“Tolle Lege.”
Take and read!
Take and read!
Oh, that we would take the Scriptures and read it, for it is
Scripture alone that is balm for soothing our soul and salve to give
sight to our blinded eyes and food for our famished spirits. As death
approaches it will not be stocks and bonds nor investments that gives
succor; comfort will not come from amassed possessions and lands; repose
will not be found in progeny nor accolades and awards. No, your only
comfort will be that you are found in Christ and this assurance is only
made known in the Bible. Therefore we must take and read! Herein is our only comfort and assurance in this life. Christ our sufficiency, our goal, our life! But to find Him we must take and read!
Tolle Lege is from Augustine's Confessions
Tolle Lege is from Augustine's Confessions