Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Forgotten Feast

Another poem by Margarita Kolomiytseva

The forgotten feast of God's table,
I again partake, as if for the first time.
Like a dry leaf in the palm of my hand I grieve,
And I repent in ashes for my deeds.

The soul is cleansed like an orange
From the rough skin of petty ambition.
I don't want to pray to other gods,
There is only one, heavenly Lord.

There, somewhere on the ruins of a dream,
A submissive humility begins to glow.
Let grow out of the dust an adoration
And understanding of God's beauty.

Often to me God's plan is not clear,
And though His design I see as gray,
Faith, spread your bright watercolors,
And I will go confidently into the fog.

----------- the original ---------------------

Забытый праздник Божьего стола,
Я снова, словно в первый раз вкушаю.
Как лист сухой в ладони сокрушаюсь,
И каюсь в пепле за свои дела.

Очищена душа, как апельсин
От грубой кожи мелочных амбиций.
Я не хочу другим богам молиться,
Есть лишь один, небесный Господин.

Там, где-то, на развалинах мечты,
Затеплилось покорное смиренье.
Пусть вырастет из праха восхищенье,
И пониманье Божьей красоты.

Мне часто не понятен Божий план,
И пусть Его дизайн я вижу серым,
Разлейся акварелью яркой вера,
И я пойду уверенно в туман.

I am Making My Way

More poetry by Margarita Kolomiytseva

I am making my way to You in the dark through a thicket of fear,
A torn spirit in blood — Your grace will heal.
I will fall into your good hands with hope. In a big way
I will fall into Your glorious will and be silent.

I'm making my way to You in the dark through the thicket of death,
You are stronger than death, you are more reliable than a thousand years.
Your divine finger in the sand draws its designs
And at some point it will usher you with triumphant into the never-ending light.

I'm making my way to You through a thicket of dark anxiety.
I know You without fail will turn on all the stars of heaven,
To light the way; and the soul will rest in God,
Once again so clearly seeing Golgotha's saving Cross.

----------------- the original ----------------------

Продираюсь к Тебе в темноте через заросли страха,
В кровь разодранный дух уврачует Твоя благодать.
Упаду в Твои руки благие с надеждой. С размахом
Упаду в Твою дивную волю и буду молчать.

Продираюсь к Тебе в темноте через заросли смерти,
Ты сильнее чем смерть, Ты надёжней чем тысяча лет.
Твой божественный перст на песке Свои замыслы чертит
И однажды введёт с торжеством в нескончаемый свет.

Продираюсь к Тебе через заросли темной тревоги.
Знаю, Ты обязательно включишь все звезды небес,
Чтобы путь осветить; и душа успокоится в Боге,
Вновь так ясно увидев Голгофский спасающий крест.

Осень — Autumn

Поэт (Lyricist):  Галина Александровна Везикова
Композитор (Composer):  Л. Белоцкая
Обработка (Arranger): V. Aficiuc
Other info and sheet music found here.


Вот опять наступила осень.
Vot opyat' nastupila osen'.
Here again has tread autumn.

Листья счастья по свету ищут.
List'ya schast'ya po svetu ishchut.
Leaves [of] happiness through [the] light look for.

Дождь слёзливо  о чём-то просит,
Dozhd' slyozlivo o chom-to prosit,
Rain tearfully for something pleads,

Словно нищий.
Slovno nishchiy.
As if [a] beggar.

И с прощальным напевом птицы
I s proshchal'nym napevom ptitsy
And with parting song [of a] bird

Улетают вдогонку лету,
Uletayut vdogonku letu,
Fly after (persuit of) summer,

И куда-то душа стремится,
I kuda-to dusha stremitsya,
And somewhere [the] soul strives,

Словно птица тоскуя в клетке.
Slovno ptitsa toskuya v kletke.
As if bird yearning in [a] cage.

От унылых дождей ненастных
Ot unylykh dozhdey nenastnykh
From dismal/dreary rains inclement

И от ветров тревожных песен
I ot vetrov trevozhnykh pesen
And from wind's distressing songs

Так хотелось бы вдруг попасть мне
Tak khotelos' by vdrug popast' mne
So [I] want would suddenly to get me

В край небесный.
V kray nebesnyy.
To country heavenly.

В том краю нет скорбей, тревоги,
V tom krayu net skorbey, trevogi,
In that land no worries, alarms,

Там Спаситель нас ждёт с любовью,
Tam Spasitel' nas zhdot s lyubov'yu,
There [the] Savior [for] us waits with love,

Освятив путь земной дороги
Osvyativ put' zemnoy dorogi
Sanctifying [the] way [of] earth's road

Своей кровью.
Svoyey krov'yu.
[by] His blood.

Там не будет прощальных песен,
Tam ne budet proshchal'nykh pesen,
There no will be parting songs,

Позабудет душа печали
Pozabudet dusha pechali
[They] will forget [the] soul's sorrow

И со всеми святыми вместе
I so vsemi svyatymi vmeste
A with all the saints together

Иисуса Христа прославим.
Iisusa Khrista proslavim.
Jesus Christ [we] will praise.

Here again has Autumn tread.
Leaves of happiness search for light.
Rain tearfully asked for something,
like a beggar.

And with a parting song of a bird
Fly away in pursuit of summer,
And somewhere the soul strives
As if a bird yearning a a cage.

From deary, inclement rains
And from the wind's distressing songs,
So would I long to get me
To the Heavenly country.

In that land there are no worries, no alarms,
There the Savior waits for us with love,
Sanctifying the earthly road
By His blood.

There will be no parting songs,
There they will forget the soul's sorrows
And with all the saints together
Jesus Christ we will praise.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Столб Огня — Column of Fire

Музыка Сергея Мачина, слова Анатолия Чайкина
Music by Sergei Machin, Words by Anatoly Chaikin

Жизнь борьба Света с тьмой
Zhizn' bor'ba Sveta s t'moy
Life [is a] struggle [of] Light with darkness

Надо мной, и над тобой
Nado mnoy, i nad toboy
Above me and above you

Шумит ветер рвётся пламя
Shumit veter rvyotsya plamya
Roars [the] wind, burst [the] flame;

Дал нам Бог победы знамя
Dal nam Bog pobedy znamya
Gave us [the] God [of] victory [a] banner
   (ie, The God of victory gave us a banner)

Путь назначен нам далекий
Put' naznachen nam dalekiy
[The] way appointed [for] us [is] long

И тернистый и нелёгкий
I ternistyy i nelyogkiy
And thorny and difficult.

Рожденый мы все в пустыне
Rozhdenyy my vse v pustyne
Born were we all in [the] desert;

Бог призвал нас быть святыми
Bog prizval nas byt' svyatymi
God has called us to be holy.

Столб огня нас ведёт среди ночи
Stolb ognya nas vedyot sredi nochi
Pillar [of] fire us leads in the dead of night,

Раздвигает моря, если хочет
Razdvigayet morya, yesli khochet
Spreads [the] seas if [It] wants;

Столб огня — сила Духа Святого
Stolb ognya — sila Dukha Svyatogo
Pillar [of] fire — Power [of the] Spirit Holy —

Разрушает любые оковы
Razrushayet lyubyye okovy
Breaks any shackle!

Его сила, Его слава
Yego sila, Yego slava
His power, His glory,

Бога сущего начало
Boga sushchego nachalo
God existing [from the] beginning

Сердце силой наполняет
Serdtse siloy napolnyayet
[The] heart [with] power fills

Духом нас соединяет
Dukhom nas soyedinyayet
[by the] Spirit us [He] connects

Нас ведёт одна дорога
Nas vedyot odna doroga
Us leads one road
  (Ie, one road leads us)

Истина и жизнь от Бога
Istina i zhizn' ot Boga
Truth and life from God.

Мы рожденный в пустыне
My rozhdennyy v pustyne
We are born in [the] desert;

Прославляем Его имя!
Proslavlyayem Yego imya!
[We] praise His name!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Я Падаю — I Fall

Автор Песни  (Слова и музыка) — Дарина Кочанжи
Author of the song (words and music) — Darina Kochanzhi

Music (pdf) and words:

1. Преодолеть бы гравитацию
Preodolet' by gravitatsiyu
Would to overcome gravity

И не смотреть, вниз не смотреть.
I ne smotret', vniz ne smotret'.
And not to look, down not to look.

Как-будто чудо навигации
Kak-budto chudo navigatsii
As if [a] miracle [of] navigation

Хочу лететь, к Тебе лететь.
Khochu letet', k Tebe letet'.
I want to fly, to You fly.

Хотела б я улететь, а крыльев нет за спиной,
Khotela b ya uletet', a kryl'yev net za spinoy,
I would like to fly, but wings not upon [my] back,

Я тихо падаю в руки Твои, о Бог мой.
YA tikho padayu v ruki Tvoi, o Bog moy.
I quietly fall into hands [of] Yours, O God [of] mine.

Всё отпускаю мечты, пусть будет как хочешь Ты,
Vsyo otpuskayu mechty, pust' budet kak khochesh' Ty,
All [I] release dreams, let it be as wish You,
   (ie, I release all dreams, let it be as You wish)

Я просто падаю в руки Твои.
YA prosto padayu v ruki Tvoi.
I simply fall into hands [of] Yours.

2. Я знаю то, что Ты несёшь меня,
YA znayu to, chto Ty nesosh' menya,
I know this, that You carry me.

В Своих руках, в Святых руках.
V Svoikh rukakh, v Svyatykh rukakh.
In Your hands, in Your hands.

Я верю где-то там Ты ждёшь меня,
YA veryu gde-to tam Ty zhdosh' menya,
I believe somewhere there You are waiting [for] me,

На небесах, на небесах.
Na nebesakh, na nebesakh.
In heaven, in heaven.

Darina's version of this song


1. I would to overcome gravity
And not look down, not look down!
As if by a miracle of navigation
I want to fly, fly to You.

I would like to fly but wings are not on my back;
I quietly fall into Your hands, O my God

2. I know this, that You carry me
In Your own hands, in Your own hands.
I believe that somewhere You are waiting for me,
In heaven, in heaven.


Monday, March 23, 2020

Let Us Dream of Heaven

My rough translation of a Russian poem:

Let us dream of Heaven every moment of earth,
So that from our eyes oozes the longed-for Paradise
And infects others with holy yearning;
Let the heart dream of Heaven constantly.

So that my every step is a step toward You,
So that my every breath is a breath for the sake of the Kingdom.
So that the faint spirit against the storm is not roughened,
Grant this slave such consistency.

Let us measure life not by force, nor by intelligence,
Not by power, nor by passing glory.
So that I, by fire's testing
For endurance, will have proven genuine.

I know my path is measured out by You,
All more often by a groan and only sometimes with a song,
So that my earthly mind is grounded,
And to learn only of Heaven to dream.

~ Margarita Kolomiytseva

-------------- The Original --------------

Дай грезить небом каждый миг земной,
Чтобы из глаз сочился рай желанный
И заражал других святой тоской;
Дай сердцу грезить небом постоянно.

Чтоб каждый шаг мой, шагом был к Тебе,
Чтоб каждый вдох, был вдохом ради Царства.
Чтоб слабый дух от бурь не огрубел,
Даруй рабе такое постоянство.

Дай мерить жизнь не силой, не умом,
Не властью и не славой проходящей.
Чтоб мне, при испытании огнем
На прочность, оказаться настоящей.

Я знаю, путь мой вымерен Тобой,
Всё чаще стоном и лишь где-то песней,
Чтоб разземнился разум мой земной,
И научиться только небом грезить.

~ Маргарита Коломийцева

The Doctrine of God's Sovereignty

My rough translation of a Russian poem

The Doctrine of God's Sovereignty
Both creates and destroys...
What preparation toward eternity
For an unbridled soul.

When her wants screams,
And the "I" out of pain cries,
The Doctrine of God's Sovereignty
So unpleasantly chafes her neck.

But when the flesh, having confess in frailty,
Having accepted pain submissively, is silent,
The Doctrine of God's Sovereignty
So benevolently targets her.

~ Margarita Kolomiytseva

------------- The Original ----------------

Доктрина Божьей суверенности
И созидает, и крушит...
Какая подготовка к вечности
Для необузданной души!

Когда вопят её потребности,
И «Я» от боли вопиёт,
Доктрина Божьей суверенности
Так неприятно шею трёт.

Когда же плоть, признавшись в бренности,
Приняв покорно боль, молчит,
Доктрина Божьей суверенности
Её так благостно целит.

~ Маргарита Коломийцева

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Be Gone Unbelief

Written by John Newton in 1803

Be gone, unbelief;
my Savior is near,
and for my relief
will surely appear;
by prayer let me wrestle,
and he will perform;
with Christ in the vessel,
I smile at the storm.

Though dark be my way,
since he is my guide,
'tis mine to obey,
'tis his to provide;
though cisterns be broken
and creatures all fail,
the word he has spoken
shall surely prevail.

His love in time past
forbids me to think
he'll leave me at last
in trouble to sink;
while each Ebenezer
I have in review
confirms his good pleasure
to help me quite through.

Why should I complain
of want or distress,
temptation or pain?
He told me no less;
the heirs of salvation,
I know from his word,
through much tribulation
must follow their Lord.

How bitter that cup,
no heart can conceive,
which he drank right up
that sinners might live;
his way was much rougher
and darker than mine;
did Jesus thus suffer,
and shall I repine?

Since all that I meet
shall work for my good,
the bitter is sweet,
the medicine, food;
though painful at present,
'twill cease before long;
and then, O how pleasant
the conqueror's song!


I could not find this poem set to any tune in any hymnal on-line nor in my home.  So, I did the next best thing.  I set it to music myself.  (Note: I have since found that Indelible Grace has a version.)

New version: 6pm, 23-Mar-2020