Saturday, October 28, 2017

Sunset at the Ocean

The light at day's end
  enlightens family well;
Joy and laughter blend,
  as one with another dwells.

The sand, the waves, the setting sun,
  the joy at sunset with love given;
The mem'ries, thoughts, reflections—
  tangible pictures of eternal heaven!

- D. Benning

Friday, October 27, 2017

The Use of Trials

Until I learned to trust, I never learned to pray;
And I did not learn to fully trust ’til sorrows came my way.
Until I felt my weakness, His strength I never knew;
Nor dreamed ’til I was stricken that He could see me through.

Who deepest drinks of sorrow, drinks deepest, too, of grace;
He sends the storm so He Himself can be our hiding place.
His heart that seeks our highest good, knows well when things annoy;
We would not long for heaven if earth held only joy.

William Coltman 1924-1956


"The cardinal error against which the Gospel has to contend is the inveterate tendency of men to rely on their own performances. The great antagonist to the truth is the pride of man, which causes him to imagine that he can be, in part at least, his own savior."
- A. W. Pink