Saturday, May 16, 2020

Повей, Великий Божий Дух — Breathe Great Spirit of God

1 куплет:
Повей, Великий Божий Дух,
Povey, Velikiy Bozhiy Dukh,
Breath, Great God's Spirit,

На Церковь Божию,
Na Tserkov' Bozhiyu,
On Church [of] God,

Чтобы росли в ней, как в саду,
Chtoby rosli v ney, kak v sadu,
So to grow in her, as in garden,

Плоды хорошие.
Plody khoroshiye.
Fruit good.

Чтоб умножалась благодать,
Chtob umnozhalas' blagodat',
So that may increase grace,

Generosity / goodness,

Чтобы на зов: «Кого послать?»
Chtoby na zov: «Kogo poslat'?»
So that on [the] call: "Whom to send?"

Нашлись идущие.
Nashlis' idushchiye.
Found ones who go.

2 куплет:
Даруй, Господь, язык нам знать,
Daruy, Gospod', yazyk nam znat',
Give, O Lord, language to us to know,

Понятный ближнему,
Ponyatnyy blizhnemu,
Clear [to the] nearest (ie, the neighbors)

Чтоб знали мы кому сказать
Chtob znali my komu skazat'
So that knew we to whom to tell

Без слова лишнего.
Bez slova lishnego.
Without word excess.

Борцов за правду в мире лжи
Bortsov za pravdu v mire lzhi
Fighters for truth in world [of] lies

Теснят пока ещё,
Tesnyat poka yeshchyo,
[They] press still,

Дух правды вечной, поддержи
Dukh pravdy vechnoy, podderzhi
Spirit [of] truth eternal, support

[the] weary.


3 куплет:
Наш путь среди земных дорог
Nash put' sredi zemnykh dorog
Our way amongst earthly roads

Отмечен тернами…
Otmechen ternami…
Marked [with] thorns...

Бог сил, как часть Твоих даров,
Bog sil, kak chast' Tvoikh darov,
God [of] power, as part [of] Your gifts,

Дай сил быть верными!
Day sil byt' vernymi!
Give strength to be faithful

Чтоб мы разумно жить могли
Chtob my razumno zhit' mogli
So that we reasonably live might

А не в беспечности
A ne v bespechnosti
And not in recklessness

Чтоб отряхнули пыль земли
Chtob otryakhnuli pyl' zemli
So that [we] shook off dust [of] earth

В предверьи вечности,
V predver'i vechnosti,
On threshold [of] eternity,

В предверьи вечности.
V predver'i vechnosti.
On threshold [of] eternity.

Other links:

Acapella cover

В этот период как то особенно начинаешь ценить церковью! У нас нет достаточно возможности для общения, друг с другом, как обычно.... но мы сильны когда Господь с нами! Даже во время карантина и грядущих бедствий... молитва наша о том, что бы Дух Святой утешил и поддержал церковь. Особенно слабых в вере, гонимых и тех кто трудится на «побелевшей жатве». Ко дню пятидесятницы 2020 представляем вашему внимаю очередную нашу обработку, песни Ольги Заворотней «Повей Великий Божий Дух»

SOCART - «Повей Великий Божий Дух» (acapella cover)

During this period you begin to appreciate the Church in particular! We don't have enough opportunities to communicate with each other as usual.... but we are strong when the Lord is with us! Even during quarantine, and a looming disaster... our prayer is that the Holy Spirit will comfort and support the Church. Especially the weak in faith, the persecuted and those who work on the "whitened harvest". By the day of Pentecost 2020 we present to your attention our next processing, the song of Olga Zavorotnya "Povey the Great Spirit of God"

SOCART - "Blow the Great Spirit of God" (acapella cover)

----------------------- A more flowing English version ------------------------

1. Breathe, Great Spirit of God,
Upon God's Church,
So to grow in her, as in a garden,
Good fruit

So that grace may increase
along with goodness,
So that the call of "Whom to send?"
Will find ones who go.

2. Give, O Lord, knowledge to us of language
That is clear to those nearby,
So that we would know whom to tell
Without an excess word.

Fighters for truth in a world of lies,
They are still being pressed,
Spirit of eternal truth,
Support the weary.


3. Our way amongst earthly roads
is marked with thorns...
God of Power, as part of Your gifts,
Give strength to be faithful.

So that we might live reasonably
And not in recklessness;
So that we shake off earth's dust
On the threshold of eternity.

------------------- fitting to the music ------------------------

1. O breathe, O breathe Great Spirit of God
Upon Your holy Church
So she grows like a garden dear
To yield her godly fruit, to yield her godly fruit.

To increase grace in every means
And grow in goodness too
So that the call of "Whom to send?"
Is matched by feet that go, is matched by feet that go.

2. O give, O Lord, us tongues to know
So words we use are clear,
So we would know then how to speak
Without an excess word, without an excess word.

These fighters for the Truth midst lies
Are sorely being pressed;
Great Spirit of Eternal Truth,
Support the weak and faint, support the weak and faint.

3. Our way among the paths on earth
Is marked with many_a thorn;
Great God of Pow'r, as You give Gifts,
Grant us to faithful be, grant us to faithful be.

So that we might live reasoned lives,
and not in recklessness
So that we shake off earthly dust
At threshold of fore'er, at threshold of fore'er.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

I Cried to God (Ps. 77)

1. I cried to God; I sought Him in great earnestness.
My spirit groaned: Where are the times of promises?
Will the Lord reject and cast away His favor?
Will He lay aside His mercy and His love?

  To this I will appeal: the years of His right hand—
  the mighty hand of God above, the risen Son.
  Yesterday, today, and forever more—
  His Word is sure, His Kingdom come, His will be done!

2. Your ways, O God, are holy, just, and righteous.
There's none like You, displaying might with kindness.
See, Your mighty arm redeemed us as Your people;
Finish now the work that You began in love!


3. O, light the way and thunder from Your dwelling place;
Rend now the heav'ns and show You might and awesome grace.
Till the nations see Your arm of might and glory,
Finishing the work that You began in love!


Wednesday, May 13, 2020

To God Be the Glory

   I was listening to an old Russian hymn, О, Если б Навеки, and the tune became embedded in my mind.  Soon, I was imagining English words or maybe an existing English hymn fitted to the tune.  Next thing I knew I heard Fanny J. Crosby's old classic working it's way into the meter.  It works—almost.  In addition to Fanny's hymn having a chorus, the syllables of the verses are  This tune, however, is  Thus the second and fourth lines needed to be trimmed by one syllable.  Mission accomplished.

I like the new take on an old classic.  I like the bright sounds (in spite of a minor key) and the emphasis the music places on the last three syllables of the second & fourth lines.

Note: This was my first attempt to record over the internet with smart phones—Piano in one town and the Soprano in another, then mixing the two together.

To God be the glory, great things He has done!
So loved He the world that He gave His Son,
Who yielded His life an atonement for sin,
And opened the life-gate to bring us in.

O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood!
To ev'ry believer the pledge of God:
The vilest offender who truly believes,
That moment forgiveness from Christ receives.

Great things He has taught us, great things He has done,
And great our rejoicing through Christ the Son;
But purer and higher and greater will be
Our wonder, our transport when Christ we see!

O praise God, O praise Him! Let earth hear His voice!
Now praise ye the Lord, let His flock rejoice!
O come to the Father through Jesus the Son,
And give Him the glory for great things done!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Свеча — Candle

Sung by: Группа Мелодия
Composer: Olga Androshchuk

1 куплет:
Как догорит свеча, не оставив след от себя?
Kak dogorit svecha, ne ostaviv sled ot sebya?
How will burn down [a] candel, no left trace of itself?

Как падает звезда, так на ладонях жизнь у тебя.
Kak padayet zvezda, tak na ladonyakh zhizn' u tebya.
As falls [a] star, so in palms life you have.

Жизнь, как алмаза блеск,как приятный сон, но пуста. 
Zhizn', kak almaza blesk,kak priyatnyy son, no pusta.
Life, like [a] diamond sparkle, like [a] pleasant dream, but empty.

Жизнь, полная надежд и печальных слов, без Христа.
Zhizn', polnaya nadezhd i pechal'nykh slov, bez Khrista.
Life, full [of] hopes and sad words without Christ.

Ты посмотри на крест.
Ty posmotri na krest.
You! Look on [the] cross.

Это место встречи с Христом.
Eto mesto vstrechi s Khristom.
This place [of] meeting with Christ.

Знай, в Боге счастье есть,
Znay, v Boge schast'ye yest',
Know (imperative), in God happiness is,

В Боге есть покой. Бог-любовь.
V Boge yest' pokoy. Bog-lyubov'.
In God is peace.  God [is] love.

2 куплет:
Знай, Он за нас отдал драгоценный дар-жизнь Свою.
Znay, On za nas otdal dragotsennyy dar-zhizn' Svoyu.
Know (imperative), He for us gave precious gift-life [of] His own.

Смерть на Себя принял, чтобы Ты и я жил в раю.
Smert' na Sebya prinyal, chtoby Ty i ya zhil v rayu.
Death upon Himself [He] took, so that You and I could live in Paradise.

Знай, муки для тебя, слезы для тебя и любовь.
Znay, muki dlya tebya, slezy dlya tebya i lyubov'.
Know (imperative), anguish [is] for you, tears [are] for you and love.

Тот, Кто был без греха, без порока был, пролил кровь.
Tot, Kto byl bez grekha, bez poroka byl, prolil krov'.
He, Who was without sin, without fault was, shed blood.


Он за нас пострадал, кровь Свою проливал
On za nas postradal, krov' Svoyu prolival
He for us suffered, blood His own spilled

Был распятым за грех всего мира. Ты на крест посмотри.
Byl raspyatym za grekh vsego mira. Ty na krest posmotri.
Was crucified for sins [of] whole world.  You, on [the] cross look!

Там в пролитой крови Твоя жизнь, твоя боль - Божья сила.
Tam v prolitoy krovi Tvoya zhizn', tvoya bol' - Bozh'ya sila.
There in [the] spilled blood [is] your life, your pain — God's power!


_________ English Version ________

1. How will a candle burn down, no trace left of itself?
As a star falls, so you have life in your palms.
Life, like a diamond sparkle, like a pleasant dream, is but empty.
Life is full of hopes and sad words without Christ.

   Look upon the cross!
   This is the place of meeting with Christ.
   Know that in God is happiness,
   In God is peace—God is Love.

2. Know that He gave for us a precious gift — His own life:
He took Death upon Himself so that you and I could live in Paradise.
Know that the anguish is for you, the tears are for you, and the love.
He, Who was without sin, without fault, shed His blood.

   He suffered for us, spilled His own blood,
   Was crucified for the whole world's sins.  Look upon the cross!
   There in the spilled blood is your life, your pain — God's power!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

It Is Not Frightful If

It is not frightful if you didn't find time for something
Or with years the step becomes shorter.
Much more frightful is when in a youthful body
There lives an empty, decrepit soul.

It is not frightful if you stumbled somewhere,
Or the ground falls away from under your feet.
Much more frightful is when under a layer of dust
The exhausted spirit has not strength to take a breath.

It is not frightful if you have beliefs
for which you will come to pay with your head.
Much more frightful is when mere opinion
Is elevated to the rank of holy truth.

It is not frightful if in somethings you are not confident
And look for a way and cry that it hurts.
Much more frightful is to meet a hypocrite,
Who is not confident, but talks loudly
Or remains silent before everyone
Eloquently in rotten Pharisaical rightness.

How frightful in seeing the Light but not being happy,
To follow after Him, but not to be in Christ.

Margarita Kolomiytseva


The Original....

Не страшно если что-то не успели,
Или с годами стал короче шаг.
Куда страшнее, когда в юном теле
Живет пустая, дряхлая душа.

Не страшно если где-то оступились,
Или земля уходит из-под ног.
Куда страшней, когда под слоем пыли
Изжитый дух не в силах сделать вдох.

Не страшно если вам за убежденья
Придется поплатиться головой.
Куда страшнее, когда просто мненье
Возводится в ранг истины святой.

Не страшно, если в чем-то не уверен
И ищешь путь, и плачешь, что болит.
Куда страшнее встретить лицемера,
Который не уверен, но кричит,
Или молчит при всех красноречиво
В прогнившей фарисейской правоте.

Как страшно видя свет не быть счастливым,
Ходить за Ним, но не быть во Христе.

Маргарита Коломийцева

Христос Воскрес — Christ is Risen

Группа Мелодия sings in Ukrainian.  Olga Androshchuk also provided the lyrics in Russian which I could translate far more easily.

Радостным утром не таким как всегда
Radostnym utrom ne takim kak vsegda
Happy morning, not such like always

Расцветало все Божье Творенье
Rastsvetalo vse Bozh'ye Tvoren'ye
Flourished all God's creation

Мы пришли поклониться и прославить Христа
My prishli poklonit'sya i proslavit' Khrista
We have come to worship and to glorify Christ

За надежду что дал, за Его Воскресенье.
Za nadezhdu chto dal, za Yego Voskresen'ye.
For [the] hope that [He] gave, for His Resurrection.

Христос воскрес
Khristos voskres
Christ is risen

Христос воскрес
Khristos voskres
Christ is risen

Всё торжествуй земля и люди
Vsyo torzhestvuy zemlya i lyudi
All celebrate/triumph (imperative) earth and peoples

Настанет день и скоро с Ним
Nastanet den' i skoro s Nim
Will come [the] day and soon with Him

Воскреснем и мы и радость будет.
Voskresnem i my i radost' budet.
will be raised up as well we and joy [there] will be.

Божья любовь нас спасла от греха
Bozh'ya lyubov' nas spasla ot grekha
God's love us saved from sin

Он весь мир держит крепко в ладонях
On ves' mir derzhit krepko v ladonyakh
He [the] whole world keeps/supports firmly in [the] palms [of His hands]

Он послал для нас Сына Иисуса Христа
On poslal dlya nas Syna Iisusa Khrista
He sent for us [the] Son Jesus Christ

Чтоб Он умер, воскрес и исполнилось слово.
Chtob On umer, voskres i ispolnilos' slovo.
So that He died, rose again, and fulfilled [the] word. 
                    (ie, and the word be fulfilled)

---------- English translation following better syntax -------

Happy morning, unlike any other:
All God's creation flourished.
We have come to worship and to glorify Christ
For the hope that He gave—for His Resurrection.

Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!
All earth and peoples celebrate!
The day will come and soon with Him
We also will be raised up; and joy there will be.

God's love us saved from sin;
He keeps the whole world firmly in the palms of His hands.
He sent for us His Son Jesus Christ
So that He died, rose again, and the word be fulfilled.
