Thursday, July 11, 2019

Самое главное — The Most Important Thing

Could also be called: "Нет Другого Имени"
                                       "No Other Name"

1 куплет:
Мучился, терпел до последней капли, на кресте висел.
Muchilsya, terpel do posledney kapli, na kreste visel.
Suffered, endured until [the] last drop, on cross hung.

Мучился страдал и всего себя Ты за нас отдал.
Muchilsya stpadal i vsego sebya Ty za nas otdal.
[You] agonized, suffered and all yourself You for us gave. (perfect)

Добровольно умирал.
Dobrovol'no umiral.
Voluntarily / freely died.

Об этом знал тот мир. И думал он, что Тебя убил.
Ob etom znal tot mir. I dumal on, chto Tebya ubil.
About this knew the world.  And thought he (ie, the world), that You [he] killed.

Но Ты воскресс, из всех чудес это главное – С Отцом соединил!
No Ty voskress, iz vsekh chudes eto glavnoye – S Ottsom soyedinil!
But You rose, among all of wonders this [is] important (main thing) — With Father joined / united.

Своей любовью весь мир покрыл
Svoyey lyubov'yu ves' mir pokryl
His love all [the] world covered

И от небес и до земли, нет другого имени!
I ot nebes i do zemli, net drugogo imeni!
And from heaven to earth, no other name!


2 куплет:
Иудейский Царь, толпа смеялась, кричат «Его распять»
Iudeyskiy Tsar', tolpa smeyalas', krichat «Yego raspyat'»
Judean King, [the] crowd laughed, [they] cried/shouted “Him crucify!”

От боли и любви, вся в слезах Мария, едва могла стоять,
Ot boli i lyubvi, vsya v slezakh Mariya, yedva mogla stoyat',
From pain and love, all in tears Mary, barely could stand,

Боль Иисуса наблюдать.
Bol' Iisusa nablyudat'.
[The] pain [of] Jesus to witness.

Он душу положил. Пошёл за всех, до смерти нас любил.
On dushu polozhil. Poshol za vsekh, do smerti nas lyubil.
He soul lay down.  Went for all, unto death us [He] loved.

И воскресс, из всех чудес это главное – С Отцом соединил!
I voskress, iz vsekh chudes eto glavnoye – S Ottsom soyedinil!
But [He] rose, among all of wonders this [is] important (main thing) — With Father joined / united.

Своей любовью весь мир покрыл
Svoyey lyubov'yu ves' mir pokryl
His love all [the] world covered

И от небес и до земли, нет другого имени!
I ot nebes i do zemli, net drugogo imeni!
And from heaven to earth, no other name!


Запев:  Singing (Solo)
Нет другого Имени, которым надлежит спастись!
Net drugogo Imeni, kotorym nadlezhit spastis'!
No other Name, by which (instrumental) should be saved!

Нет другого Имени, которым надлежит спастись!
Net drugogo Imeni, kotorym nadlezhit spastis'!
No other Name, by which (instrumental) should be saved!

Самое главное...
Samoye glavnoye...
Most important...

Бридж:    Bridge:
Сказал «Свершилось» Иисус, всё изменил Он навсегда
Skazal «Svershilos'» Iisus, vso izmenil On navsegda
Said “It is finished!”  Jesus, all transformed He forever

Дрожали небо и земля, разорвалась завеса.
Drozhali nebo i zemlya, razorvalas' zavesa.
Trembled heaven and earth, torn [was the] veil.

Концовка:   Ending:
Аллилуйя, Аллилуйя, С Отцом соединил!
Alliluyya, Alliluyya, S Ottsom soyedinil!
Alleluia, Alleluia,   With [the] Father united!

Своей любовью весь мир покрыл
Svoyey lyubov'yu ves' mir pokryl
His love all [the] world covered

И от небес и до земли, нет другого имени!
I ot nebes i do zemli, net drugogo imeni!
And from heaven and unto earth, no other name!

И от земли и до небес Христос Воскрес!
I ot zemli i do nebes Khristos Voskres!
And from earth and unto heaven Christ is Risen!

--------------------- Better English ----------------------

1. Suffered, endured to the last drop, hung on the cross,
You agonized and suffered, and gave Your all for us.
Freely died.

The world knew about this and thought that they killed You.
But You rose!  Among all the wonders of the world, this is the most important thing.
       — With the Father united.
His love has covered all the world.
And from heaven to earth, there is no other name!

2. "King of the Jews," the crowd laughed; they shouted, "Crucify Him!"
From pain and love, all in tears, Mary, could barely stand,
To witness the pain of Jesus.

He lay His soul down.  Went for everyone, He loved us unto death.
And He rose!  Among all the wonders of the world, this is the most important thing.
     — With the Father united.
His love has covered all the world.
And from heaven to earth, there is no other name!

There is no other Name by which we should be saved!
There is no other Name by which we should be saved!
The most important thing...

Jesus said, "It is finished!"  He transformed all forever.
Heaven and earth trembled, the veil was torn

Alleluia, Alleluia, with the Father united!
His love has covered all the world.
And from heaven to earth, there is no other name!
And from earth and unto heaven, Christ is Risen!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Window into the Field

"Window into the Field"  Copyright@Louisiana Dreams & Beyond Photography by Sherry Lynn 2019

    there's a wildness there in nature:
A roughness edged with lace,
A shaggy turn of bright-lit hues,
Bedecking all with grace.

   there's a softness found in nature:
Delicate and silky cast;
An ornamental festive dress,
Relaxed, yet rich and vast.

   there's a beck'ning found in nature:
A call to ponder deeply there;
A window open to another field—
O leave behind your care!

   here in nature is a succor,
A balm, an aid to heal.
For here in nature will we find
A substance that is real.

- D. Benning