Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Man of God — Божий Человек




Two different versions of the same song.


Жизнь Проходит Отмеряя Вехи - Божий Человек
© 2018, Василий Перебиковский, Vasilii Perebikovskii


Жизнь проходит, отмеряя вехи
Zhizn' prokhodit, otmeryaya vekhi
Life passes by, measuring off milestones

С каждым шагом ускоряя бег
S kazhdym shagom uskoryaya beg
With each step hastening [the] run

В Книгу Жизни пишется навеки
V Knigu Zhizni pishetsya naveki
In [the] Book [of] Life is written forever

О тебе вся правда человек.
O tebe vsya pravda chelovek.
About you [the] whole truth O man.


Если горе сдавит грудь:
Yesli gore sdavit grud':
If grief presses [your] chest:

– Не вдохнуть не выдохнуть,
– Ne vdokhnut' ne vydokhnut',
- [Can] not inhale [can] not exhale,

Бог с тобой в жару и в снег,
Bog s toboy v zharu i v sneg,
God [is] with you in heat and snow,

Ведь ты Божий человек.
Ved' ty Bozhiy chelovek.
Indeed you [are] God's man.

Впереди Небесный Град
Vperedi Nebesnyy Grad
Ahead [is the] Heavenly City

И вручение наград!
I vrucheniye nagrad!
And presentation [of] awards!

Проживи достойно век,
Prozhivi dostoyno vek,
Live worthy lifetime,

Ведь ты Божий человек.
Ved' ty Bozhiy chelovek.
After all you [are] God's man.

Каждому дано по силе бремя:
Kazhdomu dano po sile bremya:
[To] everyone is given acording to strength [a] burden:

Кто-то в горе, в чей-то добрый век.
Kto-to v gore, v chey-to dobryy vek.
Someone in grief, in someone's good lifetime.

Хорошо, когда в любое время
Khorosho, kogda v lyuboye vremya
[It is] good, when at any time

Видно всем - ты Божий человек.
Vidno vsem - ty Bozhiy chelovek.
[It's] visible to all — you [are] God's man.

Много в мире титулов и званий,
Mnogo v mire titulov i zvaniy,
Many in [the] world titles and ranks,

Но одно, конечно выше всех:
No odno, konechno vyshe vsekh:
But one, of course highest [of] all:

Сохранить бы нам средь испытаний
Sokhranit' by nam sred' ispytaniy
Save would us in midst of trials

Это званье - Божий человек!
Eto zvan'ye - Bozhiy chelovek!
This rank/title — God's man!

Better English Version --------

1. Life passes by, measuring off milestones
With each step quickening the run.
In the Book of Life is written forever
the whole truth about you, O man.

If grief presses your chest:
- Can't inhale, can't exhale,
God is with you in the heat and in the snow,
Indeed you are God's man.
Ahead is the Heavenly City
And the presentation of awards!
Live a worthy lifetime,
After all you are God's man.

2. To everyone a burden is given according to strength:
Someone in grief, someone else with a good life.
It is good, when at any time
It is visible to all that you are God's man.

3. There are many titles and ranks in the world,
But one, of course, is highest of all.
It would save us in midst of trials:
This rank  — God's man!

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