Saturday, March 21, 2020

Отцы — Fathers

I like the words.  Very fitting tribute to Christian fathers.

Sung by: Группа Мелодия (Melody Group)
Words & Music: Olga Androshchuk
all based in North Sacramento County.


Отцы вы надежды на нас возлагали;
Ottsy vy nadezhdy na nas vozlagali;
Fathers, you hopes on us place;

Отцы терпеливо детей наставляли;
Ottsy terpelivo detey nastavlyali;
Fathers patiently children instructed / admonished

Отцы это мужество веры и сила;
Ottsy eto muzhestvo very i sila;
Fathers [are] this courage, faith, and strength;

Ваша любовь неизмерима.
Vasha lyubov' neizmerima.
Your (plural) love [is] immeasurable.

Отцы мы за помощью к вам прибегали
Ottsy my za pomoshch'yu k vam pribegali
Fathers, we for help to you (plural) resorted;

Отцы вы всегда нас детей понимали
Ottsy vy vsegda nas detey ponimali
Fathers, you always us children understood;

От стрел мира злобного нас закрывали
Ot strel mira zlobnogo nas zakryvali
From arrows [of] world evil [they] us were covering / shielding;

День и ночь на коленях стояли.
Den' i noch' na kolenyakh stoyali.
Day and night on knees situated.

--- Chorus
Молясь за счастливые крепкие семьи
Molyas' za schastlivyye krepkiye sem'i
Praying for [a] happy, strong family,

Не жалели не силы не время
Ne zhaleli ne sily ne vremya
Not spared [was] no effort / force, no time

Храня огонь христианской веры,
Khranya ogon' khristianskoy very,
Guarding [the] fire [of the] Christian faith,

Стали детям примером.
Stali detyam primerom.
[They] became [for] children [an] example.

Мы вам благодарны безмерно
My vam blagodarny bezmerno
We [to] you (plural) [are] grateful immensely

Мы вам благодарны безмерно.
My vam blagodarny bezmerno.
We [to] you (plural) [are] grateful immensely.

Отцы ваши руки в мозолях от боли
Ottsy vashi ruki v mozolyakh ot boli
Fathers, your hands in calluses from pain

Ваш труд совершён из огромной любовью
Vash trud sovershyon iz ogromnoy lyubov'yu
Your work is performed out of enormous love

Мы чтим и в душе понимаем и ценим
My chtim i v dushe ponimayem i tsenim
We honor and in spirit understand and appreciate (highly value)

Вашу любовь, долготерпение.
Vashu lyubov', dolgoterpeniye.
Your love, long-suffering.

Отцы как же хочется долгой вам жизни
Ottsy kak zhe khochetsya dolgoy vam zhizni
Fathers, how very [much we] wish long [for] you life

Doyti po sledam vashim pryamo k otchizne
Дойти по следам вашим прямо к отчизне
To follow along footsteps [of] yours straight to [the] Homeland

I stat' miru etomu yasnoy zvezdoyu
И стать миру этому ясной звездою
And to become to world this [a] clear star
     (ie, and to become to this world a clear star)

Идти только узкой тропою.
Idti tol'ko uzkoy tropoyu.
To go only [along the] narrow path.

--- Chorus

Отцы вы надежды на нас возлагали;
Ottsy vy nadezhdy na nas vozlagali;
Fathers, you hopes on us place;

Отцы терпеливо детей наставляли;
Ottsy terpelivo detey nastavlyali;
Fathers patiently children instruct / admonish

Отцы это мужество веры и сила;
Ottsy eto muzhestvo very i sila;
Fathers [are] this courage, faith, and strength;

Ваша любовь неизмерима.
Vasha lyubov' neizmerima.
Your (plural) love [is] immeasurable.

От стрел мира злобного нас закрывали
Ot strel mira zlobnogo nas zakryvali
From arrows [of] world evil [they] us were covering / shielding;

День и ночь на коленях стояли.
Den' i noch' na kolenyakh stoyali.
Day and night on knees situated.

_____________ In English Syntax ____________________

Father, you placed your hopes on us;
Fathers patiently instructed us children;
Fathers are this courage, faith, and strength—
Your love is immeasurable.

Fathers, we resorted to you for help;
Fathers, you always understood us children;
From arrows of the world's evil they were shielding us—
Day and night they were kneeling.

  Praying for a strong and happy family,
  No effort and no time  was spared,
  As they guarded the fire of Christian faith—
  They became for the children an example.
  We are immensely grateful to you.
  We are immensely grateful to you.

Fathers, your hands have calluses from pain;
Your work is performed out of enormous love.
We honor, understand, and appreciate in spirit
Your long-suffering love.


Fathers, how very much we wish you a long life
To follow along your footsteps straight to the Homeland
And to become to this world a clear star,
Going only along the narrow path.


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