Friday, December 4, 2020

Ночь тиха над Палестиной — Quiet Night Over Palestine

Music can be found here:
1. Ночь тиха над Палестиной.
Noch' tikha nad Palestinoy.
Night [is] quiet over Palestine.

Спит усталая земля.
Spit ustalaya zemlya.
Sleeps [the] tired earth.

Горы, рощи и долины
Gory, roshchi i doliny
Mountains, woods, and valleys

[:Скрыла всё ночная мгла.:]
[:Skryla vso nochnaya mgla.:]
[:hid all [the] night darkness.:]
  [:(Ie, The night darkness hid all):]

2. В Вифлееме утомлённом
V Vifleyeme utomlonnom
In Bethlehem wearied
   (Ie, in wearied Bethlehem)
Все погасли огоньки,
Vse pogasli ogon'ki,
All extinguished lights,
   (Ie, All lights were extinguished)
Только в поле отдалённом
Tol'ko v pole otdalonnom
Only in fields remote

[:Не дремали пастухи.:]
[:Ne dremali pastukhi.:]
[:Not slumbered [the] shepherds.:]

3. Словно что ожидали,
Slovno chto ozhidali,
As if that [they] expected,

Обходя ночной дозор,
Obkhodya nochnoy dozor,
Passing [the] night watch,

И, усевшись, завязали
I, usevshis', zavyazali
And, seated, [they] started

[:Меж собою разговор.:]
[:Mezh soboyu razgovor.:]
[:Between themselves conversation:]

4. Вдруг раздался голос нежный,
Vdrug razdalsya golos nezhnyy,
Suddenly rang out voice gentle,

Трепет пастухов объял,
Trepet pastukhov ob"yal,
Trembling [the] shepherd overtook,

И в одежде белоснежной
I v odezhde belosnezhnoy
And in robes snow-white

[:Ангел Божий им предстал.:]
[:Angel Bozhiy im predstal.:]
[:[An] angel [of] God [to] them appeared.:]

5. – Не пугайтесь, не смущайтесь!
– Ne pugaytes', ne smushchaytes'!
- Not be frightened, not be confused!

От Небесного Отца
Ot Nebesnogo Ottsa
From Heavenly Father

Я пришёл с великой тайной
YA prishol s velikoy taynoy
I arrived with great mystery

[:Вам возрадовать сердца.:]
[:Vam vozradovat' serdtsa.:]
[: [to] You (plural) to rejoice (to cause sudden joy) hearts. :]

6. Милость людям посылает
Milost' lyudyam posylayet
Mercy [to] people sends

Сам Христос, Владыка-Царь.
Sam Khristos, Vladyka-Tsar'.
Himself Christ, [the] Sovereign-King.

Грешный мир спасти желая,
Greshnyy mir spasti zhelaya,
Sinful world to save wanted,

[:Сам Себя Он в жертву дал.:]
[:Sam Sebya On v zhertvu dal.:]
[: Himself Himself He in sacrifice gave. :]
   (Ie, He Himself gave Himself in sacrifice.)

Repeat verse 1

-------  Better English  -------

1. The night is quiet over Palestine.
The tired earth sleeps.
Mountains, woods, and valleys—
[:The night darkness hid everything.:]

2. In weary Bethlehem
All the lights were extinguished,
Only in the remote fields
[:The shepherd did not slumber.:]

3. They expected little else
And to pass the night watch,
They being seated, started
[:Conversation among themselves.:]

4. Suddenly a gently voice rang out,
Trembling overtook the shepherds,
And in snowy-white raiment
[:An angel of the Lord appeared to them.:]

5. Do not fear, be not confused!
From the Heavenly Father
I arrived with a great mystery
[: To cause your hearts to rejoice suddenly!:]

6. Christ Himself, the Sovereign King
Sends mercy to the people.
Wanting to save the sinful world,
[:He Himself gave Himself as sacrifice.:]



Another version

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

В Ночном Саду — In The Night Garden


Written by: Владимир Федорович Шишкарёв 
(Vladimir Fedorovich Shishkaryov)

Opening conversation:
     (thank you, TG)

Boy - What are you reading?
Girl - Read to us too.
Older girl, reading - The time had come for Mary to give birth. The holy travelers had wandered for a long time, seeking shelter, but meanwhile, night fell, and they decided to spend the night in the outskirts of the city, in a cave where shepherds sheltered in bad weather, and in these conditions, in a cold cave, took place the greatest event in the lives of all people. On this holy night was born the God-man, Jesus Christ, the Savior of all the world. The holy virgin Mary swaddled the baby and laid him in a manger, a feeding trough for cattle. That night, shepherds were pasturing their flocks in the fields, when suddenly like lighting stood before them a radiant shining angel, and the shepherds were very afraid, but the angel of God said - Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Go to the cave and you will find the baby lying in a manger.
1. В ночном саду прохладно и светло,
V nochnom sadu prokhladno i svetlo,
In night garden cool and bright,

Стоит наш мирный дом.
Stoit nash mirnyy dom.
Stands our peaceful home.

Проходит ангел, белое крыло
Prokhodit angel, beloye krylo
Passes [an] angel, white wing

Мелькает за окном.
Mel'kayet za oknom.
flashes outside [the] window.

В пещере ослик кушает овёс,
V peshchere oslik kushayet ovyos
In [a] grotto [a] donkey eats oats,

В яслях лежит Христос,
V yaslyakh lezhit Khristos,
In [a] creche lays [the] Christ,

Ослёнок носом тянется к Нему,
Oslyonok nosom tyanetsya k Nemu,
[A] donkey foal nose reaches toward Him,
   (Ie, the foal reaches [its] nose toward Him)
Звезда глядит во тьму.
Zvezda glyadit vo t'mu.
[A] star gazes into darkness.

2. Мария держит Сына на руках,
Mariya derzhit Syna na rukakh,
Mary holds [the] Son in arms,

Иосиф греет чай.
Iosif greyet chay.
Joseph warms [the] tea.

Тут ангел им сказал о пастухах:
Tut angel im skazal o pastukhakh:
Then [the] angel [to] them said about [the] shepherds:

"Сейчас придут, встречай!"
"Seychas pridut, vstrechay!"
"Now [they] come, greet [them]!"


3. Волхвы дары свои Ему несут,
Volkhvy dary svoi Yemu nesut,
[The] Magi gifts their own [to] Him carry/bring,

За ними важно вслед
Za nimi vazhno vsled
After them importantly in wake

Верблюды длинноногие идут,
Verblyudy dlinnonogiye idut,
Camels long-legged come,

Звезда им дарит свет.
Zvezda im darit svet.
[The] star them gives light.


-------  Better English  -------

1. In the night garden cool and bright,
Stands our peaceful home.
An angel passes, white wing
Flashes outside the window

In a grotto a donkey eats oats,
In a creche lays the Christ,
The donkey foal reaches its nose toward Him,
The star gazes into darkness.

2. Mary holds the Son in her arms,
Joseph warms the tea.
Then the angel told them of the shepherds:
"They are coming now, greet them!"


3. The Magi bring to Him their own gifts;
Following after in their wake,
Long-legged camels come;
The star gives them light.


See this link for new words set to this same tune.