Friday, May 8, 2020

Нежный Голос — Gentle Voice

Утром на рассвете буду слушать ветер
Utrom na rassvete budu slushat' veter
In morning at dawn will [I] listen [to the] wind
Может в нём услышу я Тебя
Mozhet v nom uslyshu ya Tebya
Maybe in it can hear I You
   (Ie, maybe I can hear you in it)
Знаю что на свете знаю больше нету
Znayu chto na svete znayu bol'she netu
[I] know that in [the] world [I] know anymore no
   (Ie, I know that in the world I know nothing more)
Вот такой любви как у Тебя
Vot takoy lyubvi kak u Tebya
Here [is] such love as You have.

Голос Твой как птица над землёй кружится
Golos Tvoy kak ptitsa nad zemloy kruzhitsya
Voice [of] Yours [is] like [a] bird above [the] earth circling
и зовёт усталые сердца
i zovyot ustalyye serdtsa
and calling tired hearts
и лучами жарко в душу мне ложиться
i luchami zharko v dushu mne lozhit'sya
and the rays hot in soul [of] mine me to lie down
и все манит без конца
i vse manit bez kontsa
and all beckons without end.

Нежный нежный голос Иисуса голос
Nezhnyy nezhnyy golos Iisusa golos
Sweet, sweet voice, Jesus' voice
В шелесте листвы, и в сильных в море волнах
V sheleste listvy, i v sil'nykh v more volnakh
In [the] rustle [of] leaves, and in [the] strong in [of the] sea waves
  (Ie, in the rustle of leaves, and in the strong waves of the sea
В тихом дуновении,  дуновении ветра
V tikhom dunovenii,  dunovenii vetra
In quiet breath, breath [of] wind
И в рассказе солнца, и в призыве неба
I v rasskaze solntsa, i v prizyve neba
And in [the] story [of the] sun, and in [the] call of heaven/sky
Шепчет о любви Он, счастье и покое
Shepchet o lyubvi On, schast'ye i pokoye
Whispers about love He, happiness and peace
И о том что в бурю Он тебя укроет
I o tom chto v buryu On tebya ukroyet
And concerning that that in [the] storm He you will cover
Только ты послушай
Tol'ko ty poslushay
Just you listen
И открой всю душу для Него
I otkroy vsyu dushu dlya Nego
And open entire soul for Him

Утром на рассвете буду слушать ветер
Utrom na rassvete budu slushat' veter
[In the] morning at dawn [I] will listen [to the] wind
может в нём услышу я Тебя
mozhet v nom uslyshu ya Tebya
Maybe in it can hear I You
   (Ie, maybe I can hear you in it)
знаю что на свете знаю больше нету
znayu chto na svete znayu bol'she netu
[I] know that in [the] world [I] know anymore no
   (Ie, I know that in the world I know nothing more)
вот такой любви как у Тебя
vot takoy lyubvi kak u Tebya
Here [is] such love as You have.

У любви Исуса сила и прощение
U lyubvi Isusa sila i proshcheniye
By [the] love [of] Jesus power and forgiveness
   (Ie, Jesus' love has power and forgiveness)
Ты зовёшь всех странников к Себе
Ty zovosh' vsekh strannikov k Sebe
You call all [the] wanderers to Yourself
Терпеливо, долго ждёшь чтоб дать спасенье
Terpelivo, dolgo zhdyosh' chtob dat' spasen'ye
Patiently, at length [You] wait in order to give salvation
Ты во всём мой Бог и Ты везде
Ty vo vsom moy Bog i Ty vezde
You [are] my God and You [are] everywhere.
Утром на рассвете я Тебя услышу
Utrom na rassvete ya Tebya uslyshu
[In the] morning at dawn I You will hear
Поспешу, в молитве преклонюсь
Pospeshu, v molitve preklonyus'
[I] will hasten in prayer to bow
Голос Твой во всём, что здесь живёт и дышит
Golos Tvoy vo vsom, chto zdes' zhivot i dyshit
Voice [of] Yours in everything, that here lives and breathes
В нем краса любви Твоей Иисус
V nem krasa lyubvi Tvoyey Iisus
In it [the] beauty [of] love [of] Yours, Jesus
Голос Твой как птица над землёй кружится
Golos Tvoy kak ptitsa nad zemloy kruzhitsya
Voice [of] Yours [is] like [a] bird above [the] earth circling
и зовёт усталые сердца
i zovot ustalyye serdtsa
and calling tired hearts
и лучами жарко в душу мне ложится
i luchami zharko v dushu mne lozhitsya
and the rays hot in soul [of] mine me to lie down
И всё манит без конца
I vso manit bez kontsa
and all beckons without end.

Another music video version is here, featuring Groupa Melodiya.

English Version----
In the morning at dawn, I will listen to the wind—
Perhaps I can hear You in it.
I know that in the world I know that
there is nothing like Your love.

Your voice is like a bird above the ground circling
and calling tired hearts—
and the rays are so warm in my soul—to lie down
and all beckons without end.

Sweet, sweet voice, Jesus' voice,
In the rustle of leaves, and in the strong waves of the sea,
In the story of the sun, and in the call of heaven,
He whispers about love, happiness, and peace,
and that in the midst of the storm He will cover you—
Just you listen,
And open your whole heart to Him.

In the morning at dawn I will listen to the wind—
Perhaps I can hear You in it.
I know that in the world I know that
there is nothing like Your love.

Jesus' love has power and forgiveness—
You call the wanderers to Yourself;
Patiently, at length, You wait in order to give salvation.
You are my God and You are everywhere.

In the morning at dawn I will hear You.
I will hasten in prayer to bow.
You voice is in everything here that lives and breathes;
In it is the beauty of Your love, Jesus.
Your voice is like a bird above the ground circling
and calling tired hearts—
and the rays are so warm in my soul—to lie down
and all beckons without end.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Дни Как Звук Отшумят — Days, Like a Sound

Дни Как Звук Отшумят, written by the Rusavuks.  It is track #14 on their album, Жизни Река Бежит (The River of Life Flows)  The lead sheet (in Russian) may be found here.

Дни, как звук, отшумят,
Dni, kak zvuk, otshumyat,
Days, like sound, will make noise
И исчезнут вдали.
I ischeznut vdali.
And will disappear afar.
В синем небе летят
V sinem nebe letyat
In [the] blue sky fly
Над землей журавли.
Nad zemley zhuravli.
Above earth cranes.

В журавлином пути
V zhuravlinom puti
In crane-like way
Быстрый бег твоих лет,
Bystryy beg tvoikh let,
Fast running [of] your years,
И оставишь ли ты
I ostavish' li ty
And will leave/abandon you
И оставишь ли ты
I ostavish' li ty
And will leave/abandon you
На земле добрый след.
Na zemle dobryy sled.
On earth [a] good trail.

Как пройти этот путь,
Kak proyti etot put',
How to pass this way,
Чтобы что-то отдать,
Chtoby chto-to otdat',
So to something give away
Людям счастье вдохнуть,
Lyudyam schast'ye vdokhnut',
People happiness inhale,
Веру не потерять.
Veru ne poteryat'.
Faith not lose.

Пусть же юность твоя
Pust' zhe yunost' tvoya
May [your] youth [be] yours
Ярким светом горит,
Yarkim svetom gorit,
[With] bright light burn,
И крупицы добра
I krupitsy dobra
And bits [of] good
И крупицы добра
I krupitsy dobra
And bits [of] good
Людям щедро дарит.
Lyudyam shchedro darit.
[to] people generously give.

Словно цокот копыт
Slovno tsokot kopyt
As though clatter [of] hooves
Дней земных череда
Dney zemnykh chereda
[of] days [of] earth's succession
Время быстро летит
Vremya bystro letit
Time quickly flies
Убегают года.
Ubegayut goda.
Flee [the] years.

Как туман поутру,
Kak tuman poutru,
Like fog in morning
Что возник на полях
Chto voznik na polyakh
That arises on fields
И исчезнет в жару
I ischeznet v zharu
And disappears in heat
И исчезнет в жару,
I ischeznet v zharu,
And disappears in heat
Так и юность твоя.
Tak i yunost' tvoya.
So and [is] youth [of] yours.

A Better English Translation

Days, like sound, will make a noise
And will disappear afar.
In the blue sky above earth
cranes fly.

In a crane-like way
Fast running of your years,
And you will leave
And you will leave
On earth a good trail.

How to pass this way,
So to something give away
People happiness inhale,
Faith does not lose.

May your youth be yours
With bright light burn,
And bits of good
And bits of good.
To people generously give.

As though clatter of hooves
of the days of earth's succession,
Time quickly flies,
Flee [the] years.

Like fog in morning
That arises on fields
And disappears in heat
And disappears in heat
So is your youth.