This started as a poem, probably in 1980. And there it sat for 20 years until I was inspired to tweak it, adjust it and set it to music. The end result is much more flowing, much more lyrical and conveys the sense of wonder at God's unbounded love toward us that I had initially tried to give. It is out of His love that any of us are saved—rescued from wrath. It is
not from anything that we have done,
"but according to His mercy He saved us." (Titus 3:5)
The mp3
may be found here.
Cool is the rushing wind of God,
dancing o'er parched and barren ground,
bringing life,
bringing rain,
bringing love where strife did abound.
Deep is the flowing Love of God,
rippling throughout eternity,
bearing fruit,
yielding fruit,
echoing of Calvary!
Dark are God's mysteries:
giving up His Son.
Dying for us our life to bring;
sacrifice of Love so staggering!
Bright is the morning in God's Plan,
cascading from His wounded hands:
risen Lord,
saving Lord;
see His children all adore Him.
Loud are the chords which in heaven ring,
praising the Lord, His Holiness:
King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
Sov'reign God by earth adored.
Praise to His Name,
Praise now His Name,
which ev'ry tongue shall confess!
- D. Benning