Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Вечный Свет — Eternal Light

The song is introduced thusly:
Увы, наша жизнь такова: мы рождаемся во грехе, живем во грехе и наши грехи порой нас сковывают как цепи узников. Изо дня в день, из года в год - мы ищем что-то, что даст нам свободу, что снимет с нас этот груз и наполнит сердце радостью. Но, мир этого дать не может!

К великому счастью - У НАС ЕСТЬ ИИСУС ХРИСТОС! Того кто верит в Него и в Его святую, невинную кровь, пролитую в жертву за наши грехи - Он освобождает, очищает и снимает цепи греха.

Такого в мире света нет, ведь Бог есть Свет и в Нем ответ.
Alas, our life is like this: we are born in sin, we live in sin, and our sins sometimes bind us like chains of prisoners. From day to day, from year to year, we are looking for something that will give us freedom, that will lift this burden from us and fill our hearts with joy. But, the world can't give it!

To great happiness-we HAVE JESUS CHRIST! The one who believes in Him and In his Holy, innocent blood, shed as a sacrifice for our sins-he frees, cleanses and removes the chains of sin.

There is no such light in the world, because God is Light and the answer is in him.

Там, где царствует любовь, в слезах нет нужды.
Tam, gde tsarstvuyet lyubov', v slezakh net nuzhdy.
There, where reigns love, in tears not [of] need.
             (ie where love reigns, there is no need for tears)
Там, где всегда рассвет, злости нет и лжи.
Tam, gde vsegda rassvet, zlosti net i lzhi.
There, where always [is] dawn, rage not nor lies.
Там, среди облаков, дом моей мечты.
Tam, sredi oblakov, dom moyey mechty.
There, among [the] clouds, home [of] mine dream.
Туда, где Господь есмь Свет, стремимся я и ты.
Tuda, gde Gospod' yesm' Svet, stremimsya ya i ty.
To there, where [the] Lord is Light, strive I and you.

Ты не просто человек, твой дух живёт во век.
Ty ne prosto chelovek, tvoy dukh zhivot vo vek.
You [are] not just [a] man, your spirit lives forever.
Избери прямой, ты, путь, и верным Богу будь.
Izberi pryamoy, ty, put', i vernym Bogu bud'.
Select straight, you, path, and true [to] God be.
   (ie, You select the straight path and be tru to God.)
Верь, Господь всегда с тобой, если Он Бог твой.
Ver', Gospod' vsegda s toboy, yesli On Bog tvoy.
Believe [that the] Lord [is] always with you, if He [is] God [of] yours.
Знай, твой мир не простой, но ты твёрдо стой.
Znay, tvoy mir neprostoy, no ty tvordo stoy.
Know, [that] your world [is] difficult, but you firmly stand.

Я зову, Я стучу,
YA zovu, YA stuchu,
I call, I knock,

Своё сердце открой.
Svoyo serdtse otkroy.
Your own heart open.

Я войду, исцелю
YA voydu, istselyu
I will enter, will heal

От греха, о сын Мой.
Ot grekha, o syn Moy.
from sin, O son [of] Mine.

Не губи свою жизнь,
Ne gubi svoyu zhizn',
Not ruin your own life,

Не ищи в мире свет.
Ne ishchi v mire svet.
Not look for in [the] world light.

Вечный Свет у Меня,
Vechnyy Svet u Menya,
Eternal Light I have,

Вечный Свет это Я!
Vechnyy Svet eto YA!
Eternal Light this I [am]!

Он, Всевышний и Святой,
On, Vsevyshniy i Svyatoy,
He, Most High and Holy
Так возлюбил тебя,
Tak vozlyubil tebya,
So loved you,
Сына на распятие отдал,
Syna na raspyatiye otdal,
Son for crucifixion gave,
Only Begotten.
Чтоб всякий верующий в Него,
Chtob vsyakiy veruyushchiy v Nego,
So that everyone believing in Him,
Сохранил жизнь свою,
Sokhranil zhizn' svoyu,
Saves life his own,
И вместо гибели в аду
I vmesto gibeli v adu
And instead of death in hell
Обрёл жизнь вечную.
Obrol zhizn' vechnuyu.
finds life eternal.

Я зову, Я стучу,
YA zovu, YA stuchu,
I call, I knock,

Своё сердце открой.
Svoyo serdtse otkroy.
Your own heart open.

Я войду, исцелю
YA voydu, istselyu
I will enter, will heal

От греха, о сын Мой.
Ot grekha, o syn Moy.
from sin, O son [of] Mine.

Не губи свою жизнь,
Ne gubi svoyu zhizn',
Not ruin your own life,

Не ищи в мире свет.
Ne ishchi v mire svet.
Not look for in [the] world light.

Вечный Свет у Меня,
Vechnyy Svet u Menya,
Eternal Light I have,

Вечный Свет это Я!
Vechnyy Svet eto YA!
Eternal Light this I [am]!

Words at the end of the video:
И вот благовестие, которое мы слушаю от него и возвещает вам: Бог есть свет, и нет в нем никакой тьмы.
And here is the gospel that we hear from him and proclaims to you: God is light, and there is no darkness in him.

-----------An English approximation of the lyrics-----------

Eternal Light

There where love reigns, there's no need of tears.
There where it's always dawn, there's no rage nor lies.
There among the clouds is my home, my dream.
There where lives the Lord of Light, we strive to go.

You are not just flesh, your spirit lives fore'er.
Choose the straight and narrow and to your God be true.
Believe the Lord is always with you if He is your God
Know that this world is hard, but you must firmly stand!

   I call, I knock,
   Open now your heart.
   I will enter, I will heal
   From sin, O My child.
   Don't ruin your own life,
   Look not for light in this world.
   Eternal Light have I,
   Eternal Light am I!

He, the Most High and Holy One,
Loved you so much
That He gave His Son—
The Only Begotten.
So that all who believe in Him
Might save their life,
And instead of death in hell
Might find eternal life.

   I call, I knock,
   Open now your heart.
   I will enter, I will heal
   From sin, O My child.
   Don't ruin your own life,
   Look not for light in this world.
   Eternal Light have I,
   Eternal Light am I!

------------------- English Fit to the Music ------------

There where love supremely reigns, there's no need of tears.
There where it's always dawn, there's no rage nor lies.
There among the clouds above is my home, my dream.
There where lives the Lord of Light, we long to be.

You are not just simply flesh, your spirit lives fore'er.
Choose the straight and narrow way and to your God be true.
Trust the Lord is always near if He is your God.
Know that this world is hard, but you must stand your ground!

   See I call, see I knock,
   Open wide now your heart.
   I will come, I will heal
   You from sin, O My child.
   Do not ruin your own life,
   There's no Light in this world
   Eternal Light, this I have;
   Eternal Light, this am I!

He, the High and Holy One, loved you O! so much
That He gave His very Son, the Only Begotten Son.
So that all who would believe in Him might save their life
And instead of death in hell might find eternal life.

   See I call, see I knock,
   Open wide now your heart.
   I will come, I will heal
   You from sin, O My child.
   Do not ruin your own life,
   There's no Light in this world
   Eternal Light, this I have;
   Eternal Light, this am I!