Thursday, November 1, 2018

How Good and Pleasant — Как Хорошо и Приятно

Psalm 133

Как хорошо и приятно жить братьям вместе (2 раза)
Kak khorosho i priyatno zhit' brat'yam vmeste (2 raza)
How good and pleasant [it is for] to live brothers together (2x)

Как хорошо  жить братьям вместе (2 раза)
Kak khorosho  zhit' brat'yam vmeste (2 raza)
How good  [it is for] to live brothers together

Словно елей драгоценный на бороде Аарона (2 раза)
Slovno yeley dragotsennyy na borode Aarona (2 raza)
Like oil precious on [the] beard [of] Aaron (2x)

Словно елей драгоценный на бороде Аарона (2 раза)
Slovno yeley na borode Aarona (2 raza)
Like oil on [the] beard [of] Aaron (2x)

Словно роса Ермонская на горах Сиона (2 раза)
Slovno rosa Yermonskaya na gorakh Siona (2 raza)
Like dew [of] Hermon on mountains of Zion  (2x)

Словно роса Ермонская на горах Сиона (2 раза)
Slovno rosa  na gorakh Siona (2 raza)
Like dew on mountains of Zion  (2x)

Там заповедал Господь нам, благословил навеки (2 раза)
Tam zapovedal Gospod' nam, blagoslovil naveki (2 raza)
There commanded [the] Lord [to/for] us, blessed forever

Там Господь нас благословил навеки (2 раза)
Tam Gospod' nas blagoslovil naveki (2 raza)
There [the] Lord [of] us blessed forever

New Heaven — Новое Небо

Книга Откровение, 21:1 - 5
Kniga Otkrovennye, 21:1 - 5
Book [of] Revelation  21:1 - 5

NOTE: phrases set in (parentheses and in italics) are those found in the Bible but NOT used in Simon's song

И увидел я новое небо и новую землю,
I uvidel  ya  noboye nebo i novuyu zemlyu,
And saw (perfect tense) I new heaven and new earth,

ибо прежнее небо и прежняя земля миновали, ( → и моря уже нет.  ← )
ibo prezhneye nebo i prezhnyaya zemlya minovali,   (i mora uzhe nyet.)
for [the] old heaven and [the] old earth [were] passed,  ( and [the] sea there [was] not.)

И я, ( → Иоанн  ← ), увидел святый город Иерусалим,
I ya, (Ioann), uvidel svyatyi gorod Iepusalim,
And I, (John), saw (perfect tense) holy city Jerusalem,

новый, сходящий от Бога с неба,
novyi, skhodyashchii ot Boga s neba.
new, descending from God from heaven.

    (→ приготовленный как невеста, украшенная для мужа своего.  ← )
          ( prigotoblennyi kak nevesta, ukrashennaya dlya myzha svoego.)
           (prepared as [a] bride, adorned for husband hers.)

Girls: И услышал я громкий голос с неба, говорящий:
           I  uslyshal ya gromkii golos s neba, govoryashchii:
          And heard (perfect tense) I [a] loud voice from heaven, saying:

се, скиния Бога с человеками, и Он будет обитать с ними;
se, skiniya Boga s  chelovekami, i On budet obitat  s  nimi
behold, [the] tabernacle [of] God [is] with men, and He will dwell with them

они будут Его народом, и Сам Бог с ними будет Богом их.
oni budut Yego narodom, i Sam Bog s nimi budet Bogom ikh.
They will be His people, and Himself God  with them will be God theirs.

Simon: И отрёт Бог всякую слезу с очей их, и смерти не будет уже;
             I otryot Bog vsyakuyu slezu  c ochei  ikx,  i smerti  ne budet  uzhe;
        And will wipe  God every tear from eyes theirs, and death not will be no longer;

ни плача, ни вопля, ни болезни ( → уже не будет, ← ) ибо прежнее прошло.
ni  placha, ni boplya, ni bolezni   (  uzhe ne budet,  )   ibo prezhnee proshlo.
no crying, no sorrow, no sickness (already not will be) for former passed (perfect tense)

Girls: И сказал Сидящий на престоле: се, творю все новое. И говорит мне:
          I skazal  Sidyashchii na prestole:  sye, tvoryu  vsye novoe.   I rovopit mnye:
       And said [One who is] seated on throne: behold [I] make all new.  And [he] said to me:

All: напиши; ибо слова сии истинны и верны, истинны и верны.
       napishi;  ibo slova sii istinny  i  istinny  verny,    istinny  i  verny.
       Write (command, perfect tense): for words these [are] true and faithful, true and faithful!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

White Clouds

This song has so much joy running through it.  Simon did a wonderful job of telling the video story as well as highlighting the words.  An interesting comment that someone wrote on his post: "I remember singing this with my grandmother."  That's why I am so excited to present this English version that fits the meter of the song.

        - - - - - - - - - - - -

I am running to the distant blue horizon,
All around are fields in shining golden light;
Clouds of white rush by and sweep then over top me,
But lonely they have left me out of sight.

And the wind, the field's aroma now is breathing,
It enlivens me to fight this weary strife;
And the meadow seems to me most sweet and precious,
Like my homeland far away past this long night.

How I'd like to fly together with the white clouds,
Far away from all earth's evil, sin and strife,
To the heav'nly country where light shines eternal,
Where our Lord will pasture us in endless life!

The music:


My theory as to where he filmed this—

West of US 97 a little north of the Columbia River in Washington.
Near the Windy Flats Wind Farm.

Why do I assume this?
  • It is close to the Merryhill Stonehenge Memorial just east of US 97 at the Columbia River.  Simon has posted other videos from that location: The Grace of Our Lord (2 Cor. 13:14).
  • In the background of the video you can see a wind farm behind him.  The shape of the hill below the wind turbines is similar to Windy Flats.
  • Google satellite view shows well-watered farm land tucked just north of Wash SR 14.
 Scene at 1' 15"---

Scene looking northeast from Wash. SR 14 at US 97 ---

White Clouds — Тучки Белые

1.  Я бегу навстречу дали голубой,
     YA begu navstrechu dali goluboy,
     I   run    towards     distance  blue  (ie, blue horizon),

А вокруг сияньем залиты поля.
A vokrug siyan'yem zality polya.
And around radiance floods field

Тучки белые несутся надо мной
Tuchki belyye nesutsya nado mnoy
Clouds white rush / sweep over me

Одинокого оставли меня
Odinokogo ostavli menya
Lonely [they] left me.

2.  Ветер дышит ароматом полевым
     Veter dyshit aromatom polevym
     [The] wind breathes  [the] aroma [of the] field

И живит в борьбе уставшего меня.
I zhivit v bor'be ustavshego menya.
And animates in [the] struggle tiring  me
 (ie, and animates me in the tiring struggle)

          Поле кажется мне змилым, дорогим,
          Pole kazhetsya mne zmilym, dorogim,
          [The] field seems [to] me darling, sweet

          Будто родина делекая моя                                2x
          Budto rodina delekaya moya
          As if homeland far-away mine.
         (ie, as if [it is] my homeland far away.)

3.  Я хотел бы вместе с тучками лететь
     YA khotel by vmeste s tuchkami letet'
     I  would like together with [the] clouds to fly

Далеко от зла земного и невзгод,
Daleko ot zla zemnogo i nevzgod,
Far from   evil [of] earth and adversity

         В край небесный, где сияет вечный свет,
         V kray nebesnyy, gde siyayet vechnyy svet,
          In [the] country heavenly, where shines eternal light,

         Где пасет на злачных пажитях Господь.          2x
         Gde paset na zlachnykh pazhityakh Gospod'.
         Where tends [us] on grassy pastures [the] Lord.

Repeat 1 then repeat the last two lines of verse 1 with the two brothers.


My theory as to where he filmed this—

West of US 97 a little north of the Columbia River in Washington.
Near the Windy Flats Wind Farm.

Why do I assume this?
  • It is close to the Merryhill Stonehenge Memorial just east of US 97 at the Columbia River.  Simon has posted other videos from that location: The Grace of Our Lord (2 Cor. 13:14).
  • In the background of the video you can see a wind farm behind him.  The shape of the hill below the wind turbines is similar to Windy Flats.
  • Google satellite view shows well-watered farm land tucked just north of Wash SR 14.
 Scene at 1' 15"---

Scene looking northeast from Wash. SR 14 at US 97 ---

Monday, October 29, 2018

Ocean of God's Love — Океан Божьей любви

Эта песня хвалы, словно птица, парит в небеса, а-а-а.
Eta pesnya khvaly, slovno ptitsa, parit v nebesa, a-a-a.
This song [of] praise, like [a] bird, soars into heaven, ah-ah.
soars in the heavens / in the sky
soars to heaven

Моя жизнь как река - мое сердце течет.
Moya zhizn' kak reka — moye serdtse techet.
My life [is] like [a] river — my heart [is] flowing.

И душа поет для Тебя.
I dusha poyet dlya Tebya.
And (my) soul sings for You.

Эта песня хвалы, как весенний родник, как любви водопад.
Eta pesnya khvaly, kak vesenniy rodnik, kak lyubvi vodopad.
This song [of] praise, like [a] vernal spring, like love's waterfall

Моя жизнь как река - мое сердце течет.
Moya zhizn' kak reka — moye serdtse techet.
My life like a river — my heart flows.

Я вдыхаю любви аромат.
YA vdykhayu lyubvi aromat.
I breathe [in] love's aroma.

Океан Божьей любви—
Okean Bozh'yey lyubvi—
Ocean [of] God's love—

Нет начала в нем и нет конца.
Net nachala v nem i net kontsa.
[There is] no beginning in it and no end.

Океан Божьей любви,
Okean Bozh'yey lyubvi,
Ocean [of] God's love

Безусловной любви Отца.
Bezuslovnoy lyubvi Ottsa.
Unconditional love [of the] Father
(or undoubted, indisputable)

This all is sung first by the sisters and then by Simon
Simon then begins singing unbridled praise and is eventually joined by the sisters:

     Слава!   Аллилуйя!  
     SlaVA!   Alliluiya!
     Hosanna! / Praise! / Glory!    Alleluia!

 The following is a FWIW*.  YMMV**.

I do not put a lot of stock in *feelings* and goose bumps.  I do however recognize that there have been saints of old who have experienced God in a tangible and profound emotional way.  But I recognize that most of the common 20th and 21st Century accounts that have been popularized are suspect—at best.  Yet, I experienced something while watching this video. 
Around the time that the sisters are joined by Simon, and they are all singing in wondrous harmony, "Hosanna! Alleluia!"  I was suddenly reminded that we would all be gathered around the glassy sea as we approached the Heavenly Throne.  Saints upon saints—a million-fold—would be gathered as we suddenly recognized that we had reached that blissful shore!  We would ALL be singing and crying out praise to our Great Lord and God!  We would all be lost in wonder, love and praise!  We would all be transfixed at the revelation of glory beginning to be revealed!  Suddenly I was on that shore with Simon, with all the saints who had gone before, and I was experiencing a small foretaste of Glory yet to come.  I was on my lunch break at work but I was very glad that no one else was in the office at that point because I would have had a very difficult time speaking—let alone explaining why my eyes were filled with tears of joy.
 *  FWIW — For What It's Worth

** YMMV — Your Mileage May Vary (ie, you may experience different results)