Friday, September 4, 2020

Там в Небесах — There in Heaven

Youtube Video


1. Мы не можем на этой земле
My ne mozhem na etoy zemle
We not can on this earth

Избежать ни болезней, ни боли.
Izbezhat' ni bolezney, ni boli.
avoid sickness, nor pain.

Наша плоть – это прах, это тлен.
Nasha plot' – eto prakh, eto tlen.
Our flesh — that dust, that decay.

И душа в ней томится в неволе.
I dusha v ney tomitsya v nevole.
And [the] soul in her languishes in captivity.

Но когда-нибудь свет озарит
No kogda-nibud' svet ozarit
But some day light will shine

В небо птицей взлетевшую душу
V nebo ptitsey vzletevshuyu dushu
In [the] sky [as a] bird flying [the] soul

Все исчезнет, пройдет, отболит,
Vse ischeznet, proydet, otbolit,
All will disappear, will pass, will reject,

И покоя ничто не нарушит.
I pokoya nichto ne narushit.
And [of] peace nothing not will disturb.


Там, в небесах слышно ангелов пенье,
Tam, v nebesakh slyshno angelov pen'ye,
There, in [the] heavens audible [the] angel's singing,

Там, в небесах, где душа в восхищении
Tam, v nebesakh, gde dusha v voskhishchenii
There, in [the] heavens, where [the] soul [is] in rapture

Там, в небесах,  где что век, что мгновенье,
Tam, v nebesakh,  gde chto vek, chto mgnoven'ye,
There, in [the] heavens, where that age, that moment

                         (Ie, the idea of a day is as a thousand years...)

Там, в небесах…
Tam, v nebesakh…
There, in [the] heavens...

Там, в небесах, мы увидим сиянье,
Tam, v nebesakh, my uvidim siyan'ye,
There, in [the] heavens, we will see [the] brilliance

Там, в небесах, станут явью мечтанья,
Tam, v nebesakh, stanut yav'yu mechtan'ya,
There, in [the] heavens, become reality dreams,

Там, в небесах где царит ликованье,
Tam, v nebesakh gde tsarit likovan'ye,
There, in [the] heavens where reigns jubilation,

Там, в небесах…
Tam, v nebesakh…
There, in [the] heavens...

2. Мы не можем, пока мы живём
My ne mozhem, poka my zhivom
We no can, while we live

Избежать ни утрат, ни страданий.
Izbezhat' ni utrat, ni stradaniy.
Escape neither loss nor suffering.

Провожая друзей, сознаём –
Provozhaya druzey, soznayom –
Seeing off friends, we realize — 

Каждый здесь на земле только странник.
Kazhdyy zdes' na zemle tol'ko strannik.
Everyone here on earth [is] only [a]wanderer. 

Но когда-нибудь встретим мы всех,
No kogda-nibud' vstretim my vsekh,
But one day will meet we all [of them]

Кого здесь со слезами теряли.
Kogo zdes' so slezami teryali.
Who here with tears [we] lost

И услышим счастливый их смех,
I uslyshim schastlivyy ikh smekh,
And [we] will hear happy their laughter,

И уйдут навсегда все печали.
I uydut navsegda vse pechali.
And gone forever all sorrows.

3. Не дано нам, друзья, никому
Ne dano nam, druz'ya, nikomu
Not given [to] us], friends, [to] anyone

На земле видеть Бога глазами.
Na zemle videt' Boga glazami.
On earth to see God [with] eyes.

Мы всем сердцем стремимся к Нему
My vsem serdtsem stremimsya k Nemu
We [with] all heart strive for Him

И мы встретимся за облаками.
I my vstretimsya za oblakami.
And we meet beyond clouds.

Мы увидим Того, кто нас спас,
My uvidim Togo, kto nas spas,
We will see (catch sight of) Him, who us saved,

Кто любовь подарил и прощенье.
Kto lyubov' podaril i proshchen'ye.
Who love gave and forgiveness

Кто поддерживал нас и не раз,
Kto podderzhival nas i ne raz,
Who supported us and not once,  (ie, more than once)

Посылал нам свое утешение.
Posylal nam svoye utesheniye.
[He] sent us His comfort/consolation.

-------------------------- Better English Approximation -----------------

1. We cannot on this earth
avoid sickness nor pain.
Our flesh is dust, it is decay.
And the soul in it languishes in captivity.

But some day light will shine
In the sky like a bird's flying soul
All will disappear, will pass, will reject,
And nothing will disturb peace.

There, in the heavens one can hear angel's singing,
There, in the heavens, where the soul is in rapture,
There, in the heavens, where that age, that moment,
There, in the heavens...

There, in the sky, we will see the radiance,
There, in the sky, dreams will come true,
There, in the sky where there is rejoicing,
There, in the heavens...

2. While we live we cannot
Avoid loss or suffering.
See off friends, we realize
That everyone here on Earth is a wanderer.

But one day we will meet all those
Who were lost here with tears.
And we will hear their happy laughter,
And all sorrows will be forever gone.

3. It is not given to us, friends,
Not to anyone on earth to see God with their eyes.
We strive for it with all our heart,
And we will meet beyond the clouds.

We will see the One who saved us,
Who gave us love and forgiveness,
Who supported us and that more than once,
Sent to us His comfort.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Иди Веселей — Go Cheerfully!

I like how happy and encouraging this video and music are.  The smiles seem genuine.  Plus the country flair is a very nice touch!  This video came out in the midst of the COVID-19 shelter in place.  It was so refreshing to see other people interacting and enjoying each other and enjoying life!

1. Иди веселей не падай не робей
Idi veseley ne paday ne robey
Go [more] cheerfully, don't fall, don't quail,
и в море скорбей ты не вини людей
i v more skorbey ty ne vini lyudey
and in [the] sea of griefs don't blame/accuse people
Случится ли что, ты рук не опускай
sluchitsya li chto, ty ruk ne opuskay
If anything happens, you hands not lower
   (ie, If anything happens, you don't give up)
и никогда никого не обвиняй.
i nikogda nikogo ne obvinyay.
and never no one don't blame/accuse.

2. Будь смелым в бою не бойся ничего
Bud' smelym v boyu ne boysya nichego
Be courageous in battle don't fear nothing
ведь ношу  твою не понесёт никто
ved' noshu  tvoyu ne ponesot nikto
after all load [of] yours not will carry no one
Случится ли что, Запомни лишь одно
Sluchitsya li chto, Zapomni lish' odno
If anything happens, [you] remember only one thing
друг никогда не вините никого.
drug nikogda ne vinite nikogo.
a friend never not blames no one.

3. И Если мечта не сбудется твоя
I Yesli mechta ne sbudetsya tvoya
And if dream will not come true yours  (ie, your dream)
тогда никогда других не обвиняй
togda nikogda drugikh ne obvinyay
then never others not blame
И  если в глазах твоих блестит слеза
I  yesli v glazakh tvoikh blestit sleza
And if in eyes [of] your shines a tear
не падай тогда -бери пример с Христа.
ne paday togda -beri primer s Khrista.
don't fall then — take example from Christ.

4. Иди веселей не падай не робей
Idi veseley ne paday ne robey
Go, cheer up, don't fall, don't quail,
Живи для других и зажигай людей
Zhivi dlya drugikh i zazhigay lyudey
Live for others and light up people
Случится ли что, ты господу вызывай
Sluchitsya li chto, ty gospodu vyzyvay
If anything happens, you [on the] Lord call
и никогда никого не обвиняй.
i nikogda nikogo ne obvinyay.
and never no one don't blame.

Над нами всеми Божья воля
Nad nami vsemi Bozh'ya volya
Over us all [is] God's will
Над нами всеми Его рука
Nad nami vsemi Yego ruka
Over us all [is] His hand
Во всех проблемах переживаниях
Vo vsekh problemakh perezhivaniyakh
In all problems, worries
Он смотрит на нас свысока
On smotrit na nas svysoka
He looks on us from above
Умей бороться умей смеяться
Umey borot'sya umey smeyat'sya
Know how to fight, know how to laugh,
Любить людей во всем не винить
Lyubit' lyudey vo vsem ne vinit'
Love people, in everything don't blame
С обидой горькой умей расстаться
S obidoy gor'koy umey rasstat'sya
With resentment bitter know how to part
Учись просто радуясь жить!
Uchis' prosto raduyas' zhit'!
Learn just rejoicingly to live!

-------------- Better English Approximation ------------

1. Go cheerfully, don't fall, don't quail,
And in the sea of griefs don't blame others;
If anything happens, do not give up
And never, no never, blame anyone.

2. Be courageous in battle and do not fear
After all your burden will not be borne by anyone else.
If anything happens, you remember one thing—
A friend never blames the other.

3. And if your dreams will not come true,
then do not ever blame others.
And if in your eyes shines a tear,
don't fall then —take your example from Christ.

4. Go, cheer up, don't fall, don't quail,
Live for others and brighten others.
If anything happens, you call on the Lord,
And never, no never, blame anyone.

Over us all is God's will,
Over us all is His hand.
In all problems and experiences,
He looks on us from the heights.
Know how to fight, know how to laugh,
Love people — and in everything, don't blame!
Know how to part with resentment;
Learn to live rejoicingly!

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

O How Life's Sea Now Rages

The author of the Russian poem was Ivan Grigor'evich Kul'zhinskiy who lived 1803-1884.  The melody may have been composed by Yakov Ivanovich Vyazovskiy, 1898-1940.

1.  O how life's sea now rages round about me;
Strong winds now rock my boat with waves so tall.
In mortal fear and with a desperate plea,
O God, my God, unto You now I call.

2.  Take pity on me, save and show me mercy!
From my first day of life I've struggled hard.
I cannot fight, my soul is tired and weary
O God, I pray that my soul You would guard.

3.  Guide me along the trackless depths of rough seas
To Your own quiet Wharf of Your Commands.
From the abyss of worldly fears and ill ease,
O God, I pray You'll bring me to Your Land.