Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bless That House — Благословен Тот Дом


1. Благословен тот дом, где в каждом чистом сердце
Blagosloven tot dom, gde v kazhdom chistom serdtse
Blessed is that house, where in each pure heart

Слово святое Господа живёт.
Slovo svyatoye Gospoda zhivyot.
[the] Word holy [of the] Lord lives

Нет власти тьмы и страха смерти,
Net vlasti t'my i strakha smerti,
No power [of] darkness and fear [of] death,

И Сам Господь с тот дом Хозяином войдёт.
I Sam Gospod' s tot dom Khozyainom voydyot.
And Himself [the] Lord with that house Owner/Master will enter.

Припев 2 раза:
Chorus 2 times:
    Благословен, благословен,
    Blagosloven, blagosloven,
    Blessed, blessed, 

    Благословен, тот дом.
    Blagosloven tot dom
    Blessed is that house.

2. Благословен тот дом, где в тихий час молитвы
Blagosloven tot dom, gde v tikhiy chas molitvy
Blessed is that home, where in quiet hour [of] prayer

Духом Святым Господь касается сердец.
Dukhom Svyatym Gospod' kasayetsya serdets.
Spirit Holy [the] Lord touches hearts.

Где радости, счастья, любви в избытке,
Gde radosti, schast'ya, lyubvi v izbytke,
Where joy, happiness, love in abundance,

И благодать излил Небесный наш Отец.
I blagodat' izlil Nebesnyy nash Otets.
And blessing poured out Heavenly our Father.

Припев 2 раза + проигрыш
Chorus 2 times + instrumental

3. Благословен тот дом, где старость уважают,
Blagosloven tot dom, gde starost' uvazhayut,
Blessed [is] that home, where old [age is] esteemed / respected.

Где веру свято берегут из рода в род.
Gde veru svyato beregut iz roda v rod.
Where faith piously preserved [from] generation to generation.

Славят Творца и Библию читают,
Slavyat Tvortsa i Bibliyu chitayut,
Praise (3rd person plural) the Creator and Bible read (3rd person plural),

И возрастают в мудрости из года в год.
I vozrastayut v mudrosti iz goda v god.
And grow / increase in wisdom from year to year.

Припев 2 раза
Chorus 2 times

Translation and versified into English:

Blessed is then that house, where each with hearts so pure:
Dwells there the holy Word of God most high;
There is no fear of dark nor of death—
There God Himself will enter in most nigh.

   Blessings to them, blessings to them
   Blessings upon that home.

Blessed is then that house, where live true pious prayer;
There Holy Spirit touches ev'ry heart with grace;
There joy and love, happiness abounding,
And blessings from our Father's smiling face.

   Blessings to them, blessings to them
   Blessings upon that home.

Blessed is then that house, where agéd are esteeméd,
Where pious faith will pass from old unto the young.
So praise our God, read then His Scriptures,
And grow in grace and wisdom in each year to year.

   Blessings to them, blessings to them
   Blessings upon that home.

Another version of this song:

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