Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Исцели Мое Сомненье — Heal My Doubt

lyrics & performance:  https://holychords.com/17871
pdf of hymn: https://noty-bratstvo.org/sites/default/files/isceli-moe-somnenje-054_1_0.pdf

Куплет 1:
Исцели мое сомненье [сомнение],
Istseli moye somnen'ye,
Heal my doubt
Что приходит иногда
Chto prikhodit inogda
That comes sometimes
В час минутного забвенья [забвения]
V chas minutnogo zabven'ya
In hour [of] momentary disregard / oblivion
С ношей горького плода.
S noshey gor'kogo ploda.
With burden [of] bitter fruit.

Куплет 2:
Я хочу не сомневаться
YA khochu ne somnevat'sya
I want not to doubt
Ни на миг, что Твой я сын,
Ni na mig, chto Tvoy ya syn,
Not for [a] moment, that Yours I [am] son,
Что я призван подвизаться
Chto ya prizvan podvizat'sya
That I [am] called to fight bravely
Посреди Твоих дружин.
Posredi Tvoikh druzhin.
Amidst Your troops (retinue/brigade).

Куплет 3:
Удали мое сомненье [сомнение],
Udali moye somnen'ye,
Remove my doubt,
Будто в мире я без сил;
Budto v mire ya bez sil;
[It is] as though in [the] world I [am] weak;
Сам приди, веди в сраженье [сражение],
Sam pridi, vedi v srazhen'ye,
Yourself come, lead in battle / combat,
Чтоб с Тобой я победил.
Chtob s Toboy ya pobedil.
So that with You I overcome / conquer.

Куплет 4:
Помоги, чтоб я душою
Pomogi, chtob ya dushoyu
Help, so that I [with] soul
От Тебя не отходил,
Ot Tebya ne otkhodil,
From You not depart,
Чтобы враг своей стрелою
Chtoby vrag svoyey streloyu
So that enemy [with] his own arrow

Дух мой слабый не смутил.
Dukh moy slabyy ne smutil.
Soul [of] mine weak / feeble not confuse.


English Translation to Fit the Music

Heal my doubt that comes in darkly
Sometimes with an unseen root,
In the hour of inattention
With the weight of bitter fruit.

This I do not want to e'er doubt,
Not for aye, that I'm Your son,
That I'm called to bravely fight on
Midst Your troops till battles won.

So I ask You take my doubting—
In this world no strength in me.
Come, Yourself, and lead in battle,
So with You I'll victor be.

Help me, Lord, so that with my soul,
From You I will ne'er depart.
So my foe with his own sharp arrow
Won't confuse my feeble heart.

Another rendition of this hymn