Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Я в Бессмертье Иду — I Go into Immortality


Music  or here
Words by:  Александр Савченко (Alexander Savchenko) in the mid 1980s under the pseudonym, Александр Азовский (Alexander Azovsky) because it was still very risky to write Christian poetry even as the former Soviet Union began waning.
Music by: Алекс Брицин (Alex Britsin) in 1985.  It was first performed by the group "Новые напевы" (New Tunes) from the city of Мелитопол (Melitopol).
Alex Britsin wrote about this version: "Очень понравилась эта аранжировка, пусть звучит во славу Бога!"  ("I really like this arrangement, let it sound for the glory of God!")

Opening Scripture:  2 Timothy 2:2 — "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also."

1. Я в бессмертье иду, наступая на зло,
YA v bessmert'ye idu, nastupaya na zlo,
I in(to) immortality go / walk, stepping on evil,

Из скорбей и страданий дорога.
Iz skorbey i stradaniy doroga.
Out of sorrows and sufferings [is the] road.

[:На душе у меня и тепло, и светло,
[:Na dushe u menya i teplo, i svetlo,
[:On soul by me both warm and light

Потому что я верую в Бога.:]
Potomu chto ya veruyu v Boga.:]
Because I believe in God.:]

2. Знаю я, что мне можно и что мне нельзя,
Znayu ya, chto mne mozhno i chto mne nel'zya,
Know I, what to me can do and what to me can't do,

Знаю, что хорошо и что плохо,
Znayu, chto khorosho i chto plokho,
[I] know, what [is] good and what [is] bad,

[:Знаю, что на земле существую не зря,
[:Znayu, chto na zemle sushchestvuyu ne zrya,
[:[I] know, that on earth [I] exist not for nothing,

Потому что я верую в Бога.:]
Potomu chto ya veruyu v Boga.:]
Because I believe in God.:]

Not sung in this video
    3. Против истины войско ведёт сатана,
     Protiv istiny voysko vedot satana,
     Against truth hosts leads Satan,
     (Ie, Satan leads hosts against truth)
    Духи зла ополчились, как звери.
    Dukhi zla opolchilis', kak zveri.
    Spirits [of] evil rise in arms, like beasts.
    [:Ждёт меня впереди неземная страна,
    [:Zhdot menya vperedi nezemnaya strana,
    [:Waits for me ahead unearthly / ethereal country,
    Потому что я в Господа верю.:]
    Potomu chto ya v Gospoda veryu.:]
    Because I in [the] Lord believe.:]

4. Даже если встречаю следы катастроф,
Dazhe yesli vstrechayu sledy katastrof,
Even if [I] meet traces [of] disasters,

Исчезает из сердца тревога,
Ischezayet iz serdtsa trevoga,
Vanishes from heart alarm,

[:Как подумаю я, что есть любящий Бог,
[:Kak podumayu ya, chto yest' lyubyashchiy Bog,
[:As think I, that [there] is [a] loving God,

То я счастлив, что верую в Бога.:]
To ya schastliv, chto veruyu v Boga.:]
Then I [am] happy, that [I] believe in God.:]

5. Нет от радости слов, очень мне повезло,
Net ot radosti slov, ochen' mne povezlo,
Not for joy words, very to me lucky,

Мною найдена в небо дорога.
Mnoyu naydena v nebo doroga.
By me is found into heaven road.
    (Ie, The road into heaven to me is found)
[:На душе у меня и тепло и светло,
[:Na dushe u menya i teplo i svetlo,
[:On soul by me both warm and light

Потому что я верую в Бога.:]
Potomu chto ya veruyu v Boga.:]
Because I believe in God.:]
The group then repeats verse 1 

-------  Better English  -------

1. I walk into immortality, stepping on evil,
The road is out of sorrows and sufferings.
[: In my soul it is both warm and light
Because I believe in God. :]

2. I know what I can and cannot do,
I know what is good and what is evil,
[: I know that on earth I exist for a reason,
Because I believe in God. :]

3. Satan leads hosts against truth,
Evil spirits rise up in arms like beasts.
[: An ethereal country ahead waits for me,
Because I in the Lord believe. :]

4. Even if I meet traces of disasters,
Alarm vanishes from my heart,
[: As I think that there is a loving God,
Then I am happy that I believe in God. :]

5. There are no words  of joy, I am so fortunate,
By me is found the road into heaven.
[: In my soul it is both warm and light
Because I believe in God. :]

-------  English to Fit the Music  -------

1. Forward then into Life, stepping on over ill,
From the sorrows and the trials that is my way.
[: In my soul there shines light and it warms me all night,
Because I trust in God who is my stay. :]

2. There are things I can do, there are things I cannot,
I discern good and evil—the right way.
[: And I know that on earth my life here is giv'n worth,
Because I trust in God who is my stay. :]

3. Against Truth Satan comes, leading hosts in his war,
There dark spirits of ill rise against Day.
[: But ahead for me waits, glorious Land through His gates,
Because I trust in God who is my stay. :]

4. Even if I should meet tribulations and trials,
Alarms vanish from me at this bright ray:
[: As I think on God's love and the Joy from Above,
Because I trust in God who is my stay. :]

5. Here no words for my joy, I am blessed beyond all,
There before me the heavenly pathway!
[: In my soul there shines light and it warms me all night,
Because I trust in God who is my stay. :]



  1. POWERFUL lyrics! As always, thanks for working, sharing, encouraging and enlightening me, David. It is such a blessing on so many different fronts: spiritually, linguistically and musically - thus it really feeds my soul!

    1. Большое спасибо, Бэкки.
      Да благословит Вас Господь!

    2. Добро пожаловать и с Рождеством!
