Saturday, June 23, 2018

God Gives His Love

God gives His love—abundantly poured out:
A supernatural gift of Spirit's pow'r;
A Fruit that flourishes 'spite earthly drought;

A family trait that shines through darkest hour
Then joys with others' great prosperity;
Its strength is as an other-centered tow'r

That glories in the Lord, in unity;
That does not take the honor to its own,
But joys in Truth and all God's verity.

It never fails but seeks to make Christ known;
It overcomes and sees through all the worst,
And longs to bring the other to God's Throne.

This love is all because He loved us first,
And came to pay our debt and take our curse.

- D. Benning

Based on a message by Pastor, Sat, am, 23-Jun-18.

Behold the Money

Behold the money, gilded glitz and all,
   The fabled gold and rubies without end.
   See money's pow'r attract and then enthrall,
   But downward it will wend, and trend, and send,
   Till further loss with woe will then attend.
   But lips that speak true knowledge are most rare—
   Like jewels rich with extra dividend—
   A pastor speaks the Gospel with great care,
And ministers unto his flock with grace and prayer.

- D. Benning

Based on words preached from Prov. 20:15.  Sat. am, 23-Jun-18, by Pastor.

Friday, June 22, 2018

God Calls Us Live In Unity

God calls us live in unity and love:
   Restored with Him, we love because of Him;
   This love does not remain just aimed Above
   But works itself out midst the dark and dim
   Of struggles, labors—trite and sometimes grim.
   We're called to one another here on earth:
   Our loving labor sings a joyful hymn
   That tells of Sovereign Grace and our Lord's worth.
This working out in time and space shows our new birth!

- D. Benning

Based on a message from Sat. 23-Jun-18 by Pastor.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

On Jesus Fix Your Eyes

On Jesus, O my soul, then fix your eyes:
Look to His promises and precious Word,
And seek Him only as your treasured prize.

Seek Him as goal and source—your joy preferred—
Ambition, aim, and your inheritance.
Press forward into Him then undeterred!

But fathom this: 'Tis Providence, not chance,
That brings you to the center of His gaze;
His tender thoughts, each careful, loving glance,

Each drop of Grace that's lit by Mercy's rays
All point with wonder and with great surprise
That ever more shall fill eternal days.

No marvel that we treasure Paradise,
But God has set vile us as His own prize!

- D. Benning

Based on considering Deut. 7:6  and  Mal. 3:17, where we are called God's Treasured Possession! After hearing Pastor read several scriptures detailing how we are God's inheritance!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Wonderful and Marvelous

1.  Wonderful and marv'lous are Your works, O Lord,
Jehovah God Almighty.
Righteous, just, and true are Your ways, O Lord,
King of saints.

Who shall not fear and glorify You, O Lord,
Because You alone are Holy!
All lands will come to bow before You, O Lord,
Because You alone are Holy!

Holy, holy,
       You alone are holy!
Holy, holy,
       You alone are holy!

2.  Men of every nation, tribe and tongue shall come,
Worshiping God Almighty,
For You have revealed the righteous acts You have done,
King of the Ages

You gave us vict'ry over all our foes,
therefore we give You the glory;
Your heav’nly temple shall be filled with the smoke
of Your power and holy glory.

Glory, Glory,
       we give you all the glory
Glory, Glory,
       we give you all the glory

This is my attempt to versify the English of Valerii Korop's song.
This rendition is Simon Khorolskiy's—
«Велики и Чудны Дела Твои»

NOTE: Simon and the brothers filmed this at Cape Kiwanda State Natural Area in Oregon.

Here is the song sung in English:


Valeriy Korop is the composer of this song.
Here is Valeriy leading this song in worship:

(I like how Valeriy sings the last part in Hebrew.)

Here are the original Russian lyrics (verse 1) 
and a rough translation into Russian of the added lyrics (verse 2).
               Note: verse 2 in Russian is not fitted to the music.

1. Велики и чудны дела Твои,
Господи, Боже Вседержитель.
Праведны и истинны пути Твои,
Царь Святых.

Кто не убоится не прославит Тебя,
Ибо Ты Един Свят.
Все народы преклонятся пред Тобой,
Ибо Ты Един Свят.

Свят, Свят,
       Ты Един Свят,
Свят, Свят,
       Ты Един Свят.

2. Придут люди всех народов, племени и языка
Перед тобой, Бог Всемогущий
Ибо вы открыли праведные поступки, которые вы совершили,
Царь веков

Вы дали нам победу над всеми нашими врагами,
поэтому даем вам славу
Твой небесный храм будет наполнен дымом
от Твоей силы и святой славы.

Слава, слава,
         мы даем вам всю славу!
Слава, слава,
         мы даем вам всю славу!
Hear is a Spanish translation of Verse One— 

Maravillosas y grandes son tus obras,
Señor Dios Todopoderoso,

justos y verdaderos son tus caminos,
Rey de los santos.

¿Quién no te temerá, oh Señor?
—¡Pues sólo Tú eres santo!

¿y glorificará tu santo nombre?
—¡Pues sólo tú eres santo!

¡Santo! ¡Santo!  ¡Sólo Tú eres santo!
¡Santo! ¡Santo!  ¡Sólo Tú eres santo!

And another version of Valerii singing it in Russian and Hebrew:

An Orchestra Version

Upon Our Anniversary

How can I sum up intervening years:
The days like water flow away with time
And mix the mem'ries with our joys and tears,
As we to that Celestial City climb.
On that great Day our faith will be made sight
So look on life and trials and ne'er be shaken;
The way be rough but bright—walk in His light—
His promise sure: we'll never be forsaken.
True Love advances with determined zeal
To press toward Heav'n and strengthen one another,
To rouse and spur and then in prayer to kneel
And look to Christ our Lord for help and cover.
     'Tis not of earth—it comes down from Above,
     Where Christ has shown us meaning of true Love.

- D. Benning

Based on a Shakespearean Sonnet.
Yes, two of the rhymes are a feminine rhyme, making the line 11 syllables long.  That's okay.  Shakespeare did it himself.  See his Sonnet 116.


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Heaven Is My Native Land

This Russian hymn was published in Collection of Spiritual Songs, 1911.
Scroll to the bottom for music with the English lyrics.

Heav'n is my native land—my heav'nly home!
My Father waits for me—my heav'nly home!
I am a stranger here;
Darkness around with fear;
Sorrows press close and near—
      my heav'nly home!

And when I suffer hard—my heav'nly home!
I will not question God—my heav'nly home!
Christ suffered  pain and scorn;
and on that glorious morn
He will my head adorn—
      my heav'nly home!

Not long this path on earth—my heav'nly home!
Yes, I will fight with trials—my heav'nly home!
All soon will pass away;
Heaven will then display
Our Father bright as day—
      my heav'nly home!

Christ dwells with His elect—my heav'nly home!
My heart there longs to be—my heav'nly home!
There amidst endless joys,
With Christ I'll then rejoice,
Praise Him with heart and voice—
      my heav'nly home!

This is my attempt to versify the English of Simon Khorolskiy's  
 «Мой в Небе Край Родной».

And yet a different version of this old Russian Hymn:

And yet one more version from Tambov, Russia

Monday, June 18, 2018

I Am Weary

I am weary, I am very tired;
   I find it draining just to hear the news—
   The constant jousting of opposing views—
The bickers of the petulant inspired
To banish truth and censure undesired.
   Embittered parties spurned and disabused,
   In turn ignore and seek to find excuse
For failings in the cause that they admired.

But to His Temple, O my soul, draw near,
   And see the King upon His Stately Throne!
     See Heaven's calm expanse and measured pose.
Disheartened saints draw close and feel His cheer
   The King does reign; He rules o'er all alone—
     And soon shall overthrow all rebel foes!

- D. Benning

Based on a Petrarchan sonnet.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Consider Those Who Plan For Good

Consider him who plans for good to do:
Who seeks the welfare of his fellow souls,
His promised word then keeps the end in view.

See spring from this in blessed, bounteous whole
Both Love and Faithfulness enjoined as one—
The deeds of Grace adorn and will control

The life of him who follows good begun!
Our Lord Above planned deeds of good with Grace,
And from His work, bright shining as the sun,

See Love and Faithfulness in Heav'n embrace
Where righteousness springs forth from rubied earth;
And God Himself looks on with smiling face.

There, there do righteousness and peace find worth
And sinners grace to revel in new birth!

- D. Benning

Based on Proverbs 14:22  and Psalm 85:10-11