Friday, January 17, 2020

I am Just a Poor Sinner

I am just a poor sinner,
True, I am the worst.
If the God immortal
Had never loved me first,
Were not full of mercy
And saved me from sin's dread,
Then my soul forever
Would stay accursed and dead.

I will look to Jesus
With faith there in my heart.
What the world then speaks for,
I'll gladly not take part.
If my Lord should speak aught
His word my heart shall praise,
I will sing of Him
with joy for all my days.

In sweet meditations
I know my Shepherd dear.
He puts flight to sin
And drives away my fear.
Joyfully I long
With Christ then to abide,
Working for my Master
With Him nearby my side.

Oh, my Lord such wonder
the King gives to His own!
Bridegroom of my soul,
The Word of Truth alone!
May I always be
a poor soul that You drew,
So that all my needs
and breath be met in You.

I am a Poor Sinner — О, Я Грешник Бедный

SOCART - О, я грешник Бедный
(Песнь Возрождения #68)

1 куплет
О, я грешник бедный!
O, ya greshnik bednyy!
O, I [am a] sinner poor!
Правда, я таков;
Pravda, ya takov;
True, I [am] such;
Если б Бог бессмертный
Yesli b Bog bessmertnyy
If [the] God immortal
Не был полн даров,
Ne byl poln darov,
were not full [of] gifts,
Не был полн любовью,
Ne byl poln lyubov'yu,
Were not full [of] love,
И не спас меня,
I ne spas menya,
And not saved me,
То погиб давно бы
To pogib davno by
Then died long ago would have
В мире этом я.
V mire etom ya.
In world this I.
(ie, Then I would have died long ago in this world.)

2 куплет
Буду с верой в сердце
Budu s veroy v serdtse
will with faith in heart
Я к Нему смотреть,
YA k Nemu smotret',
I to Him look,
Если «мир» не скажет, -
Yesli «mir» ne skazhet, -
If "world" not will say/tell —
Мне им не владеть.
Mne im ne vladet'.
to me it not to own
(ie, I will not own it)
Если ж я услышу
Yesli zh ya uslyshu
If [the] very same I will hear
Слово от Него, -
Slovo ot Nego, -
Word from Him, —
Буду славить сердцем,
Budu slavit' serdtsem,
[I] will praise [with] heart,
Буду петь Его. 
Budu pet' Yego.
[I] will sing Him
(or, I will sing It [that is sing the Word])

3 куплет
В сладком размышленье,
V sladkom razmyshlen'ye,
In sweet reflection / meditation,
Что Ты пастырь мой,
Chto Ty pastyr' moy,
That You [are] shepherd mine,
Исчезает сразу грех
Ischezayet srazu grekh
Disappear immediately sin
И страх людской;
I strakh lyudskoy;
And fears human (ie, human fears)
Радостно желаю
Radostno zhelayu
Joyfully desire
Я в Тебе пребыть,
YA v Tebe prebyt',
I in You to abide,
Dlya Tebya trudit'sya
Для Тебя трудиться
For You to work/labor
И с Тобою жить.
I s Toboyu zhit'.
And with You live.

4 куплет
Да, мой Бог! Ты дивный
Da, moy Bog! Ty divnyy
Yes, my God! You [are] wonderful
Царь даров святых,
Tsar' darov svyatykh,
King [of the] gifts [of the] saints
Слово правды вечной
Slovo pravdy vechnoy
Word [of] truth eternal
И души Жених.
I dushi Zhenikh.
And soul's Bridegroom
Пусть я буду бедным
Pust' ya budu bednym
May I be [a] poor
Духом пред Тобой,
Dukhom pred Toboy,
spirit before You,
Чтоб в Тебе нуждаться
Chtob v Tebe nuzhdat'sya
So that in You to need
И дышать Тобой!
I dyshat' Toboy!
And to breathe You!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Sign of the Son - Знамение Сына

Матфея 24: 29-31,     Откровение 22:12-14,16-17, 20-21
Mathew 24: 29-31,     Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21

И вдруг, после скорби дней тех,
I vdrug, posle skorbi dney tekh,
And suddenly, after troubles / tribulations [of] days those,
    (ie, after the tribulations of those days)
Солнце померкнет, и луна не даст света своего,
Solntse pomerknet, i luna ne dast sveta svoyego,
Sun will fade, and moon not give light [of] its,
И спадут с неба звезды,
I spadut s neba zvezdy,
And fall from sky [the] stars,
И силы небесные поколеблются;
I sily nebesnyye pokoleblyutsya;
And powers heavenly will be shaken;
Тогда явится
Togda yavitsya
Then will appear
Знамение Сына Божия на небе;
Znameniye Syna Bozhiya na nebe;
[The] sign [of the] Son [of] God in heaven;

Тогда восплачут племена земные,
Togda vosplachut plemena zemnyye,
Then will weep [the] tribes [of] earth,
Увидев Сына Божия, грядущего
Uvidev Syna Bozhiya, gryadushchego
Seeing [the] Son [of] God, coming
На облаках с силою и славою великою;
Na oblakakh s siloyu i slavoyu velikoyu;
On [the] clouds with power and glory great;
С силою и славою великою;
S siloyu i slavoyu velikoyu;
With power and glory great;

И пошлет Он Ангелов Своих
I poshlet On Angelov Svoikh
And will send He Angels His
С трубою громогласною, и соберут избранных Его
S truboyu gromoglasnoyu, i soberut izbrannykh Yego
With trumpet loud, and will gather [the] chosen [of] His
От четырех ветров, от края небес до края.
Ot chetyrekh vetrov, ot kraya nebes do kraya.
From [the] four winds, from edge/end [of] heavens unto edge/end.

Се, гряду скоро, и возмездие Мое со Мною,
Se, gryadu skoro, i vozmezdiye Moye so Mnoyu,
Behold, [I] am coming soon, and retribution Mine with Me,
Чтоб воздать каждому по делам его.
Chtob vozdat' kazhdomu po delam yego.
So that to reward [to] each according to works [of] his.
Я есмь Альфа и Омега, начало и конец,
YA yesm' Al'fa i Omega, nachalo i konets,
I am [the] Alpha and Omega, [the] beginning and [the] end,
Первый и Последний.
Pervyy i Posledniy.
[The] first and [the] Last.

Блаженны соблюдающие заповеди Бога Отца,
Blazhenny soblyudayushchiye zapovedi Boga Ottsa,
Blessed [are those] keeping /observing [the] commandments [of] God [the] Father,
Чтобы иметь им право на древо жизни,
Chtoby imet' im pravo na drevo zhizni,
So that to have to them right to tree [of] life,
Войти в Город Святый,
Voyti v Gorod Svyatyy,
Enter in [the] City Holy,
Я есмь корень и потомок Давида,
YA yesm' koren' i potomok Davida,
I am [the] root and descendant [of] David
Звезда светлая и утренняя.
Zvezda svetlaya i utrennyaya.
[The] star bright and morning.

И Дух говорит: приди!
I Dukh govorit: pridi!
And [the] Spirit says: Come!
Невеста: приди!
Nevesta: pridi!
[The] Bride: Come!
И слышавший да скажет: приди!
I slyshavshiy da skazhet: pridi!
And hearing ones let say: Come!

Пусть жаждущий приходит,
Let thirsting ones come,
Pust' zhazhdushchiy prikhodit,
И желающий берет воду жизни даром.
I zhelayushchiy beret vodu zhizni darom.
And [the] wanting one take water [of] life freely.
Ей, гряду скоро, Аминь!
Yey, gryadu skoro, Amin'!
Yea, [I] come soon, Amen!
Ей, Гряди, Господи Иисусе!
Yey, Gryadi, Gospodi Iisuse!
Yea (even so), Come, Lord Jesus!
Благодать Господа нашего Иисуса Христа
Blagodat' Gospoda nashego Iisusa Khrista
[The] Grace [of] Lord [of] ours Jesus Christ
Со всеми вами, во все веки,
So vsemi vami, vo vse veki,
With all [of] you, for all time (forever)