С ранней зари ищет душа моя
S ranney zari ishchet dusha moya
From/since early dawn seeks soul of mine
S ranney zari ishchet dusha moya
From/since early dawn seeks soul of mine
Бога моего, Бога Израиля
Boga moyego, Boga Izrailya
God mine, [the] God [of] Israel
К тихим водам душу Он мою ведёт
K tikhim vodam dushu On moyu vedot
To quiet/still waters soul He leads
(Ie, He leads my soul to quiet waters)
To quiet/still waters soul He leads
(Ie, He leads my soul to quiet waters)
И от стрел и мрака защитит спасёт
I ot strel i mraka zashchitit spasot
And from arrows and darkness will defend, will save.
1.На Него я уповаю
Na Nego ya upovayu
On Him I hope
I ot strel i mraka zashchitit spasot
And from arrows and darkness will defend, will save.
1.На Него я уповаю
Na Nego ya upovayu
On Him I hope
Перед Ним колени склоняю
Pered Nim koleni sklonyayu
Before Him knees [I] bow
Pered Nim koleni sklonyayu
Before Him knees [I] bow
В Его славу войду и обновлюсь
V Yego slavu voydu i obnovlyus'
Into His glory [I] will enter and will be renewed
V Yego slavu voydu i obnovlyus'
Into His glory [I] will enter and will be renewed
Бог спасенья,Бог искупленья
Bog spasen'ya, Bog iskuplen'ya
God [of] salvation, God [of] Redemption—
Bog spasen'ya, Bog iskuplen'ya
God [of] salvation, God [of] Redemption—
Свет в Нём И нету в Нём тленья
Svet v Nyom I netu v Nyom tlen'ya
Light [is] in Him and [there is] not in Him decay
Svet v Nyom I netu v Nyom tlen'ya
Light [is] in Him and [there is] not in Him decay
Святой Бог, Отец, Сын и Дух
Svyatoy Bog, Otets, Syn i Dukh
Holy God, Father, Son, and Spirit.
2.Он Велик и в славных делах
On Velik i v slavnykh delakh
He [is] great also in glorious deeds
Svyatoy Bog, Otets, Syn i Dukh
Holy God, Father, Son, and Spirit.
2.Он Велик и в славных делах
On Velik i v slavnykh delakh
He [is] great also in glorious deeds
Он Могуч, на земле, в небесах
On Moguch, na zemle, v nebesakh
He [is] Mighty on earth, [and] in [the] heavens.
День и ночь склоняються пред Ним
Den' i noch' sklonyayut'sya pred Nim
Day and night bow down before You
Свят, Свят Господь Саваоф
Svyat, Svyat Gospod' Savaof
Holy, Holy Lord Sabaoth,
Ты Един, Ты Сущий Наш Бог
Ty Yedin, Ty Sushchiy Nash Bog
You [are] One, You [actively] being [are] our God
Твоё имя Святий Елохим!
Tvoyo imya Svyatiy Yelokhim!
Your name [is] Holy Elohim!
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This Photo was taken by Wolfgang Moroder.Feel free to use my photos, but please mention me as the author and send me a message.This image is not public domain. Please respect the copyright protection. From wikipedia |
-------- Better English --------
From the early dawn my soul seeks
My God, the God of Israel.
To quiet waters He leads my soul
And from arrows and darkness He will defend and save.
1. Upon Him I hope,
Before Him I bow my knees;
I will enter into His Glory and be renewed.
God of salvation, God of Redemption—
In Him is Light and not one shadow of decay—
Holy God, Father, Son, and Spirit.
From the early dawn my soul seeks
My God, the God of Israel.
To quiet waters He leads my soul
And from arrows and darkness He will defend and save.
1. Upon Him I hope,
Before Him I bow my knees;
I will enter into His Glory and be renewed.
God of salvation, God of Redemption—
In Him is Light and not one shadow of decay—
Holy God, Father, Son, and Spirit.
2. He is also great in glorious deeds:
He is Mighty on earth and in the heavens.
Day and night bow down to You.
Holy, Holy Lord Sabaoth,
You are One, You are our God,
Your name is Holy Elohim!
Какая прикрасная песна! I LOVE it. Thanks, David, for sharing the fruit of your beloved hobby with fellow students of Russian and lovers of gorgeous Christ honoring music!
ReplyDeleteThis song reminds me of Darina Kochanzhi's Иерусалим (Jerusalem) in rhythms and middle eastern music influence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqVacF7ogMk&list=RDMM&start_radio=1
I agree!
DeleteI like her music!
See my translation here:
Thanks also for sharing where they filmed it; we geography fans revel in such info. That's an amazing picture of the mountains bordering Death Valley; I'm glad Wolfgang allows it to be shared, with credit. (He must be our generation, David. That is a German name of the past, like Dick and Sally are in English.)