If I could forever be Yours where You dwell,
And sit at Your feet hearing all You tell,
I'd listen obediently with great delight
To stories of Paradise and Your Light.
Of joy and Your world, and of life and Your love,
The truths in Your Book You would tell me of;
And eternal bliss like angelical hush
Would fill up my soul in ecstatic rush.
If I could forever live there in Your home,
I'd press close to You never more to roam.
And ev'rything here from all earth's feeble stores,
I'd gladly give up to be then called Yours.
A tender voice speaking I heard deep within,
He comforted, calmed me, forgave my sin,
And whispered so softly: "Come into My Light; I give you the strength to turn from your night. 5. The price of salvation I gladly have paid, I wandered alone therefore be not afraid; And by My own Blood I've redeemed you from hell, Though you strayed away from Me and you fell.
6. O now you are mine and all questions, all doubts From you I remove—fear is now cast out. O dear friend of Mine! O My brother so dear! Now you are expected, come join in cheer!"
I fell with great tears before God all divine,
My clothes all were rent in a humble sign.
And this loving God names me one of His own.
Forgiving my sins—O! such Mercy shown!