Monday, December 16, 2019

Хлеб Насущный — Give Us Bread

Audio from White Angel — Белый Ангел

Хлеб насущный дай нам на сей день,
Khleb nasushchnyy day nam na sey den',
Bread vital give  [to] us this day,

Слышен вопль городов, деревень.
Slyshen vopl' gorodov, dereven'.
Audible cry [of] cities, villages.

И Господь всемогущей рукой
I Gospod' vsemogushchey rukoy
And Lord with almighty hand

Землю делает щедрой такой.
Zemlyu delayet shchedroy takoy.
[The] Earth makes bountiful such as {like that}.


На земле каждый час каждый миг,
Na zemle kazhdyy chas kazhdyy mig,
On earth every hour, every moment,

Светит солнце для добрых и злых,
Svetit solntse dlya dobrykh i zlykh,
Shines [the] sun for [the] good and [the] evil,

И нисходят дожди в облаках,
I niskhodyat dozhdi v oblakakh,
And descends rain from [the] clouds,

Бог ко всем одинаково благ.
Bog ko vsem odinakovo blag.
God [is] toward all equally good.


С неба пало Святое Зерно,
S neba palo Svyatoye Zerno,
From [the] heavens fell Holy Grain /Seed,

На земле умирало Оно,
Na zemle umiralo Ono,
On earth was dying It,

Проросло многоцветьем ростков,
Proroslo mnogotsvet'yem rostkov,
Sprouted many-colored sprouts

Принесло миллионы плодов.
Prineslo milliony plodov.
Brought millions [of] fruits (offspring).


Это подвиг Страдальца Христа,
Eto podvig Stradal'tsa Khrista,
This accomplishment [of the] Sufferer Christ,

Хлебом жизни для многих Он стал,
Khlebom zhizni dlya mnogikh On stal,
[The] Bread [of] life] for many He became,

И тот день, когда смерть его чтут,
I tot den', kogda smert' yego chtut,
And the day, when death [of] his [is] honored,

“Преломлением хлеба”  зовут.
“Prelomleniyem khleba”  zovut.
“Breaking Bread” is called.


Благодарными стоит нам быть,
Blagodarnymi stoit nam byt',
Thankful situated us should be

Иисуса взаимно любить.
Iisusa vzaimno lyubit'.
Jesus mutually to love.

Лучше нет на земле никого,
Luchshe net na zemle nikogo,
Better not on earth no one

Иисуса Христа моего.
Iisusa Khrista moyego.
[Than] Jesus Christ mine.


На земле каждый час каждый миг,
Na zemle kazhdyy chas kazhdyy mig,
On earth every hour, every moment,

Светит солнце для добрых и злых,
Svetit solntse dlya dobrykh i zlykh,
Shines [the] sun for good and evil,

И нисходят дожди в облаках,
I niskhodyat dozhdi v oblakakh,
And descends rain from [the] clouds,

Бог ко всем одинаково благ.
Bog ko vsem odinakovo blag.
God toward all equally good.

 ----- Better English -----

Necessary bread give us this day,
The audible cry of the cities and villages.
And the Lord with almighty hand
Makes the earth bountiful.

On earth every hour, every moment,
The sun shines for the good and the evil,
And rain descends from the clouds—
God is is equally good toward all.

From the Heavens fell Holy Seed
On earth It died;
It sprouted many-colored shoots,
Brought millions of offspring.

This is the accomplishment of the Suffering Christ,
He became the Bread of Life for many;
And the Day, when His Death is honored,
Is called "Breaking Bread."

We should be grateful
And should love Jesus in return.
There is no one better on earth
Than my Jesus Christ.

On earth every hour, every moment,
The sun shines for the good and the evil,
And rain descends from the clouds—
God is is equally good toward all.


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