Monday, March 11, 2019

Years of Youth — Годы юности летят

Годы! Годы юности летят,
Gody! Gody yunosti letyat,
Years! The Years of youth fly,
Годы, им возврата нет назад,
Gody, im vozvrata net nazad,
Years, they have no return back,
Годы, в вечность нас влекут с собой.
Gody, v vechnost' nas vlekut s soboy.
Years, into eternity draw us with them.
Годы, дни уходят чередой.
Gody, dni ukhodyat cheredoy.
Years, days depart in succession.

Годы, изменяют в жизни нас.
Gody, izmenyayut v zhizni nas.
Years, change us in life.
Годы, неизведан каждый час,
Gody, neizvedan kazhdyy chas,
Years, uncharted every hour,
Годы, ты совсем уже седой,
Gody, ty sovsem uzhe sedoy,
Years, you quite already gray,
Годы, что свершили над тобой.
Gody, chto svershili nad toboy.
Years, that have made you.

Годы! С каждым годом ближе дом,
Gody! S kazhdym godom blizhe dom,
Years, with every year closer home,
Годы, скоро встреча со Христом,
Gody, skoro vstrecha so Khristom,
Years, soon meeting with Christ,
Годы, скоро полночь, год проидёт,
Gody, skoro polnoch', god proidot ,
Years, soon midnight as the year passes
Годы, скоро наш Господь придёт.
Gody, skoro nash Gospod' pridot.
Years, soon our Lord will come.

Годы! Для Иисуса посвяти,
Gody! Dlya Iisusa posvyati,
Years, For Jesus consecrate / devote,
Годы, плод твой в жизни принеси,
Gody, plod tvoy v zhizni prinesi,
Years, fruit yours in life bring,
Годы, год прошел, идёт другой,
Gody, god proshel, idyot drugoy,
Years, a year has passed, comes another,
Годы, есть что думать нам с тобой.
Gody, yest' chto dumat' nam s toboy.
Years, there is that to think us with you.
       (there is that for us and you to think of.)

5. (additional verse not sung by Simon)
Годы! Будь готов войти с Христом.
Gody! Bud' gotov voyti s Khristom.
Years! Be ready to enter with Christ.
Годы! В вечный славный Божий дом.
Gody! V vechnyy slavnyy Bozhiy dom.
Years! God's eternal glorious home.
Годы! Там святые без числа.
Gody! Tam svyatyye bez chisla.
Years! There [are] saints without number.
Годы! Все поют Христу: "Хвала!"
Gody! Vse poyut Khristu: "Khvala!"
Years! All sing to Christ: "Praise!"

It seems that there are other versions of this song and at least one other verse.

Years of Youth—They Fly Away!

The years!  Years of youth—they fly away!
The years,  Ne'er returns a single day;
The years,  toward the end we're drawn along;
The years,  days depart, we can't prolong!

The years,  in our lives they bring us change;
The years,  ev'ry hour uncharted range.
The years,  you have now a head of white;
The years,  day has quickly turned to night!

The years,  closer home with ev'ry year,
The years,  soon we'll meet with Christ so dear!
The years,  soon midnight, the year will pass!
The years,  soon our Lord will come at last!

The years,  then for Jesus consecrate,
The years,  all the fruit of life donate;
The years,  one has passed and then another—
The years,  think on this and spur each other!

5. (The additional verse that is not sung by Simon)
The years! Ready then as Christ shall come
The years! To His ageless glorious home;
The years! There His countless saints shall raise
The years! Songs to Christ in endless Praise!

Here are the English lyrics set to the music (which is close to what Simon sings)—
Note: Simon takes a great deal of liberty with the tempo and timing

It seems that there are other versions of this song and at least one other verse.