Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Wonderful and Marvelous — Велики и чудны

Велики и чудны дела Твои,
Veliki i chudny dela Tvoi,
Great  and marvelous [are] works [of] Yours,
Господи, Боже Вседержитель.
Gospodi, Bozhe Vsederzhitel'.
Lord, God All-mighty.  
Праведны и истинны пути Твои,
Pravedny i istinny puti Tvoi,
Righteous and true [are] ways [of Yours, 
Царь Святых.
Tsar' Svyatykh.
King [of] saints.
Кто не убоится не прославит Тебя,
Kto ne uboitsya he proslavit Tebya,
Who not fear [and] not glorify You, 
Ибо Ты Един Свят.
Ibo Ty Yedin Svyat.
For You Alone [are] Holy. 
Все народы преклонятся пред Тобой,
Vsye narody preklonyatsya pred Toboi,
All nations will bow themselves before You, 
Ибо Ты Един Свят.
For You Alone [are] Holy.
Все народы преклонятся пред Тобой,

     Свят, Свят,
     Svyat, svyat,
     Holy, holy, 
     Ты Един Свят,
     Ty Yedin svyat,
     You Alone [are] holy, 
     Свят, Свят,
     Svyat, svyat,
     Holy, holy, 
     Ты Един Свят,
     Ty Yedin svyat,
     You Alone [are] holy.
NOTE: Simon and the brothers filmed this at Cape Kiwanda State Natural Area in Oregon. 

Interesting fact about the Russian language:
      Свят (Svyat) is Russian for holy
      Свет (Svyet) is Russian for light
Yes, they are related! And that makes complete sense since He who dwells in unapproachable Light should be most Holy—in fact, the thrice Holy God!