Saturday, December 14, 2019

Silent Night

Oberndorf, Austria

Consider the story of the man who wrote this beloved Christmas Hymn, Joseph Mohr.  He was illegitimate and an outcast, but taken in by monk to learn music.  He was a ready student and learned music very well.  He eventually became a priest.  He wrote this poem when he was 23.  Within a couple of years he had met Franz Gruber, an organist, who set the poem to music.  It had its debut on Christmas Eve in 1818.

But consider the tender wonder expressed in these simple lines.  A holy reverence and  awe that can be glossed over in the familiar English translation.  I appreciate our Associate Pastor pointing these things out and then providing a more literal translation from the German.  From that (along with other language tools), I formed a new English translation.  I hope that it enables you to see the wonder of that moment where the Infinite became finite, the Transcendent became bound within the span of man.  What wonder, what condescension, what humility!  For us and for our salvation!

Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht,
Alles schläft; einsam wacht
Nur das traute hochheilige Paar.
Holder Knabe im lockigen Haar,
Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh!
Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh!

Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht,
Hirten erst kundgemacht
Durch der Engel Halleluja,
Tönt es laut von fern und nah:
Christ, der Retter ist da!
Christ, der Retter ist da!

Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht,
Gottes Sohn, o wie lacht
Lieb' aus deinem göttlichen Mund,
Da uns schlägt die rettende Stund'.
Christ, in deiner Geburt!
Christ, in deiner Geburt!

Silent Night, Holy Night,
All asleep; yet awake
Holy couple, betrothed holy pair;
Babe in arms covered with her long hair,
Sleep in heavenly peace!
Sleep in heavenly peace!

Silent Night, Holy Night,
Shepherds heard first announced
By the angel a great Hallelu
Sounded loud near and far as they flew:
Christ, the Savior is here!
Christ, the Savior is here!

Silent Night, Holy Night,
Son of God, oh what joy!
Love that flows from Your dear divine face
Strikes redemption for us in Your Grace—
Jesus Christ, in Your birth!
Jesus Christ, in Your birth!

Artist's conception of Bethlehem on the first Christmas

Friday, December 13, 2019

My Home in Heaven — Мой Дом На Небе

I am noticing that this Russian hymn is being covered by a number of artists and groups.  I have translated this hymn so that English speakers can sing it and enter into worship with our Slavic brothers and sisters — those who have gone before us and those who still remain here awaiting that Heavenly Home!

I will list some of them here with link so that you can explore the variety of interpretations of this song of hope and waiting.  I will also present my English version of the lyrics.

Special thanks to TG for finding which churches these were.

A note about this song and who composed it.
«Песня написанная в 1937 году на ссылке в узах неизвестным автопом.»
"A song written in 1937 in prison in bonds (ie, in the Gulag) by unknown author."

Consider that!  This Christian brother, in the midst of severe troubles, looked to Heaven and the joy that awaited him there.  John Trapp (English Bible commentator from the 17th Century) wrote: “He that rides to be crowned, will not think much of a rainy day.”

My home in Heaven beyond the clouds here,
Is where new life starts—eternal days;
There friends and fam'ly will gather with us
To sing the Father our songs of praise.

As in a storm then a sailor seeks rest
A quiet place then his boat to dock;
So my heart longs for the dwelling of light
Where rest awaits us 'neath this strong Rock.

       O home of Heaven, O how I long for,
       So that etern'lly I'll live within;
       And there will be God whom I will praise then
       And in His light serve Christ without sin.

Eternal homeland, O pleasant country!
There will my spirit see my Dear Friend,
Who on Golgotha for our sins suffered
And reconciled us—world without end!

The sor'ws of bitter tears we pour not now,
For evermore then the glory sing!
Illness and parting and tears forgotten—
All swept away on that Heav'nly wing!

———The Russian Lyrics———

Мой дом на небе, за облаками,
Где жизни новой уж нет конца,
Друзья, родные где будут с нами
Петь песни славы там у Отца.

Как в бурю с моря моряк стремится
Причалить в гавань, чтоб отдохнуть,
Так рвусь я сердцем в жилище света,
Где отдых ждет всех, свершивших путь.

     О дом небесный, где быть желаю,
     Туда стремлюсь я, чтоб вечно жить;
     Там буду Бога я вечно славить
     И в свете чудном Христу служить.

Отрадно будет в том вечном доме,
Увижу Друга души моей,
Кто на Голгофе за грех наш умер
И примирил нас с Отцом людей.

В печалях горьких слез лить не будем,
Навеки славу мы будем петь;
Разлуки, скорь  би, болезнь забудем,
Не будем больше нужды терпеть.