Saturday, April 18, 2020

You Are Worthy - Ты Достоин

Original song composed by Simon Khorolskiy

Текст выборочно взят из книги Откровения, глава 1&4

The text is selectively taken from the Book of Revelation, chapters 1 & 4

Я был в духе в день воскресный,
YA byl v dukhe v den' voskresnyy,
I was in [the] spirit on [the] day Sunday
     ** Note: Sunday here is a relational adjective.
         It comes from the word meaning "resurrection."

И услышал громкий голос,
I uslyshal gromkiy golos,
And [I] heard [a] loud voice,

Как бы трубный, говорящий,
Kak by trubnyy, govoryashchiy,
Like [it] was trumpets, speaking,

Я есть Альфа и Омега,
YA yest' Al'fa i Omega,
I am Alpha and Omega,

Не бойся; Я есть Первый и Последний,
Ne boysya; YA yest' Pervyy i Posledniy,
[Do] not fear; I am First and Last,

И был мертвым, но се, жив во веки веков, аминь;
I byl mertvym, no se, zhiv vo veki vekov, amin';
And was dead, but behold, [I] live for ever ever (ie, eternity), amen;

И вот, престол стоял на небе,
I vot, prestol stoyal na nebe,
And there/behold, [the] throne stood in heaven,

На престоле был Сидящий;
Na prestole byl Sidyashchiy;
On [the] throne was Sitting [One];

Вокруг престола я видел старцев,
Vokrug prestola ya videl startsev,
Around [the] throne I saw elders (ancient ones),

И животных…
I zhivotnykh…
And creatures…

У каждого по шести крыл, внутри исполнены очей
U kazhdogo po shesti kryl, vnutri ispolneny ochey
By each [there were] around six wings, inside carrying eyes
    (Ie, each had six wings with eyes inside)

Им днем и ночью нет покоя, взывают:
Im dnem i noch'yu net pokoya, vzyvayut:
[To] them day and night none [of] rest, [they] cry out:
    (Ie, The rest not, day and night, but cry out:)

Свят, свят, свят Господь,
Svyat, svyat, svyat Gospod',
Holy, holy, holy Lord,

Который был, есть и грядёт.
Kotoryy byl, yest' i gryadyot.
Who was, is, and is coming.

Бог Вседержитель,
Bog Vsederzhitel',
God Almighty,

Который был, Который есть и грядёт.
Kotoryy byl, Kotoryy yest' i gryadyot.
Who was, Who is, and is coming.

Тогда те двадцать четыре старца,
Togda te dvadtsat' chetyre startsa,
Then those twenty-four elders,

Склоняются перед Сидящим,
Sklonyayutsya pered Sidyashchim,
Bowed before [the] Sitting [One],

Перед престолом, венцы слагают,  говоря:
Pered prestolom, ventsy slagayut,  govorya:
Before [the] throne, crowns [they] lay,  saying:

Достоин, Ты достоин, принять славу и честь и силу:
Dostoin, Ty dostoin, prinyat' slavu i chest' i silu:
Worthy, You [are] worthy, to receive glory and honor and power:

Ты сотворил все, по Твоей воле существуем!
Ty sotvoril vse, po Tvoyey vole sushchestvuyem!
You created all, by Your will [we] exist!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

O the Word of God Do Not E'er Neglect

A translation to English to fit the music of this Russian Hymn, «О Божьих слов не пропускай»

1. O the Word of God do not e'er neglect,
Nor from your eyes its light be waved;
In your heart let hardness ne'er collect —
O hear His voice come now be saved!

   Chorus —
      The day tomorrow may never shine,
      The chords of death your soul entwine;
      Be wise consider then your grave —
      O hear His voice come now be saved!

2. Think on this: the world cannot e'er reward,
Its treasures poison and enslave.
Turn to Christ, let His Life be your store —
O hear His voice come now be saved!

   Chorus —

3. O our Lord will never once expel
The humbled soul to whom He gave
Mercy Love, and Grace; now with them He dwells —
O hear His voice come now be saved!

   Chorus —

See the earlier link for the word-for-word translation.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Славьте Господа — Praise the Lord


Автор: Валерий Короп
Composer: Valerii Korop
      Альбом: Сила Моя  (2012)
      Album: My Strength  (2012)

Славьте Господа, ибо Он благ,
Slav'te Gospoda, ibo On blag,
Praise [the] Lord, for He [is] good,

Ибо вовек милость Его.
Ibo vovek milost' Yego.
For forever [is] mercy [of] His.

Славьте Господа, ибо Он благ,
Slav'te Gospoda, ibo On blag,
Praise [the] Lord, for He [is] good,

Ибо вовек милость Его.
Ibo vovek milost' Yego.
For forever [is] mercy [of] His.
1. Из тесноты воззвал я к Господу,
Iz tesnoty vozzval ya k Gospodu,
Out of narrowness cried I to [the] Lord,

Он услышал, спас меня.
On uslyshal, spas menya.
He heard, saved me.

Лучше уповать на Господа,
Luchshe upovat' na Gospoda,
Better to trust/hope in [the] Lord,

Нежели надеяться на себя.
Nezheli nadeyat'sya na sebya.
Rather than to hope/trust in one's self.


2. Этот день сотворил Господь,
Etot den' sotvoril Gospod',
This [is the] day has created [the] Lord,
  (Ie, this is the day the Lord created)

Радуйся и веселись.
Raduysya i veselis'.
be joyful and rejoice.

Ты - мой Бог, буду славить Тебя,
Ty - moy Bog, budu slavit' Tebya,
You [are] my God, [I] will glorify You,

Буду Тебя превозносить.
Budu Tebya prevoznosit'.
[I] will You extol.


-------First attempt at versification -----------------

Praise the Lord for He is good
For His mercy is forever.
Praise the Lord for He is good
For His mercy is forever.

1. Out of my straight I cried to the Lord,
He heard me and saved me.
It is better to trust in the Lord
than to hope in one's self.


2. This is the day that the Lord has made,
Rejoice then and be glad!
You are my God, I will glorify You;
I will extol You!


Есть На Небе Город — There is in Heaven a City

Куплет 1.
Есть на небе город, чудный город света,
Yest' na nebe gorod, chudnyy gorod sveta,
[There] is in heaven [a] city, [a] wonderful city [of] light,

Там нужды, болезней и печали нету,
Tam nuzhdy, bolezney i pechali netu,
There [of] need, [of] diseases and [of] sadness [is] none

Там живут святые, там играют гусли,
Tam zhivut svyatyye, tam igrayut gusli,
There live saints, there [they] play gusli  **
   ** a type of dulcimer or psaltery-like instrument

Воздавая славу Господу Иисусу.
Vozdavaya slavu Gospodu Iisusu.
Rendering praise [to the] Lord Jesus.

Болезней там нет, не гаснет там свет, Иерусалим,
Bolezney tam net, ne gasnet tam svet, Iyerusalim,
Diseases there not, not fade there [the] light, Jerusalem,

Там вечно живут, там песни поют, Иерусалим.
Tam vechno zhivut, tam pesni poyut, Iyerusalim.
There always/eternally [they] live, there songs [they] sing, Jerusalem.

Ты город живых, ты город святых, Иерусалим,
Ty gorod zhivykh, ty gorod svyatykh, Iyerusalim,
You city of life, you city of light, Jerusalem,

К тебе я стремлюсь, с тобой я сольюсь, Иерусалим.
K tebe ya stremlyus', s toboy ya sol'yus', Iyerusalim.
To you I aspire, with you I will blend, Jerusalem.

Куплет 2.
Золотом обложен город мой прекрасный,
Zolotom oblozhen gorod moy prekrasnyy,
[With] gold [is] covered city [of] mine beautiful,
   (Ie, My beautiful city is covered with gold)

Лишь с тобой, Иерусалим, вечно буду счастлив,
Lish' s toboy, Iyerusalim, vechno budu schastliv,
Only with you, Jerusalem, forever [I] will be happy,

Жизнь мою преобрази здесь, в земной долине,
Zhizn' moyu preobrazi zdes', v zemnoy doline,
Life [of] mine transform here, in earthly valley,

Чтоб я счастье смог найти в Иерусалиме.
Chtob ya schast'ye smog nayti v Iyerusalime.
So that I happiness able to find in Jerusalem.

    Alternate last line to verse 2.
          Чтоб душе покой найти в Иерусалиме.
          Chtob dushe pokoy nayti v Iyerusalime.
          So that [for the] soul peace to find in Jerusalem.

Куплет 3.
Братья мои, сёстры, в небе будем вместе
Brat'ya moi, syostry, v nebe budem vmeste
Brothers mine, sister, in heaven [we] will be together

Воспевать Иисусу радостные песни,
Vospevat' Iisusu radostnyye pesni,
To sing [to] Jesus joyful songs,

Так давайте на земле вместе славить Бога,
Tak davayte na zemle vmeste slavit' Boga,
So let's on earth together to praise God,

Чтоб светлее стала нам в небеса дорога.
Chtob svetleye stala nam v nebesa doroga.
So that brighter becomes [for] us to heavens [the] road.

-------First attempt at versification -----------------

1. There in highest heavens: wondrous city of light,
Therein are no needs found, no sickness and no sadness.
There live all the saints of God joined in joyful song,
Raising hands and voices praising our Lord Jesus

Diseases not there, the light ever fair, Jerusalem,
Eternally live, with praises they give, Jerusalem.
You city of life, you city of light, Jerusalem.
To you I ascend, to you I will blend, Jerusalem!

2. Gold-gilded bright city, city of my delight,
Only with you will I ever more be happy;
Transform then here my life while in this earthly vale,
So that I'll find my joy alone in Jerusalem .


3. My brothers and sisters, in heaven we shall meet
To sing to our Jesus loud, joyful songs of praise;
So let's here on earth then together praise our God,
Brightening this narrow road that leads us up to Heav'n.


Monday, April 13, 2020

Неизвестный Край -- The Unknown Land

Если ждёт тебя дорога в неизвестный край,
Yesli zhdet tebya doroga v neizvestnyy kray,
If waits [for] you [the] road to unknown country.
На прощанье у порога думы не гадай,
Na proshchan'ye u poroga dumy ne gaday,
Upon farewell by [the] threshold [of] thought [do] not conjecture,
Слово доброе послушай и совет прими:
Slovo dobroye poslushay i sovet primi:
Word good listen to counsel accept:
В этом мире гибнут души,
V etom mire gibnut dushi,
In this world perishing [are] souls,

     (this line though in the original poem is not sung...)  
         ты свою храни, ты свою храни.
         ty svoyu khrani, ty svoyu khrani.
         you your own save, you your own save.

Если ждёт тебя дорога в неизвестный край,
Yesli zhdet tebya doroga v neizvestnyy kray,
If waits [for] you [the] road to unknown country,
Спутником себе тревогу ты не выбирай,
Sputnikom sebe trevogu ty ne vybiray,
Companion for yourself alarm/worry you not take,
  (Ie, Do not take for yourself Anxiety as a companion)
С ней душе одна забота и тоска в пути -
S ney dushe odna zabota i toska v puti -
From her soul one care and sadness on [the] way —
В звездном небе будто кто - то
V zvezdnom nebe budto kto - to
In [the] starry sky as if someone
потушил огни, потушил огни.
potushil ogni, potushil ogni.
snuffed out [the] light, snuffed out [the] light.

 Not sung here-----
   Если ждёт тебя дорога в неизвестный край,
   Yesli zhdet tebya doroga v neizvestnyy kray,
   If waits [for] you [the] road to unknown country.
   Не суди упавших строго, лучше поднимай.
   Ne sudi upavshikh strogo, luchshe podnimay.
   [Do] not judge [the] fallen strictly, better lift (imperative).
   Может статься, сам в бессильи где - то упадешь.
   Mozhet stat'sya, sam v bessil'i gde - to upadesh'.
   Maybe perhaps, yourself in weakness somewhere [you] fall.
   Ослабеют сердца крылья,
   Oslabeyut serdtsa kryl'ya,
   Weaken heart's wings
   веру надорвёшь, веру надорвёшь.
   veru nadorvyosh', veru nadorvyosh'.
   faith [you] will undermine, faith [you] will undermine.

Жизнь кипит вокруг, как море, бьет тебя волной,
Zhizn' kipit vokrug, kak more, b'yet tebya volnoy,
Life seethes around, like [the] sea, beats you [with] wave,
И в твоем огромном горе ты для всех чужой.
I v tvoyem ogromnom gore ty dlya vsekh chuzhoy.
And in your huge sorrow you for all [a] stranger.
Помощь есть для всех у Бога, ты к Нему взывай,
Pomoshch' yest' dlya vsekh u Boga, ty k Nemu vzyvay,
Help has for all by God, you to Him call (imperative),
(Ie, God has help for all, you to Him appeal/call)
Если ждёт тебя дорога
Yesli zhdot tebya doroga
If waits [for] you [the] road
в неизвестный край, в неизвестный край.
v neizvestnyy kray, v neizvestnyy kray.
to unknown country, to unknown country.

The Latin part — — — 
   Latin  — Russian translation
   English translation
Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth – Свят, Господь Бог Саваоф!
Holy, Lord Gord [of] Hosts
   Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth – Свят, Господь Бог Саваоф!
   Holy, Lord Gord [of] Hosts
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini - Благословен грядущий во имя Господне!
Blessed who comes in name [of the] Lord
Osanna in excelsis - Осанна в Вышних
Hosanna in [the] highest
   Osanna in excelsis - Осанна в Вышних
   Hosanna in [the] highest
Kyrie Eleison – Господи, помилуй
Lord have mercy —
Christe Eleison –  Христос, помилуй
Christ have mercy —
   Kyrie Eleison – Господи, помилуй
   Lord have mercy —
   Christe Eleison –  Христос, помилуй
   Christ have mercy —
Jesu Christe Domine, Rex gloriae! –  Иисус Христос Господь, Царь славы
Jesus Christ Lord, King [of] glory!

The haunting soprano line beginning at 2 minutes in is borrowed from Ave Maria.  It was composed in 1970 by Vladimir Vavilov (1925 - 1973).  It is sometimes attributed to Gullio Caccini (1551-1618).
