Friday, November 6, 2020

Боже! Слышать Слово — O God! To Hear the Word

youtube video

Words: Johann Evangelist Goßner (1773 – 1858)
Translated from German to Russian: unknown
Translated from Russian to English: David Benning (2020) 


1. Боже! Слышать Слово
Bozhe! Slyshat' Slovo
O God! To hear [the] Word

Ты позволил снова,
Ty pozvolil snova,
You allowed again,

К нам склони святой Свой лик,
K nam skloni svyatoy Svoy lik,
To us bend holy Your own face,

Чтобы свет Твой в нас проник!
Chtoby svet Tvoy v nas pronik!
So that light Yours in us penetrates!

2. И пребудь с дарами,
I prebud' s darami,
And abide with [the] gifts

Мира ныне с нами,
Mira nyne s nami,
Peace currently with us,

Дай нам Духа благодать,
Day nam Dukha blagodat',
Give us Spirit's grace,

Дай Тебя душой принять.
Day Tebya dushoy prinyat'.
Give/let You [with] soul take.

3. Восхвалите снова
Voskhvalite snova
Praise again

Вы Христа живого!
Vy Khrista zhivogo!
Y'all [the] Christ living!

Он - спасения венец,
On - spaseniya venets,
He — [the] salvation crown,

Он - наш Пастырь и Отец!
On - nash Pastyr' i Otets!
He — our Shepherd and Father! 

------- English to fit the music -------

1. O Lord God, again we heard:
You allowed Your mighty Word;
Bend to us Your holy face;
Fill us with Your light and grace!

2. And abide with gifts You give
Then Your Peace with us shall live;
Give us each Your Spirit's grace
That we come to You apace.

3. We will praise Him yet again,
Christ the Living Great Amen!
He Salvation's light and crown,
Shepherd, Father, our renown!



Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Далеко, Далеко! — Far Away, Far Away!

youtube video

Куплет 1:
Далеко, Далеко, Далеко,
Daleko, Daleko, Daleko,
Far away, far away, far away,

Далеко, там, за гранью небес голубых.
Daleko, tam, za gran'yu nebes golubykh.
Far away, there, beyond [the] edge of [the] skies blue.

Там так нежно, прекрасно, там так мило, легко
Tam tak nezhno, prekrasno, tam tak milo, legko
There so gentle, beautiful, there so sweet, easy

Наслаждаться в общеньи святых.
Naslazhdat'sya v obshchen'i svyatykh.
To enjoy in fellowship [of the] saints.

Куплет 2:
Глубоко, Глубоко, Глубоко,
Gluboko, Gluboko, Gluboko,
Deep, deep, deep,

Глубоко я мечтаю о Родине той,
Gluboko ya mechtayu o Rodine toy,
Deep I dream about Homeland that,  

Где нет слёз, нет тревог, там свободно, легко.
Gde net sloz, net trevog, tam svobodno, legko.
Where no tears, no troubles/alarms, there freely, easily.

Где Отцовский мой дом дорогой.
Gde Ottsovskiy moy dom dorogoy.
Where [is] Father's my home dear.  
(ie, Where my dear Father's home is.)

Куплет 3: (SOCART does not sing this stanza)
Я хочу, Я хочу, Я хочу,
YA khochu, YA khochu, YA khochu,
I want, I want, I want,

Я хочу, жить в чудесном, святом том раю.
YA khochu, zhit' v chudesnom, svyatom tom rayu.
I want, to live in wonderful, holy that paradise.

Скоро час тот придёт, когда я получу
Skoro chas tot pridyot, kogda ya poluchu
Soon hour that will arrive, when I will receive

Свое место в венчальном краю.
Svoye mesto v venchal'nom krayu.
My own place in [the] wedding land.

Куплет 4:
Верю я, Верю я, Верю я,
Veryu ya, Veryu ya, Veryu ya,
Believe I, believe I, believe I,

Верю я, что Ты скоро, Спаситель, придёшь.
Veryu ya, chto Ty skoro, Spasitel', pridosh'.
Believe I, that You soon, O Savior, will come.

Лишь надежда одна утешает меня
Lish' nadezhda odna uteshayet menya
Just hope alone comforts me

- Что увижу я в небе Тебя.
- Chto uvizhu ya v nebe Tebya.
— That will see I in Heaven You.

Куплет 5:
О, Господь, О, Господь, О, Господь,
O, Gospod', O, Gospod', O, Gospod',
O Lord, O Lord, O Lord,

О, Господь, дай мне силы идти за Тобой,
O, Gospod', day mne sily idti za Toboy,
O Lord, give me strength to walk after You (ie, to follow You)

Побеждать этот мир лишь любовью Твоей,
Pobezhdat' etot mir lish' lyubov'yu Tvoyey,
To defeat / conquer this world only [with] love [of] Yours,

Ожидая отрадных тех дней!
Ozhidaya otradnykh tekh dney!
Looking forward to pleasant those days.
  (ie looking forward to those pleasant days)




English to fit the music ---------


1.  Far away, far away, far away,
Far away, far beyond the expansive deep blue.
There so gentle, so grand, sweetness in Heaven's land,
And enjoying communion so true.

2.  O so deep, O so deep, O so deep,
O so deep do I dream of my Heav'nly Homeland,
Where no troubles nor tears, and no worries nor fears,
Dim the joy of my dear Father's Strand.

Not sung by SOCART

3.  How I want, how I want, how I want,
How I want life in holy and glor'ous, Eden!
Soon the hour will come, when at last I am home,
At the Wedding His Saints proceed in.

4.  I believe, I believe, I believe,
I believe, soon, my Savior, that You will appear.
All my Hopes cling to this, with great comfort and bliss
That in Heaven with You I'll be near!

5.  O my Lord, O my Lord, O my Lord,
O my Lord, give to me strength to follow You__
And defeat this dark world, through Your love then unfurled,
Glor'ous days that we soon will come to.





Monday, November 2, 2020

Хорошо, Когда Вместе В Общенье — Good When Together in Fellowship

youtube video

Куплет 1:
Хорошо, когда вместе в общенье
Khorosho, kogda vmeste v obshchen'ye
[It is] good, when together in fellowship

Мы сольёмся единой хвалой;
My sol'yomsya yedinoy khvaloy;
We will join together in united praise;

Хорошо, когда скорби в терпенье
Khorosho, kogda skorbi v terpen'ye
[It is] good, when sorrows in patience

Переносим с надеждой живой.
Perenosim s nadezhdoy zhivoy.
We carry with hope alive.

Хорошо, если сердце свободно,
Khorosho, yesli serdtse svobodno,
[It is] good, if [the] heart [is] free,

Хорошо, если нету в нем зла!
Khorosho, yesli netu v nem zla!
[It is] good, if not in it of evil!

Хорошо, хорошо и спокойно
Khorosho, khorosho i spokoyno
[It is] good, good and tranquil

В той душе, где всегда тишина.
V toy dushe, gde vsegda tishina.
In that soul, where always [is] quiet.

SOCART does not sing these:

Куплет 2:
Хорошо, когда душу и тело
Khorosho, kogda dushu i telo
[It is] good, when soul and body

Мы вполне для Христа отдаем.
My vpolne dlya Khrista otdayem.
We complete for Christ give over / return.

Хорошо, когда в битве мы смелы,
Khorosho, kogda v bitve my smely,
[It is] good, when in battle we [are] brave,

Когда действуем так, как поем.
Kogda deystvuyem tak, kak poyem.
When we act so, as we sing.

Куплет 3:
Хорошо, когда бури, невзгоды
Khorosho, kogda buri, nevzgody
[It is] good, when storms, adversities

Нашу душу порой всколыхнут,
Nashu dushu poroy vskolykhnut,
Our souls at times will shake

Когда чувствуем тяжесть дороги,
Kogda chuvstvuyem tyazhest' dorogi,
When [we] feel [the] weight [of the] road,

Когда труден наш жизненный путь.
Kogda truden nash zhiznennyy put'.
When difficult [is] life path.

Куплет 4:
Хорошо с Иисусом повсюду,
Khorosho s Iisusom povsyudu,
[It is] good, with Jesus far and wide,

С Ним легко, ведь Он бремя несёт.
S Nim legko, ved' On bremya nesyot.
With Him [it is] easy, after all He burden carries

Хорошо нам открыть сердце Другу.
Khorosho nam otkryt' serdtse Drugu.
[It is] good [to] us to open heart to Friend.

А наш Друг - Иисус - все поймет.
A nash Drug - Iisus - vse poymet.
But our Friend — Jesus — all will understand.

Куплет 5:
Хорошо! Как мы счастливы с Богом,
Khorosho! Kak my schastlivy s Bogom,
[It is] good! How we [are] happy with God,

Не покинет Он нас никогда!
Ne pokinet On nas nikogda!
Not leave He us never!

По тернистым житейским дорогам
Po ternistym zhiteyskim dorogam
Upon thorny life roads

Хорошо с Иисусом всегда!
Khorosho s Iisusom vsegda!
[It is] good, with Jesus always!

The scripture on the cell phone is: Ephesians 4:32
но будьте друг ко другу добры, сострадательны, прощайте друг друга, как и Бог во Христе простил вас.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.


Lyrics Here:

Music Here:

------- Better English as SOCART sings it -------

It is good when together in fellowship
We meld together in united praise;
It is good when sorrows in patience
We bear with living hope.

Chorus —
It is good if the heart is free,
It is good if it is not in evil!
It is good — good and tranquil —
In that soul where quiet always is.

It is good with Jesus everywhere,
It is easy with Him since He carries all burdens.
It is good to us to open the heart to a Friend,
Our Friend — Jesus — will understand all.

Chorus —

It is good! How happy we are with God,
He will not ever leave us!
Upon the thorny roads of life
It is good always to be with Jesus!

Chorus —


----- English to fit the meter (as SOCART sings it) -----

1. It is good when together in union
We will blend all united in praise.
It is good when in troubles we carry
Patiently with this hope all our days.


It is good if the heart is unshackled,
It is good if in it is no ill,
It is good, very good and so tranquil
In that soul where peace spreads its sweet will.

4. It is good then with Jesus we travel,
Simply go since He takes all our cares.
It is good, our hearts open to Jesus,
Our dear Friend all our troubles then bears.

5. It is good!  Oh how happy when with God,
He will not ever leave us alone!
Here in life upon earth's thorny pathways
It is good ever to be His own!