Thursday, April 22, 2021

Тысячи Лет Пролетели — Thousands of Years Flew

1 куплет:
Тысячи лет пролетели, как день -
Tysyachi let proleteli, kak den' -
Thousands [of] years flew, as [a] day

Перед рассветом сгущается тень
Pered rassvetom sgushchayetsya ten'
Before dawn deepens [the] shadow

К битве готова вражия рать
K bitve gotova vrazhiya rat'
For battle ready [is] enemy's army

Церковь, вставай! Ты должна побеждать!
Tserkov', vstavay! Ty dolzhna pobezhdat'!
Church, get up! You must triumph!

Встань, поднимайся, верный народ!
Vstan', podnimaysya, vernyy narod!
Stand up, get up, faithful people!

Слышишь шаги - Господь твой грядёт!
Slyshish' shagi - Gospod' tvoy gryadot!
[You] hear footsteps — [the] Lord yours comes!

Встань, поднимайся, хватит дремать -
Vstan', podnimaysya, khvatit dremat' -
Stand up, get up, enough slumbering —

Время сегодня жатву пожать!
Vremya segodnya zhatvu pozhat'!
Time today harvest to reap!

Встань, поднимайся, верный народ!
Vstan', podnimaysya, vernyy narod!
Stand up, get up, faithful people!

Слышишь шаги? Господь твой грядёт!
Slyshish' shagi? Gospod' tvoy gryadyot!
[You] hear footsteps?  [the] Lord yours comes!

Встань, поднимайся, хватит дремать
Vstan', podnimaysya, khvatit dremat'
Stand up, get up, enough slumbering —

Жатва не будет ждать!
Zhatva ne budet zhdat'!
Harvest not will wait!

Встань, поднимайся, верный народ!
Vstan', podnimaysya, vernyy narod!
Stand up, get up, faithful people!

Скоро Господний день настает!
Skoro Gospodniy den' nastayet!
Soon [the] Lord's day comes!

Долго ли будешь ждать благодать?
Dolgo li budesh' zhdat' blagodat'?
How long will [you] wait [for] grace?

Время людей спасать!
Vremya lyudey spasat'!
Time people to save!

2 куплет:
Церковь Христова - Божьи уста.
Tserkov' Khristova - Bozh'i usta.
Church of Christ [is] God's mouth.

Встань, проповедуй Царство Христа!
Vstan', propoveduy Tsarstvo Khrista!
Stand up, preach [the] Kingdom [of] Christ!

Весть о спасеньи с края на край
Vest' o spasen'i s kraya na kray
News about salvation from edge to edge

Всем и повсюду провозглашай!
Vsem i povsyudu provozglashay!
[To] All and everywhere proclaim!

Церковь Христова, святость храни!
Tserkov' Khristova, svyatost' khrani!
Church [of] Christ, holiness keep!

Силу Святого Духа прими!
Silu Svyatogo Dukha primi!
Power [of the] Holy Spirit accept!

Церковь - невеста, будь же верна!
Tserkov' - nevesta, bud' zhe verna!
Church — [the] Bride, be then faithful!

Слушай призыв, просыпайся от сна!
Slushay prizyv, prosypaysya ot sna!
Listen to call, wake up from slumber!

3 куплет:
Братья и сестры, нам есть, что терять
Brat'ya i sestry, nam yest', chto teryat'
Brothers and sisters, by us is something to lose 
                  (ie we have something to lose)

Можно ль сегодня просто молчать?
Mozhno l' segodnya prosto molchat'?
Possible if today just to keep silence?

Где наши дети, родные, друзья?
Gde nashi deti, rodnyye, druz'ya?
Where [are] children, loved ones (relatives), friends?

Время спасать их, и медлить нельзя!
Vremya spasat' ikh, i medlit' nel'zya!
Time to save them, and to hesitate mustn't!

Тысячи лет пролетели, как день
Tysyachi let proleteli, kak den'
Thousands [of] years flew like [a] day

Перед рассветом сгущается тень!
Pered rassvetom sgushchayetsya ten'!
Before dawn deepens [the] shadow

К битве готова вражия рать
K bitve gotova vrazhiya rat'
For battle ready [is] enemy's army.

Церковь, вставай! Ты должна побеждать!
Tserkov', vstavay! Ty dolzhna pobezhdat'!
Church, get up! You must triumph!

Additional Lyrics and Music found here:
Including the sheet music in Russian & English
-------- Better English --------
Thousands of years have flown as a day;
Before the dawn the shadows deepen,
The enemy's army for battle is ready.
Church, get up!  You must triumph!
Stand up, get up, faithful people!
Hear the footsteps! —Your Lord comes!
Stand up, arise, enough slumbering—
Today is time the harvest to reap!

Stand up, arise, faithful people!
Hear the footsteps! —Your Lord comes!
Stand up, get up, enough slumbering—
The harvest will not wait!
Stand up, arise, faithful people!
Soon the Day of the Lord comes!
How long will you wait for grace?
It is time to save people!

The Church of Christ is God's mouth.
Stand up, preach the Kingdom of Christ!
News of salvation from pole to pole
To all and everywhere proclaim.
Church of Christ, holiness keep!
Accept the Power of the Holy Spirit!
O Church, His Bride, be then faithful!
Listen to the call, wake up from slumber!
Brothers and sisters we have something to lose.
Is it possible today to keep silence?
Where are our children, loved ones, and friends?
Time to save them—do not hesitate!
Thousands of years have flown as a day;
Before the dawn the shadows deepen,
The enemy's army for battle is ready.
Church, get up!  You must triumph!
-------  To Fit the Meter ------- 

Thousands of years now have flown as a day;
Before the dawn bids all shadows away,
Enemies come, to the battle draw near;
O Church, arise and dispel now all fear!
Stand up, arise now, you faithful of God,
Hear now His footsteps, in this way He trod!
Stand up, arise, enough of your sleep;
Now is the time for the harvest to reap!

Stand up, arise! O faithful of God!
Follow the steps where our Lord has trod!
Stand up, get up! Put sleep far away—
Harvest will not delay!
Stand up, arise! Be faithful and true!
For soon His Day will burst into view!
Do not just sit and wait for some grace—
Now is the time to save!

The Church of Christ is the mouth of the Lord.
Stand up, O people and preach now His Word!
Salvation news proclaim loudly on earth
Tell everyone wondrous news of new birth!
O Church of Christ, in this holiness stay,
Pow'r of the Spirit to fill you each day!
O Church, His Bride! Be now faithful in all,
Shake off your slumber and heed now His call!

Brothers and sisters, O think what we lose:
How can this silence be then what we choose?
Where are our children, our loved ones, and friends?!
Don't hesitate—it is time to save them!
Thousands of years now have flown as a day;
Before the dawn bids all shadows away,
Enemies come, to the battle draw near;
O Church, arise and dispel now all fear!

Monday, April 19, 2021

К Награде Я Стремлюсь — "Faith"

 К награде я стремлюсь. Все силы отдаю.
K nagrade ya stremlyus'. Vse sily otdayu.
To reward I strive.  All strength [I] render / give.

И всё, что есть во мне
I vso, chto yest' vo mne
And everything that is in me

Живёт для Бога.
Zhivot dlya Boga.
Lives for God.

Никто и никогда не отделит меня
Nikto i nikogda ne otdelit menya
No one and never not separate me

От плана твоего
Ot plana tvoyego
From plan [of] Yours

Ведь знаю я
Ved' znayu ya
Indeed know I.

Тот, Кто во мне
Tot, Kto vo mne
The One who [is] in me

Намного сильней того,
Namnogo sil'ney togo,
Considerably stronger than the one

Кто в миру живёт.
Kto v miru zhivot.
Who in [the] world lives.

Верой! Я сдвину даже горы
Veroy! YA sdvinu dazhe gory
[By] faith! I move even mountains

Во Христе я всё смогу. Я знаю!
Vo Khriste ya vso smogu. YA znayu!
In Christ I everything can do.  I know!

Верой! Стоять я буду твёрдо
Veroy! Stoyat' ya budu tvordo
[By] faith!  Stand I will firm

Укрепит меня Господь. И я всё смогу!
Ukrepit menya Gospod'. I ya vso smogu!
Strengthen me [the] Lord.  And I everything can do!
 ------------------- SOCART writes -----------------------

Почему ещё никто Не сдвинул гору? Я не однократно задавал себе этот вопрос... Может проблема в надобности? Думаю это ключевой момент. Сколько проблем может возникнуть если все наши прихоти исполнять...? Но для настоящих нужд Господь конечно же даст просимое. Главное:
   1. не сомневаться в Господе,
   2. верить что Он нас Услышал,
   3. Радоваться (не унывать),
   4. Хранить своё сердце чистым (от гнева, обид, зависти и гордости)
   5. Господь будет посылать ответы на наши молитвы. (Это Его обещания)

“Иисус ответил им: – Имейте веру в Бога! Говорю вам истину: если кто-то скажет этой горе: «Поднимись и бросься в море!» – и при этом не будет сомневаться в душе, а будет верить, что произойдет то, что он сказал, то так ему и будет. Поэтому говорю вам: о чем бы вы ни молились и чего бы ни просили, верьте, что вы уже получили это, – и будет вам. И когда вы молитесь, то прощайте всем, на кого вы обижены, чтобы и ваш Небесный Отец простил вам ваши проступки.”
‭‭Марка‬ ‭11:22-25‬ ‭НРП‬‬

Хотя этот жанр не совсем нам близкий, но Этой песней мы хотим ободрить Вас - не сомневайтесь! Бог живой! Могила Христа пуста! Радуйтесь тому, что Ваши Грехи Господь прощает, через веру в Христа!


Why hasn't anyone moved the mountain yet? I have asked myself this question more than once... Maybe the problem is in need? I think this is the key point. How many problems can arise if all our whims are fulfilled...? But for real needs, the Lord will certainly give what is asked for. The main thing:
   1. do not doubt the Lord,
   2. believe that He heard us,
   3. Rejoice (do not be discouraged),
   4. Keep your heart clean (from anger, resentment, envy, and pride)
   5. The Lord will send answers to our prayers. (These are His promises)

"Jesus answered them, 'Have faith in God! I tell you the truth: if someone says to this mountain, 'Get up and throw yourself into the sea!' and does not doubt his soul, but believes that what he said will happen, then so it will be for him. Therefore I say to you, whatever you pray for or ask for, believe that you have already received it – and it will be done for you. And when you pray, forgive all those you have offended, so that your Heavenly Father will also forgive you for your transgressions."
Mark 11: 22-25

Although this genre is not our normal one, yet with this song we want to encourage you—do not doubt! God is alive! Christ's grave is empty! Rejoice that the Lord forgives your sins through faith in Christ!

--------------  Better English  --------------
I press on toward the prize.  All my strength I give.
And everything that is in me
Lives for God.

No one will ever separate me
From Your plans
Indeed I know!

The one in me
Is considerably stronger that
The one who lives in the world.

By faith! I move even mountains;
In Christ I can do everything.  I know!

By faith!  I will stand firm;
The Lord strengthens me.  And I can do everything!
Compare to the original Hillsong lyrics and presentation