Justice will roll on like a mighty river,
for His law is eternal and ever new.
Judgment awaits those who transgress your commandments;
mercy is given to those who turn and repent.
Joy unspeakable and full of glory is mine by your Spirit
as I contemplate all your marvelous precepts.
Knowledge of your Word leads me to wisdom;
let me rejoice in your truth which is life.
Kneeling before your commands I see your truth;
life and light are there for those who humbly follow your ways.
Kiss the Son lest He be angry;
His laws are emblazoned across His universe.
Kings and rulers will all bow before Him;
He is the supreme Lord who makes His commands.
Kingdoms and all dominions will fall before your throne,
for your laws are perfect and unalterable.
Keys of your kingdom are given to those,
those who walk according to your ordinances.
Kinsman-redeemer, loving Liege of Light,
your precepts are my life and my salvation.
Knowing your Laws bring light to my eyes;
because your love is everlasting I will praise you!
Loving Lord, you gave life to me;
I am able to love at all because you gave your love and your law.
Laboring in your fields I feel fulfilled by your law;
teach me to love your ways as most important to my life.
Lamb of God, slain from before the world began,
let me love your commands and your ways.
Language fails me in expressing the wonders of your law;
most beautiful and exquisite it is and without equal!
Lands and dominions belong unto your name,
for your are the mighty ruler and giver of all laws.
Language fail me in my quest to praise your awesome name;
marvelous are your deeds and that my soul know right well.
Light and life are from your hand;
your commandments give life unto my soul.
Lowly I approach your Throne of Grace,
but mercifully you respond with grace and love.
More of your beauty would I see, O Lord;
help me understand your precepts ever more clearly.
Most marvelous and awesome is all your creation,
but in your law do I see you most distinctly.
Matchless is your manifold wisdom, O my God,
that reveals itself to those who study your Word.
Men and women were created to bring you glory;
how better than learning and obeying your decrees?
Mockers decry your law as outdated and useless;
but enthroned in heaven you have installed your King.
Morning breaks and shines its golden light;
let your Word shine upon my heart to light my way.
Mysterious are all the secret councils of your will;
yet you have disclosed your thoughts to us in your commands.
Make my heart delight in your ordinances, O gracious Lord,
then my way will be filled with your joy and peace.
New songs of praise are due your awesome Name
for the wonders of your marvelous Law.
Narrow is the way that leads to eternal life;
your precepts carefully define this way.
Noah found grace in your righteous eyes
for he did right and held your laws in high regard.
Nothing in this world holds desire for me
except you and what I find in your Word.
Nature displays the infinite wisdom of your marvelous council;
all things work according to your steadfast laws.
Needy am I, O Righteous Lord;
your Law shows me my need of a mighty savior.
No blood of bulls nor goats could atone
for breaking the least of your commandments.
Name above all other names I trust;
he shall save me from the law's dread curse.
Obedience is due unto all your statutes;
with majestic wisdom you ordain each one.
Obligated to your ordinances are all your creatures;
with love and grace you rule your kingdom.
Oaths of obedience unto your law are fitting;
blessed is the one sworn to his own hurt.
Obey the Lord with great love and joy;
His Laws immediately and exactly follow.
Offerings of praise await your Name, O Lord;
Marvelous are all the treasures within your commands.
Ordinances you made for the children of men;
you rule with absolute sovereignty and wisdom.
Overflowing with joy am I because of your great love;
In your Word I see all your abundant provisions.
Offspring shall hear of your righteous laws;
the next generation will praise your mighty deeds.
Praise the Lord, all you His people!
his precepts are good and point the way to life.
Perfect peace will you give the one who trusts,
trusts in you and your enduring commands.
Pagans run after things of this world;
in your law are all the words of life.
Pain I had when I wandered from your ways;
but pleasures are at your right hand obeying.
Passover showed the severe consequence of disobeying your word;
proclaimed also your rich mercy to those who believe.
Pearls of great price and treasures in a field—
I would forsake them all to obtain the riches of your law.
Power and authority, wisdom and might are seen within your precepts;
teach me to study your matchless ways.
Purify your servant according to your Word;
your Word, O Lord, is truth.
Quiet my heart, O Lord,
for in your Law there is security.
Quell my fears with your love;
your commands are my delight.
Queens and kings may be arrayed in pomp,
but I delight in the riches of your royal decrees.
Questions cloud my mind
when I stray far from your ordinances.
Quoting your Law each day
enlivens my heart and enlightens my path.
Quicken my heart and mind, O Lord;
your commands give life to your servant.
Quickly come to my aid, O God,
for I am needy and rejoice in your commands.
Quicksand and ruin are reserved
for those who despise your gracious Law.
- D. Benning
Poems and Reflections from the Bible plus Translations of Russian Christian songs.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
A New Psalm 119, part 1
More than 3000 years ago, David penned his epic psalm praising God's Law in an acrostic psalm. What if we should update it to be an English language acrostic psalm? This is the first part of three that explores what it would sound like if David had written his psalm in English in the middle of the 21st Century.
Almighty God and Universe Creator,
great are all you ordinances.
All your laws are perfect
for they reflect your greatness!
Adoration and praise belong unto you, O Lord,
for all your creation is governed by your laws.
Authority and Dominion are your without end
for you rule your creation by your Word.
Awesome are all your decrees and deeds
since they spring from your commands.
Ashamed and acursed are any people
that follow not your perfect ways.
Answers are found in your laws
for in them is your embodied wisdom.
Ablaze with light and glory are your decrees,
and they provides light for my feet.
Bold am I when I walk in your ways,
for you strengthen all who obey your Word.
Be near to me by your Word;
I find great delight in all you command.
Bankrupt and defiled are all who dispise your laws;
in them is the way of your favor.
Before I followed your precepts I wandered away;
now I walk in the light of your fellowship.
Broken and confused are all who hate your Word;
but I rejoice in the counsel of your ways.
Breathe on me your life by your Spirit
that I may love your Law even more.
Bread is good to my body as
your Word is unto my soul!
By your Spirit do I understand your Law;
help me that I may hear and do.
Crystal clear are the ways you have directed;
I walk in the light of your counsel.
Christ is the accomplishment of the law;
righteousness is the end for all who believe.
Clean am I for I heed your Word;
Your Word, O Lord, is truth!
Comfort comes to me through your Law;
You are the God of all comfort!
Commands you have given unto the children of men;
In the keeping of them is life.
Come to me, my Lord and my God,
for I trust in your precepts.
Cheerful is the man who obeys your ordinances;
each of them points unto life.
Correction comes from your precepts;
in your path will I find my delight.
Delight and duty are found in your law;
mere listening alone brings a curse.
Dark was the night where your truth found me;
now I walk in the light of your law!
Deliverance comes from your glorious law;
I will rejoice in your great salvation.
Destruction awaits those who try to save themselves by your law;
but you enable all you save to delight therein.
Disclose to me the secrets of your will
for I attend unto your law.
Discipline is fitting for earning your praise;
let me follow your precepts closely everyday.
Discernment is abundant for those who study your law;
mere head knowledge gains not your approval.
Display your love unto me
for I treasure your ordinances more than fine gold.
Earth holds no treasure for me
since I have laid hold of your law.
Empty was my way of life
when I followed not your precepts.
East and west seek to find true wisdom;
in your ways alone it is found.
Encourage your servant according to your Words;
I take great delight in all your commands.
Envy rotted my bones
when I desired the way of the lawless.
Entire books and tomes could be written on your law;
matchless and awesome it is without equal!
Equip your servant to do your will;
Your rod and staff mark for me your ways.
Everlasting to everlasting shall sing your praises;
eternal and perfect are all your commands.
Faithful you are, O Lord,
and your precepts reflect your faithfulness.
Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
your laws instill understanding and fear of your name.
Finding your ways is of greater worth than gold;
I delight in the richness of your ways.
Forcefully your power comes in your Word;
and by your power you will raise us unto life.
Fill me with your knowledge and wisdom;
I love the glory of your holy laws.
Fellowship with your Spirit is most excellent;
your ordinances define how we may approach your throne.
Flawless are all your laws;
your Spirit gives power through your Word.
Freedom there is for those who walk in your laws;
I walk about in your ways and am free.
Glad was my heart when they said to me,
"Let us go and worship the Lord according to His commands!"
Grace is abundant in each of your precepts;
teach me to love them more than life.
God is not a distant God,
but has drawn close to His people by His laws.
Good is the way of the Lord
and each of His ordinances shows His care.
Gold there is in abundance and many precious gems,
but your Word is more to be treasured then them all.
Graves await all the children of men,
but those who walk in your ways will see the light of life.
Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised
for He has revealed His ways unto us.
Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
because I have set His law as my guide.
Happy is the one whose refuge is the Lord;
in His Laws are the blessings of His favor.
How I long for your Word, O Lord;
when will the nations be turned to obey your voice?
Help me, O Lord, according to your promises;
let your commands be light to my life.
Honey is sweet and food brings delight;
your Word is sweeter and more delightful than all.
Honor and glory, power and dominion are yours;
within each letter of your law are they revealed!
Heart-knowing God, your law is a double-edged sword;
it pierces me deeply to know my thoughts.
Hymns of praise and thanks will I sing;
your Word, O Lord, is the richest of fare!
Hold me safe in your arms, O Lord,
for I trust in your everlasting precepts.
In the morning I awake to discover truth,
delighting in reading your Word.
In the evening I reflect upon your grace,
which strengthens me to obey your decrees.
Incline your ear to hear my prayer,
for it is rooted in the promises within your commands.
Infinite are all your attributes and perfections;
I see that from studying your law.
I see your beauty within your precepts;
teach my heart to run in your paths.
Indwell me by your Spirit;
write your law upon my heart.
Intrinsic to your Word are all your perfections;
they shine therein with the beauty of holiness.
Invariable and consistent is your law,
for you are unchanging and steadfast.
- D. Benning
The Cleft of Love
O Lord,
again I sit
here with my Love
As dead as dirt—my senses numbed by hurt
Of my very own devisings that were
From selfish whims—not from up Above.
My soul is dry and parched, is empty deep
Within. I looked up
and I thought You faded—
That You were gone: of this I was persuaded,
With nothing left in life, I’d lay me down to sleep.
But You have not dimmed nor have You left;
So pull away the sullen clouds that hide
Me in the empty night of sin where cry
I to You to bring me to that Safe Cleft:
Where anointing me with Your Grace and Righteousness,
You breathe into my dust Your Love and Loveliness!
- D. Benning
- D. Benning
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
I Heard an Eagle Cry Today
I heard an eagle cry today,
high, haunting and insistent.
I looked and there above me,
nestled amidst the cradle of sky and sun,
a solitary form glided overhead.
I stared and strained to follow his path,
Bright shimmering sun dogs and tree tops obscuring my sight.
Again he cried; again I spied and followed his course on wimpled wing.
Again he turned; again he spurned and rebuffed the wind with pinion, talon and call;
majestically graced and poised and balanced
above the ground-bound, sodden-encumbered cares of earth.
I glanced around and saw the sunlight shadow-playing on the grass,
the sessile inhabitants of lunch-time-egress lay and lay in turgid stupor
or catatonic relaxation, unmoved by Day Sky’s rider or his call.
I heard the eagle cry today,
high, haunting and insistent;
yet not so insistent, for I turned.
Turned and retreated back into my office,
my lair, my care, my shell,
for the pressing insistences of the immediate and the urgent called me too.
Yet in hiding my soul stirred
—ah, patience! my captive heart!
For soon with obedience and discipline shall come forth
the mastery and the reward so that you shall go not,
like quarry-slave at night,
but brought with honor into your Father’s home!
- D. Benning
high, haunting and insistent.
I looked and there above me,
nestled amidst the cradle of sky and sun,
a solitary form glided overhead.
I stared and strained to follow his path,
Bright shimmering sun dogs and tree tops obscuring my sight.
Again he cried; again I spied and followed his course on wimpled wing.
Again he turned; again he spurned and rebuffed the wind with pinion, talon and call;
majestically graced and poised and balanced
above the ground-bound, sodden-encumbered cares of earth.
I glanced around and saw the sunlight shadow-playing on the grass,
the sessile inhabitants of lunch-time-egress lay and lay in turgid stupor
or catatonic relaxation, unmoved by Day Sky’s rider or his call.
I heard the eagle cry today,
high, haunting and insistent;
yet not so insistent, for I turned.
Turned and retreated back into my office,
my lair, my care, my shell,
for the pressing insistences of the immediate and the urgent called me too.
Yet in hiding my soul stirred
—ah, patience! my captive heart!
For soon with obedience and discipline shall come forth
the mastery and the reward so that you shall go not,
like quarry-slave at night,
but brought with honor into your Father’s home!
- D. Benning
Monday, June 22, 2015
early fell i
early fell i from the Estate,
fallen into a state:
dead, yet breathing;
void, yet trying to fill that
emptiness with Something.

and from it unto Life:
Thrice redeemed;
Thrice forgiven; and
Thrice blessed of Him.
because of Love, Living i am,
and that Life from One:
Worthy of everything made;
Worthy of all Praise unto Him;
Worthy -- yet He calls me His!
- D. Benning
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