Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Лучший День — Best Day Ever

Video as show from Белый Ангел

1 куплет:
Спала земля, но открылись небеса,
Spala zemlya, no otkrylis' nebesa,
Slept [the] earth, but opened [the] heavens,

Божья воля в движение пришла.
Bozh'ya volya v dvizheniye prishla.
God's will in motion came.
  (Ie., God's will was set in motion.)

Миру Царь был рождён, это Бог излил
Miru Tsar' byl rozhdon, eto Bog izlil
[To the] world [the] King was born, this God poured

Его благоволение,
Yego blagovoleniye,
His favor/grace,

И теперь каждый год вся земля поёт
I teper' kazhdyy god vsya zemlya poyot
And now every year all [the] earth sings

Воспевая Христа рождение.
Vospevaya Khrista rozhdeniye.
Singing (hymning/glorifying) Christ's birth.


Рождество это лучший день для меня,
Rozhdestvo eto luchshiy den' dlya menya,
Christmas [is] the best day for me,

Хочу поздравить с этим днём и тебя,
Khochu pozdravit' s etim dnom i tebya,
[I] want to congratulate on this day and you,

Хочу чтоб радость наполняла все сердца.
Khochu chtob radost' napolnyala vse serdtsa.
[I] want so that joy filled all hearts.

Рождество и каждый человек увидит вновь,
Rozhdestvo i kazhdyy chelovek uvidit vnov',
Christmas and every person will see again,

Через рождение Христа Божью любовь,
Cherez rozhdeniye Khrista Bozh'yu lyubov',
Through [the] birth [of] Christ God's love,

Божью любовь, рождество покажет вновь.
Bozh'yu lyubov', rozhdestvo pokazhet vnov'.
God's love, Christmas will show again.

2 куплет:
Как было всё знают даже малыши,
Kak bylo vso znayut dazhe malyshi,
As it was all know even [the] children,

Божий ангел заговорил к Марии.
Bozhiy angel zagovoril k Marii.
God's angel spoke to Mary.

И послушно она приняла своё
I poslushno ona prinyala svoyo
And obediently she accepted her

В Боге предназначение.
V Boge prednaznacheniye.
In God purpose/destiny.

Миру Царь был рождён, Мессия Христос,
Miru Tsar' byl rozhdon, Messiya Khristos,
[To the] earth [the] King was born, [the] Messiah Christ,

Это Божье для всех спасение.
Eto Bozh'ye dlya vsekh spaseniye.
This [is] God's for all salvation.

Наш праздник в том, что любит Бог людей,
Nash prazdnik v tom, chto lyubit Bog lyudey,
Our festival/celebration in that, that loves God people,

Что Его Сын всегда нам дарит свет.
Chto Yego Syn vsegda nam darit svet.
That His Son always us gives light.

Он на землю пришёл, Сам спустился к нам,
On na zemlyu prishol, Sam spustilsya k nam,
He to earth came, Himself descended to us,

Чтобы подарить любовь
Chtoby podarit' lyubov'
So that to give love

Он прощение даёт, исцеляет всех,
On proshcheniye dayot, istselyayet vsekh,
He forgiveness gives, heals everyone

Кто ищет, тот всегда найдёт.
Kto ishchet, tot vsegda naydot.
Who seeks, those always [He] will find.
--------------------- Better English ---------------------

Verse 1.
The earth slept but the heavens opened;
God's will was set in motion.
To the world a King was born,
His grace;
And now every year the whole earth sings,
Caroling Christ's birth.

Christmas is the best day for me,
I want to wish you the best on this day.
I want all hearts so filled with joy.
Christmas and everyone will again see
God's Love through the birth of Christ—
God's Love, Christmas will show again.

Verse 2.
As even the children know
God's angel spoke to Mary.
And obediently she accepted
Her purpose in God.
To the earth the King was born, the Messiah Christ—
This of God for everyone is salvation.

In this our celebration is that God loves people,
That His Son always gives us light.
He came to earth, He Himself descended;
So as to give us love,
He gives forgiveness, heals everyone
Who seeks, He will always find those.