Thursday, October 29, 2020

Господь Моя Сила — The Lord My Strength



Music & Lyrics by Olga Androshchyuk

Господь моя сила надежда моя
Gospod' moya sila nadezhda moya
[The] Lord [is] my strength, hope [of] mine,

И где ветер сильный Он крепкий маяк
I gde veter sil'nyy On krepkiy mayak
And where [the] wind [is] powerful, He [is] firm/strudy lighthouse.

Господь мне отрада светильник ноге
Gospod' mne otrada svetil'nik noge
[The] Lord [to] me [is] delight, [a] lamp [to] foot;

Ценнее награды больше нет на земле
Tsenneye nagrady bol'she net na zemle
More valuable reward more not on earth.

1 куплет:
Твёрдо я знаю спасенье моё
Tvyordo ya znayu spasen'ye moyo
Firmly I know salvation [of] mine

В имени чудном Иисусе моём
V imeni chudnom Iisuse moyom
In name wonderful [of] Jesus mine;

Твёрдо я верю свобода моя
Tvyordo ya veryu svoboda moya
Firmly I believe liberty/freedom mine

В Его крови пролив на всех нас
V Yego krovi proliv na vsekh nas
In His blood shed on all us.

2 куплет:
Твёрдо иду мой Бог впереди
Tvyordo idu moy Bog vperedi
Firmly [I] go, my God [is] ahead,

Страх и сомненье уже позади
Strakh i somnen'ye uzhe pozadi
Fear and doubt already behind.

Твёрдо и прочно стою на ногах
Tvyordo i prochno stoyu na nogakh
Firmly and securely [I] stand on feet;

Вперед ведёт меня Божья рука
Vpered vedyot menya Bozh'ya ruka
Forward leads me God's hand.

Бог прибежище мне
Bog pribezhishche mne
God [is] refuge [for] me

Когда вокруг горит всё в огне
Kogda vokrug gorit vsyo v ogne
When around burns all in fire,

Когда луна на землю падёт
Kogda luna na zemlyu padyot
When [the] moon on earth will fall,

И солнце не взойдёт Он меня проведёт
I solntse ne vzoydyot On menya provedyot
And [the] sun not will rise, He me will lead.



A more flowing English translation

The Lord is my strength, and my sure hope,
And where the wind is strong, He is a sturdy lighthouse.
The Lord is a delight to me, a lamp to my feet—
A more valuable reward is not found on earth.

1. I firmly know my salvation
In the Name of my wonderful Jesus;
I firmly believe my liberty
Is in His shed for all of us.


2.  Firmly I go, my God is ahead,
Fear and doubt are already behind.
Firmly and securely I stand on my feet;
God's hand leads me forward.


Bridge - - -
God is a refuge for me
When all around burns in fire,
When the moon falls to the earth
And the sun refuses to shine, He will lead me!



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