Friday, February 28, 2020

Обратись, Господи! — Turn, O Lord!

Simon Khorolskiy & The Martens Sisters - Обратись, Господи!
   Original song composed by Simon Khorolskiy
   Lyrics adapted by Simon Khorolskiy & Zarina Kozlov
   Based on Psalm 89 (Russian Synodal Version) (Ps. 90 in English)

Господи, Ты нам прибежище,
Gospodi, Ty nam pribezhishche,
O Lord, You [are] our refuge,
Прежде нежели горы родились,
Prezhde nezheli gory rodilis',
Before then mountains born,
Ты образовал вселенную 
Ty obrazoval vselennuyu
You formed [the] universe
И во веки вечные Бог - Ты
I vo veki vechnyye Bog - Ty
And forever and ever God You [are].

Тысячи лет пред лицем Твоим
Tysyachi let pred litsem Tvoim
[A] thousand years before face [of] Yours
Промелькнут как день или час один,
Promel'knut kak den' ili chas odin,
Flash by like a day or hour one,
    (ie, or one hour)
Наводнением нас уносишь Ты,
Navodneniyem nas unosish' Ty,
[With the] flood us carry away You,
    (ie, You carry us away with the flood)
Дни проходят быстро и мы летим.
Dni prokhodyat bystro i my letim.
Days pass quickly and we fly.


Обратись, Господи!

Obratis', Gospodi!

Turn, O Lord!

Умилосердись над рабами Ты,

Umiloserdis' nad rabami Ty,

Have pity upon slaves [of] Yours,

Рано насыти нас милостью Твоей

Rano nasyti nas milost'yu Tvoyey

Early sate (fill) us [with] grace [of] Yours

И мы будем радоваться во все наши дни

I my budem radovat'sya vo vse nashi dni

And we will be happy in all our days.



Все наши дни прошли во гневе Твоем,
Vse nashi dni proshli vo gneve Tvoyem,
All our days passed in wrath [of] Yours,
Мы теряем как звук наши лета.
My teryayem kak zvuk nashi leta.
We lose as [a] sound our years.
    (ie, We lose our years as a sound)
    (English Bible: We finish our years with a groan)
Дней наших семьдесят лет,
Dney nashikh sem'desyat let,
Days [of] ours [are] seventy years
И восемьдесят пройдёт без следа...
I vosem'desyat proydyot bez sleda...
And eighty pass withou [a] trace...
И нас уже нет.
I nas uzhe net. 
And we are not.

В смятенье мы от Твоей ярости,
V smyaten'ye my ot Tvoyey yarosti,
In dismay [are] we vy Your furry,
И кто устоит пред гневом Твоим?
I kto ustoit pred gnevom Tvoim?
And who can stand before wrath [of] Yours?
Научи нас так счислять дни,
Nauchi nas tak schislyat' dni,
Teach us how to number days,
Сердце мудрое чтоб обрести.
Serdtse mudroye chtob obresti.
[A] heart [of] wisdom so that to acquire.
    (ie, In oder to acquire a heart of wisdom)

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Я Верю В Любовь — I Believe in Love

Что нас всех объединить сможет?
Chto nas vsekh ob"yedinit' smozhet?
What us all to unite can?

Что нам всем лучше жить поможет?
Chto nam vsem luchshe zhit' pomozhet?
What [to] us all to better live help?

Что нам счастья вкус подарит?
Chto nam schast'ya vkus podarit?
What [to] us] happiness taste will give/will bring?

Яркими цветами жизнь украсит.
Yarkimi tsvetami zhizn' ukrasit.
[With] bright colors life will decorate.

Я верю в любовь
YA veryu v lyubov'
I believe in love

Бог дал нам любовь!
Bog dal nam lyubov'!
God gave us love!

И сила любви побеждает мир вновь!
I sila lyubvi pobezhdayet mir vnov'!
And [the] power ]of] love overcomes [the] world again!

Бог учил нас любить, показал нам как жить.
Bog uchil nas lyubit', pokazal nam kak zhit'.
God taught us love, showed us how to live.

Мы можем в сердцах свет любви включить.
My mozhem v serdtsakh svet lyubvi vklyuchit'.
We can in hearts light [of] love turn on.

Слово Божье – это жизни звуки
Slovo Bozh'ye – eto zhizni zvuki
[The] Word [of] God [is] the [of] life sound

Может исцелить, поднять нам руки
Mozhet istselit', podnyat' nam ruki
[It] can heal, raise for us hands, 

Вдохновить, на светлый путь направить
Vdokhnovit', na svetlyy put' napravit'
Inspire, on bright path direct

Боли тень уйти оно заставит.
Boli ten' uyti ono zastavit.
Pain's shadow escape it (subject) force.
   [ie, It will force the shadow of pain to go away.]

Я верю в любовь
YA veryu v lyubov'
I believe in love

Бог дал нам любовь!
Bog dal nam lyubov'!
God gave us love!

И сила любви побеждает мир вновь!
I sila lyubvi pobezhdayet mir vnov'!
And [the] power ]of] love overcomes [the] world again!

Бог учил нас любить, показал нам как жить.
Bog uchil nas lyubit', pokazal nam kak zhit'.
God taught us love, showed us how to live.

Мы можем в сердцах свет любви включить.
My mozhem v serdtsakh svet lyubvi vklyuchit'.
We can in hearts light [of] love turn on.

Сия есть победа, победившая мир, навсегда.
Siya yest' pobeda, pobedivshaya mir, navsegda.
This is victory, [that] conquered [the] world forever.


--------------------- Better English ---------------------
What can unite us all?
What can help us all to live better?
What will bring us the taste of happiness?
Life will decorate with bright colors.

   I believe in love
   God gave us love!
   And the power of love overcomes the world again.
   God taught us to love, showed us how to live.
   In our hearts we can turn on the light of love.

The Word of God is the sound of life,
It can heal and raise our hands,
It can inspire and direct on the bright path.
It will force the shadow of pain to flee.

   I believe in love
   God gave us love!
   And the power of love overcomes the world again.
   God taught us to love, showed us how to live.
   In our hearts we can turn on the light of love.
   This is victory that conquered the world forever.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Не Привыкайте — Do Not Grow Used To

Words by: Margarita Kolomiytseva 
                (Маргарита Коломийцева)

English translation by: David Benning

Do not grow used to the beauty of woodlands,
To serenity of night, to the magic of a dawn,
To the velvety lavender richness of an espresso**,
And to the warmth of someone's casual words.

Do not grow used to books and rain,
To peals of thunder and winds so cold,
To your taking tea with amber-colored honey,
Or inhaling the smell of the morning sun.

Do not grow used to old cities,
To their houses nor their familiar streets,
To churches on estated manors, either humble or huge,
And to long conversations, heart-to-heart.

Breathe fully and deeply.  Life is not forever.
Appreciate every moment.
And above all...
Do not grow used to love...
Do not grow used to loved ones ever!
** Line 3: Author's word: ристретто, ristretto.
     Ristretto is a short shot of espresso coffee made with half the water
     but the same amount of grounds.  Thus more concentrated.

The author's comments on the poem:
Недавно мне написала одна девушка и попросила разрешение снять клип на мои слова. Во время съемок у нее обнаружили опухоль и для нее стихотворение приобрело совсем иной, очень личный смысл.

Послушайте, что получилось.
Recently, a girl wrote to me and asked for permission to shoot a clip of my words. During the filming, she was diagnosed with a tumor and the poem acquired a very different, very personal meaning for her.
Listen to what happened.
To someone who missed the point of her poem, she wrote:
Ты совсем не понял основную мысль. Не привыкайте, значит не обесценивайте. Когда мы к чему-то привыкаем, мы перестаём это ценить.
You don't understand the basic idea at all. Don't get used to it, so don't devalue it. When we get used to something, we stop appreciating it.