Friday, December 4, 2020

Ночь тиха над Палестиной — Quiet Night Over Palestine

Music can be found here:
1. Ночь тиха над Палестиной.
Noch' tikha nad Palestinoy.
Night [is] quiet over Palestine.

Спит усталая земля.
Spit ustalaya zemlya.
Sleeps [the] tired earth.

Горы, рощи и долины
Gory, roshchi i doliny
Mountains, woods, and valleys

[:Скрыла всё ночная мгла.:]
[:Skryla vso nochnaya mgla.:]
[:hid all [the] night darkness.:]
  [:(Ie, The night darkness hid all):]

2. В Вифлееме утомлённом
V Vifleyeme utomlonnom
In Bethlehem wearied
   (Ie, in wearied Bethlehem)
Все погасли огоньки,
Vse pogasli ogon'ki,
All extinguished lights,
   (Ie, All lights were extinguished)
Только в поле отдалённом
Tol'ko v pole otdalonnom
Only in fields remote

[:Не дремали пастухи.:]
[:Ne dremali pastukhi.:]
[:Not slumbered [the] shepherds.:]

3. Словно что ожидали,
Slovno chto ozhidali,
As if that [they] expected,

Обходя ночной дозор,
Obkhodya nochnoy dozor,
Passing [the] night watch,

И, усевшись, завязали
I, usevshis', zavyazali
And, seated, [they] started

[:Меж собою разговор.:]
[:Mezh soboyu razgovor.:]
[:Between themselves conversation:]

4. Вдруг раздался голос нежный,
Vdrug razdalsya golos nezhnyy,
Suddenly rang out voice gentle,

Трепет пастухов объял,
Trepet pastukhov ob"yal,
Trembling [the] shepherd overtook,

И в одежде белоснежной
I v odezhde belosnezhnoy
And in robes snow-white

[:Ангел Божий им предстал.:]
[:Angel Bozhiy im predstal.:]
[:[An] angel [of] God [to] them appeared.:]

5. – Не пугайтесь, не смущайтесь!
– Ne pugaytes', ne smushchaytes'!
- Not be frightened, not be confused!

От Небесного Отца
Ot Nebesnogo Ottsa
From Heavenly Father

Я пришёл с великой тайной
YA prishol s velikoy taynoy
I arrived with great mystery

[:Вам возрадовать сердца.:]
[:Vam vozradovat' serdtsa.:]
[: [to] You (plural) to rejoice (to cause sudden joy) hearts. :]

6. Милость людям посылает
Milost' lyudyam posylayet
Mercy [to] people sends

Сам Христос, Владыка-Царь.
Sam Khristos, Vladyka-Tsar'.
Himself Christ, [the] Sovereign-King.

Грешный мир спасти желая,
Greshnyy mir spasti zhelaya,
Sinful world to save wanted,

[:Сам Себя Он в жертву дал.:]
[:Sam Sebya On v zhertvu dal.:]
[: Himself Himself He in sacrifice gave. :]
   (Ie, He Himself gave Himself in sacrifice.)

Repeat verse 1

-------  Better English  -------

1. The night is quiet over Palestine.
The tired earth sleeps.
Mountains, woods, and valleys—
[:The night darkness hid everything.:]

2. In weary Bethlehem
All the lights were extinguished,
Only in the remote fields
[:The shepherd did not slumber.:]

3. They expected little else
And to pass the night watch,
They being seated, started
[:Conversation among themselves.:]

4. Suddenly a gently voice rang out,
Trembling overtook the shepherds,
And in snowy-white raiment
[:An angel of the Lord appeared to them.:]

5. Do not fear, be not confused!
From the Heavenly Father
I arrived with a great mystery
[: To cause your hearts to rejoice suddenly!:]

6. Christ Himself, the Sovereign King
Sends mercy to the people.
Wanting to save the sinful world,
[:He Himself gave Himself as sacrifice.:]



Another version

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

В Ночном Саду — In The Night Garden


Written by: Владимир Федорович Шишкарёв 
(Vladimir Fedorovich Shishkaryov)

Opening conversation:
     (thank you, TG)

Boy - What are you reading?
Girl - Read to us too.
Older girl, reading - The time had come for Mary to give birth. The holy travelers had wandered for a long time, seeking shelter, but meanwhile, night fell, and they decided to spend the night in the outskirts of the city, in a cave where shepherds sheltered in bad weather, and in these conditions, in a cold cave, took place the greatest event in the lives of all people. On this holy night was born the God-man, Jesus Christ, the Savior of all the world. The holy virgin Mary swaddled the baby and laid him in a manger, a feeding trough for cattle. That night, shepherds were pasturing their flocks in the fields, when suddenly like lighting stood before them a radiant shining angel, and the shepherds were very afraid, but the angel of God said - Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Go to the cave and you will find the baby lying in a manger.
1. В ночном саду прохладно и светло,
V nochnom sadu prokhladno i svetlo,
In night garden cool and bright,

Стоит наш мирный дом.
Stoit nash mirnyy dom.
Stands our peaceful home.

Проходит ангел, белое крыло
Prokhodit angel, beloye krylo
Passes [an] angel, white wing

Мелькает за окном.
Mel'kayet za oknom.
flashes outside [the] window.

В пещере ослик кушает овёс,
V peshchere oslik kushayet ovyos
In [a] grotto [a] donkey eats oats,

В яслях лежит Христос,
V yaslyakh lezhit Khristos,
In [a] creche lays [the] Christ,

Ослёнок носом тянется к Нему,
Oslyonok nosom tyanetsya k Nemu,
[A] donkey foal nose reaches toward Him,
   (Ie, the foal reaches [its] nose toward Him)
Звезда глядит во тьму.
Zvezda glyadit vo t'mu.
[A] star gazes into darkness.

2. Мария держит Сына на руках,
Mariya derzhit Syna na rukakh,
Mary holds [the] Son in arms,

Иосиф греет чай.
Iosif greyet chay.
Joseph warms [the] tea.

Тут ангел им сказал о пастухах:
Tut angel im skazal o pastukhakh:
Then [the] angel [to] them said about [the] shepherds:

"Сейчас придут, встречай!"
"Seychas pridut, vstrechay!"
"Now [they] come, greet [them]!"


3. Волхвы дары свои Ему несут,
Volkhvy dary svoi Yemu nesut,
[The] Magi gifts their own [to] Him carry/bring,

За ними важно вслед
Za nimi vazhno vsled
After them importantly in wake

Верблюды длинноногие идут,
Verblyudy dlinnonogiye idut,
Camels long-legged come,

Звезда им дарит свет.
Zvezda im darit svet.
[The] star them gives light.


-------  Better English  -------

1. In the night garden cool and bright,
Stands our peaceful home.
An angel passes, white wing
Flashes outside the window

In a grotto a donkey eats oats,
In a creche lays the Christ,
The donkey foal reaches its nose toward Him,
The star gazes into darkness.

2. Mary holds the Son in her arms,
Joseph warms the tea.
Then the angel told them of the shepherds:
"They are coming now, greet them!"


3. The Magi bring to Him their own gifts;
Following after in their wake,
Long-legged camels come;
The star gives them light.


See this link for new words set to this same tune.


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Мой Духовный Сад — My Spiritual Garden



Мой духовный сад, как запущен ты!
Moy dukhovnyy sad, kak zapushchen ty!
My spiritual garden, How neglected [are] you!

От негодных трав заросли тропы.
Ot negodnykh trav zarosli tropy.
With useless weeds overgrown are paths

[:Пробудись от сна, посмотри кругом!
[:Probudis' ot sna, posmotri krugom!
[:Wake up from slumber, look about!

Что ты спишь, душа, что в саду твоём?:]
Chto ty spish', dusha, chto v sadu tvoyom?:]
Why you sleep, O soul, why (sleeping) in garden [of] yours?:]
   ** See Luke 22:46, RUSV for use of "Что" as "why"
Пробудись от сна, посмотри кругом!
Probudis' ot sna, posmotri krugom!
Awake from sleep, look about!

Что ты спишь, душа, что в саду твоём?
Chto ty spish', dusha, chto v sadu tvoyom?
Why you sleep, O soul, why (sleeping) in garden [of] yours?

[:Охладела ты в духе лености,
[:Okhladela ty v dukhe lenosti,
[:Have grown cold you in spirit [of] indolence,

Растеряла ты драгоценности.:]
Rasteryala ty dragotsennosti.:]
Lost (little by little) you [the] jewels (or precious thing).:]

Нет чудесных роз, к Богу рвения,
Net chudesnykh roz, k Bogu rveniya,
[There are] no wondrous roses, to [the] God [of] zeal,
   (Ie,  zeal is like roses in your spiritual garden, but there are no roses in yours)

Их сгубил мороз нетерпения.
    (on screen the word is згубил not сгубил )
Ikh sgubil moroz neterpeniya.
Their ruin [the] frost [of] impatience.

[:Где, скажи, твой злак воздержания?
[:Gde, skazhi, tvoy zlak vozderzhaniya?
[:What, tell, your grain [of] abstinence?

Где твой Божий страх, где рыдания?:]
Gde tvoy Bozhiy strakh, gde rydaniya?:]
Where your [of] God fear, where sobs?:]

В духе праздности и забвения
V dukhe prazdnosti i zabveniya
In [the] spirit [of] idleness and neglect

скрылся светлый луч умиления *
skrylsya svetlyy luch umileniya
hid bright ray [of] emotion *

[:Глас мольбы твоей посмотри, застыл,
[:Glas mol'by tvoyey posmotri, zastyl,
[: [The] Voice [of] supplication [of] yours, look freezen

и усталый дух в нищете изныл.:]
i ustalyy dukh v nishchete iznyl.:]
and [the] weary spirit in poverty pined.

И усталый дух в нищете изныл.
I ustalyy dukh v nishchete iznyl.
And [the] weary spirit in poverty pined.

* умиления defined as "a tender feeling, aroused by something touching/poignant."
(Thank you, TG)

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Бог Есть Любовь— God is Love


SOCART wrote:

Мы также стараемся работать и  с подростающем поколением. Надеемся что однажды они переймут нашу эстафету.

We also try to work with the younger generation. We hope that one day they will take over our baton.

Бог есть любовь, мы читаем,
Bog yest' lyubov', my chitayem,
God is love, we read,

Эту любовь ощущаем.
Etu lyubov' oshchushchayem.
This love we feel.

Бог есть любовь, Бог есть любовь.
Bog yest' lyubov', Bog yest' lyubov'.
God is love, God is love.

Знает Он наши проблемы,
Znayet On nashi problemy,
Knows He our problems.

Все мы ведь так несовершенны,
Vse my ved' tak nesovershenny,
All we indeed [are] so imperfect,

Бог есть любовь,
Bog yest' lyubov',
God is love,

Он нас прощает вновь.
On nas proshchayet vnov'.
He us forgives once more.

Припев (распевается):
Бог есть любовь.
Bog yest' lyubov'.
God is love.

Пусть же звучит на планете,
Pust' zhe zvuchit na planete,
Let it sound on [the] planet,

Пусть повторяют все дети:
Pust' povtoryayut vse deti:
Let repeat all children:

Бог есть любовь, Бог есть любовь!
Bog yest' lyubov', Bog yest' lyubov'!
God is love, God is love!

Пусть в мире все люди знают,
Pust' v mire vse lyudi znayut,
Let in [the] world all people know,

Что Бог грехи всем прощает,
Chto Bog grekhi vsem proshchayet,
That God [the] sins of everyone forgives,

Он пострадал и нам спасение дал.
On postradal i nam spaseniye dal.
He suffered and us salvation gave.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Я в Бессмертье Иду — I Go into Immortality


Music  or here
Words by:  Александр Савченко (Alexander Savchenko) in the mid 1980s under the pseudonym, Александр Азовский (Alexander Azovsky) because it was still very risky to write Christian poetry even as the former Soviet Union began waning.
Music by: Алекс Брицин (Alex Britsin) in 1985.  It was first performed by the group "Новые напевы" (New Tunes) from the city of Мелитопол (Melitopol).
Alex Britsin wrote about this version: "Очень понравилась эта аранжировка, пусть звучит во славу Бога!"  ("I really like this arrangement, let it sound for the glory of God!")

Opening Scripture:  2 Timothy 2:2 — "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also."

1. Я в бессмертье иду, наступая на зло,
YA v bessmert'ye idu, nastupaya na zlo,
I in(to) immortality go / walk, stepping on evil,

Из скорбей и страданий дорога.
Iz skorbey i stradaniy doroga.
Out of sorrows and sufferings [is the] road.

[:На душе у меня и тепло, и светло,
[:Na dushe u menya i teplo, i svetlo,
[:On soul by me both warm and light

Потому что я верую в Бога.:]
Potomu chto ya veruyu v Boga.:]
Because I believe in God.:]

2. Знаю я, что мне можно и что мне нельзя,
Znayu ya, chto mne mozhno i chto mne nel'zya,
Know I, what to me can do and what to me can't do,

Знаю, что хорошо и что плохо,
Znayu, chto khorosho i chto plokho,
[I] know, what [is] good and what [is] bad,

[:Знаю, что на земле существую не зря,
[:Znayu, chto na zemle sushchestvuyu ne zrya,
[:[I] know, that on earth [I] exist not for nothing,

Потому что я верую в Бога.:]
Potomu chto ya veruyu v Boga.:]
Because I believe in God.:]

Not sung in this video
    3. Против истины войско ведёт сатана,
     Protiv istiny voysko vedot satana,
     Against truth hosts leads Satan,
     (Ie, Satan leads hosts against truth)
    Духи зла ополчились, как звери.
    Dukhi zla opolchilis', kak zveri.
    Spirits [of] evil rise in arms, like beasts.
    [:Ждёт меня впереди неземная страна,
    [:Zhdot menya vperedi nezemnaya strana,
    [:Waits for me ahead unearthly / ethereal country,
    Потому что я в Господа верю.:]
    Potomu chto ya v Gospoda veryu.:]
    Because I in [the] Lord believe.:]

4. Даже если встречаю следы катастроф,
Dazhe yesli vstrechayu sledy katastrof,
Even if [I] meet traces [of] disasters,

Исчезает из сердца тревога,
Ischezayet iz serdtsa trevoga,
Vanishes from heart alarm,

[:Как подумаю я, что есть любящий Бог,
[:Kak podumayu ya, chto yest' lyubyashchiy Bog,
[:As think I, that [there] is [a] loving God,

То я счастлив, что верую в Бога.:]
To ya schastliv, chto veruyu v Boga.:]
Then I [am] happy, that [I] believe in God.:]

5. Нет от радости слов, очень мне повезло,
Net ot radosti slov, ochen' mne povezlo,
Not for joy words, very to me lucky,

Мною найдена в небо дорога.
Mnoyu naydena v nebo doroga.
By me is found into heaven road.
    (Ie, The road into heaven to me is found)
[:На душе у меня и тепло и светло,
[:Na dushe u menya i teplo i svetlo,
[:On soul by me both warm and light

Потому что я верую в Бога.:]
Potomu chto ya veruyu v Boga.:]
Because I believe in God.:]
The group then repeats verse 1 

-------  Better English  -------

1. I walk into immortality, stepping on evil,
The road is out of sorrows and sufferings.
[: In my soul it is both warm and light
Because I believe in God. :]

2. I know what I can and cannot do,
I know what is good and what is evil,
[: I know that on earth I exist for a reason,
Because I believe in God. :]

3. Satan leads hosts against truth,
Evil spirits rise up in arms like beasts.
[: An ethereal country ahead waits for me,
Because I in the Lord believe. :]

4. Even if I meet traces of disasters,
Alarm vanishes from my heart,
[: As I think that there is a loving God,
Then I am happy that I believe in God. :]

5. There are no words  of joy, I am so fortunate,
By me is found the road into heaven.
[: In my soul it is both warm and light
Because I believe in God. :]

-------  English to Fit the Music  -------

1. Forward then into Life, stepping on over ill,
From the sorrows and the trials that is my way.
[: In my soul there shines light and it warms me all night,
Because I trust in God who is my stay. :]

2. There are things I can do, there are things I cannot,
I discern good and evil—the right way.
[: And I know that on earth my life here is giv'n worth,
Because I trust in God who is my stay. :]

3. Against Truth Satan comes, leading hosts in his war,
There dark spirits of ill rise against Day.
[: But ahead for me waits, glorious Land through His gates,
Because I trust in God who is my stay. :]

4. Even if I should meet tribulations and trials,
Alarms vanish from me at this bright ray:
[: As I think on God's love and the Joy from Above,
Because I trust in God who is my stay. :]

5. Here no words for my joy, I am blessed beyond all,
There before me the heavenly pathway!
[: In my soul there shines light and it warms me all night,
Because I trust in God who is my stay. :]


Monday, November 16, 2020

Слушайте Повесть — God Has Saved Us from Death


1 куплет:
Слушайте повесть любви в простоте,
Slushayte povest' lyubvi v prostote,
Listen to tale [of] love in simplicity,

Слушайте дивный рассказ;
Slushayte divnyy rasskaz;
Listen to marvelous story;

Бог нас навеки простил во Христе,
Bog nas naveki prostil vo Khriste,
God us forever forgiven in Christ,

Бог нас от гибели спас.
Bog nas ot gibeli spas.
God us from destruction saved.

Бог нас от гибели спас!
Bog nas ot gibeli spas!
God us from destruction saved!

Бог нас от гибели спас!
Bog nas ot gibeli spas!
God us from destruction saved!

Да! Бог нас навеки простил во Христе,
Da! Bog nas naveki prostil vo Xkriste,
Yes! God us forever forgiven in Christ,

Бог нас от гибели спас!
Bog nas ot gibeli spas!
God us from destruction saved!

2 куплет:
Если неправда потерянных дней
Yesli nepravda poteryannykh dney
If untrue, lost days

Мучит вас в тягостный час,
Muchit vas v tyagostnyy chas,
Plague you in painful hour,

Верьте всем сердцем и верою всей:
Ver'te vsem serdtsem i veroyu vsey:
Believe [with] all heart and [with] faith all:

Бог нас от гибели спас.
Bog nas ot gibeli spas.
God us from destruction saved.

3 куплет:
Если под мраком житейских скорбей
Yesli pod mrakom zhiteyskikh skorbey
If under darkness ordinary sorrows

Пламень надежды погас,
Plamen' nadezhdy pogas,
Flame [of] hope put out (extinguished)

Вспомните только хоть мыслью своей:
Vspomnite tol'ko khot' mysl'yu svoyey:
Remember at least only with thought your own:

Бог нас от гибели спас.
Bog nas ot gibeli spas.
God us from destruction saved.

4 куплет:
Если при виде соблазнов земных
Yesli pri vide soblaznov zemnykh
If by sight [of] temptations earthly

Слабый смущается глаз,
Slabyy smushchayetsya glaz,
Weak  is confused  eye,
  (Ie, the weak eye is confused)
Слово да слышится в чувствах простых:
Slovo da slyshitsya v chuvstvakh prostykh:
[The] word let be heard in feelings simple/ordinary:

Бог нас от гибели спас.
Bog nas ot gibeli spas.
God us from destruction saved.

------- English to fit the music -------
1. List to this tale of His marvelous love,
look to His wonderful cross!
God has forgiven us fore'er in Christ,
God has now saved us from loss!

   God has now saved us from death,
   God has now saved us from death.
   Yes, God has forgiven us fore'er in Christ;
   God has now saved us from death.

2. If all the proud lies of all your lost days
Plague you in each painful breath;
Believe with your heart with faith in His grace
God has now saved us from death.

3. If under darkness of common life sorr'ws,
Flame of your hope grows quite dim;
Recall He loves you, think this ere tomorr'w!
God has now saved us from sin!

4. If in the sight of earth's manifold trials,
Your eyes are weak and confused.
Let His word come to you in all your whiles:
God has now saved us from ruin.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Крылья зари — The Wings of the Dawn


Original song composed by Simon Khorolskiy
Based on Psalm 139 (псалом 138)

Lyrics adapted from the Bible by Simon Khorolskiy & Zarina Kozlov
Господи, Ты испытал меня
Gospodi, Ty ispytal menya
O Lord, You tested me

И знаешь когда я сажусь,
I znayesh' kogda ya sazhus',
And [You] know when I sit down,

Когда встаю,
Kogda vstayu,
When [I] stand up,

Иду я, или отдыхаю
Idu ya, ili otdykhayu
Walk I, or [I] rest

Тебе известны мои пути,
Tebe izvestny moi puti,
[To] You [are] known my paths

Ещё нет слова на языке,
Yeshchyo net slova na yazyke,
Yet no word on tongue,

Его уже
Yego uzhe
It already

Ты, Боже, знаешь совершенно
Ty, Bozhe, znayesh' sovershenno
You, O God, know perfectly.

Куда от Тебя я пойду?
Kuda ot Tebya ya poydu?
To where from You I will go?

От Твоего лица не скроюсь,
Ot Tvoyego litsa ne skroyus',
From Your face not will escape/hide

На небо взойду – Ты там,
Na nebo vzoydu – Ty tam,
To heaven [I] will ascend — You [are] there,

Сойду в глубины ада,
Soydu v glubiny ada,
[I] will descend into depths [of] hell,

Возьму ли я крылья зари,
Voz'mu li ya kryl'ya zari,
will take if I [the] wings [of the] dawn,

Переселюсь на край моря –
Pereselyus' na kray morya –
[I] will resettle on [the] edge [of the] sea —

И там поведёт меня Твоя милость.
I tam povedyot menya Tvoya milost'.
And there will guide me Your grace.

Скажу ли: «Может тьма меня сокроет,
Skazhu li: «Mozhet t'ma menya sokroyet,
[I] will say if, "May darkness  me cover,

И светлый день превратится в ночь?»
I svetlyy den' prevratitsya v noch'?»
And bright day will change into night?"

Но ночь – как день,
No noch' – kak den',
But night [is] as day,

И тьма – как свет перед Тобою.
I t'ma – kak svet pered Toboyu.
And darkness [is] as light before You.

Славлю Тебя, все дела Твои дивны
Slavlyu Tebya, vse dela Tvoi divny
[I] will praise You, all works [of] Yours [are] marvelous

И веденье Твое мне не постичь,
I veden'ye Tvoye mne ne postich',
And knowledge (authority/charge) [of] Yours [to] me not to comprehend,

Как высоки Твои все, Боже, помышления.
Kak vysoki Tvoi vse, Bozhe, pomyshleniya.
How high You all, O God, thoughts.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Одна Дорога — One Road


Words and Music by:  Т. Годунова  (T. Godunova)
1. Как много в мире есть дорог: широких,
Kak mnogo v mire yest' dorog: shirokikh,
How many in [the] world are [of] roads:  wide

Но лишь одна дорога в небеса.
No lish' odna doroga v nebesa.
But just one road to heaven.

Конец которой радость навсегда,
Konets kotoroy radost' navsegda,
[The] end [of] which [is] joy for-always (forever),

Где счастью, миру нет конца.
Gde schast'yu, miru net kontsa.
Where [is] happiness, peace not [of] end.
               (нет + genative = "there is not [noun]")

Ты, Отче, Сам веди меня тропою,
Ty, Otche, Sam vedi menya tropoyu,
You, O Father, Yourself lead me path,
   (Ie, You, O Father lead me on Your own path)
Держи меня, чтобы мне не упасть.
Derzhi menya, chtoby mne ne upast'.
Hold me, so that me not fall

Ещё осталось ведь совсем немного,
Yeshchyo ostalos' ved' sovsem nemnogo,
Yet left after all at all little,

Ещё чуть-чуть осталось нам шагать.
Yeshchyo chut'-chut' ostalos' nam shagat'.
Yet [a] little left [to] us to walk.

2. Хоть узок путь но освещён Иисусом,
Khot' uzok put' no osveshchyon Iisusom,
Although narrow path but lit by Jesus,

Омыт пречистой кровью Святой.
Omyt prechistoy krov'yu Svyatoy.
Washed [with/by] immaculate blood Holy

И потому нам легче им идти,
I potomu nam legche im idti,
Therefore to us easy them to go,

Ведь Сам Господь ведёт нас впереди.
Ved' Sam Gospod' vedyot nas vperedi.
After all, Himself [the] Lord leads us ahead.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Боже! Слышать Слово — O God! To Hear the Word

youtube video

Words: Johann Evangelist Goßner (1773 – 1858)
Translated from German to Russian: unknown
Translated from Russian to English: David Benning (2020) 


1. Боже! Слышать Слово
Bozhe! Slyshat' Slovo
O God! To hear [the] Word

Ты позволил снова,
Ty pozvolil snova,
You allowed again,

К нам склони святой Свой лик,
K nam skloni svyatoy Svoy lik,
To us bend holy Your own face,

Чтобы свет Твой в нас проник!
Chtoby svet Tvoy v nas pronik!
So that light Yours in us penetrates!

2. И пребудь с дарами,
I prebud' s darami,
And abide with [the] gifts

Мира ныне с нами,
Mira nyne s nami,
Peace currently with us,

Дай нам Духа благодать,
Day nam Dukha blagodat',
Give us Spirit's grace,

Дай Тебя душой принять.
Day Tebya dushoy prinyat'.
Give/let You [with] soul take.

3. Восхвалите снова
Voskhvalite snova
Praise again

Вы Христа живого!
Vy Khrista zhivogo!
Y'all [the] Christ living!

Он - спасения венец,
On - spaseniya venets,
He — [the] salvation crown,

Он - наш Пастырь и Отец!
On - nash Pastyr' i Otets!
He — our Shepherd and Father! 

------- English to fit the music -------

1. O Lord God, again we heard:
You allowed Your mighty Word;
Bend to us Your holy face;
Fill us with Your light and grace!

2. And abide with gifts You give
Then Your Peace with us shall live;
Give us each Your Spirit's grace
That we come to You apace.

3. We will praise Him yet again,
Christ the Living Great Amen!
He Salvation's light and crown,
Shepherd, Father, our renown!



Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Далеко, Далеко! — Far Away, Far Away!

youtube video

Куплет 1:
Далеко, Далеко, Далеко,
Daleko, Daleko, Daleko,
Far away, far away, far away,

Далеко, там, за гранью небес голубых.
Daleko, tam, za gran'yu nebes golubykh.
Far away, there, beyond [the] edge of [the] skies blue.

Там так нежно, прекрасно, там так мило, легко
Tam tak nezhno, prekrasno, tam tak milo, legko
There so gentle, beautiful, there so sweet, easy

Наслаждаться в общеньи святых.
Naslazhdat'sya v obshchen'i svyatykh.
To enjoy in fellowship [of the] saints.

Куплет 2:
Глубоко, Глубоко, Глубоко,
Gluboko, Gluboko, Gluboko,
Deep, deep, deep,

Глубоко я мечтаю о Родине той,
Gluboko ya mechtayu o Rodine toy,
Deep I dream about Homeland that,  

Где нет слёз, нет тревог, там свободно, легко.
Gde net sloz, net trevog, tam svobodno, legko.
Where no tears, no troubles/alarms, there freely, easily.

Где Отцовский мой дом дорогой.
Gde Ottsovskiy moy dom dorogoy.
Where [is] Father's my home dear.  
(ie, Where my dear Father's home is.)

Куплет 3: (SOCART does not sing this stanza)
Я хочу, Я хочу, Я хочу,
YA khochu, YA khochu, YA khochu,
I want, I want, I want,

Я хочу, жить в чудесном, святом том раю.
YA khochu, zhit' v chudesnom, svyatom tom rayu.
I want, to live in wonderful, holy that paradise.

Скоро час тот придёт, когда я получу
Skoro chas tot pridyot, kogda ya poluchu
Soon hour that will arrive, when I will receive

Свое место в венчальном краю.
Svoye mesto v venchal'nom krayu.
My own place in [the] wedding land.

Куплет 4:
Верю я, Верю я, Верю я,
Veryu ya, Veryu ya, Veryu ya,
Believe I, believe I, believe I,

Верю я, что Ты скоро, Спаситель, придёшь.
Veryu ya, chto Ty skoro, Spasitel', pridosh'.
Believe I, that You soon, O Savior, will come.

Лишь надежда одна утешает меня
Lish' nadezhda odna uteshayet menya
Just hope alone comforts me

- Что увижу я в небе Тебя.
- Chto uvizhu ya v nebe Tebya.
— That will see I in Heaven You.

Куплет 5:
О, Господь, О, Господь, О, Господь,
O, Gospod', O, Gospod', O, Gospod',
O Lord, O Lord, O Lord,

О, Господь, дай мне силы идти за Тобой,
O, Gospod', day mne sily idti za Toboy,
O Lord, give me strength to walk after You (ie, to follow You)

Побеждать этот мир лишь любовью Твоей,
Pobezhdat' etot mir lish' lyubov'yu Tvoyey,
To defeat / conquer this world only [with] love [of] Yours,

Ожидая отрадных тех дней!
Ozhidaya otradnykh tekh dney!
Looking forward to pleasant those days.
  (ie looking forward to those pleasant days)




English to fit the music ---------


1.  Far away, far away, far away,
Far away, far beyond the expansive deep blue.
There so gentle, so grand, sweetness in Heaven's land,
And enjoying communion so true.

2.  O so deep, O so deep, O so deep,
O so deep do I dream of my Heav'nly Homeland,
Where no troubles nor tears, and no worries nor fears,
Dim the joy of my dear Father's Strand.

Not sung by SOCART

3.  How I want, how I want, how I want,
How I want life in holy and glor'ous, Eden!
Soon the hour will come, when at last I am home,
At the Wedding His Saints proceed in.

4.  I believe, I believe, I believe,
I believe, soon, my Savior, that You will appear.
All my Hopes cling to this, with great comfort and bliss
That in Heaven with You I'll be near!

5.  O my Lord, O my Lord, O my Lord,
O my Lord, give to me strength to follow You__
And defeat this dark world, through Your love then unfurled,
Glor'ous days that we soon will come to.





Monday, November 2, 2020

Хорошо, Когда Вместе В Общенье — Good When Together in Fellowship

youtube video

Куплет 1:
Хорошо, когда вместе в общенье
Khorosho, kogda vmeste v obshchen'ye
[It is] good, when together in fellowship

Мы сольёмся единой хвалой;
My sol'yomsya yedinoy khvaloy;
We will join together in united praise;

Хорошо, когда скорби в терпенье
Khorosho, kogda skorbi v terpen'ye
[It is] good, when sorrows in patience

Переносим с надеждой живой.
Perenosim s nadezhdoy zhivoy.
We carry with hope alive.

Хорошо, если сердце свободно,
Khorosho, yesli serdtse svobodno,
[It is] good, if [the] heart [is] free,

Хорошо, если нету в нем зла!
Khorosho, yesli netu v nem zla!
[It is] good, if not in it of evil!

Хорошо, хорошо и спокойно
Khorosho, khorosho i spokoyno
[It is] good, good and tranquil

В той душе, где всегда тишина.
V toy dushe, gde vsegda tishina.
In that soul, where always [is] quiet.

SOCART does not sing these:

Куплет 2:
Хорошо, когда душу и тело
Khorosho, kogda dushu i telo
[It is] good, when soul and body

Мы вполне для Христа отдаем.
My vpolne dlya Khrista otdayem.
We complete for Christ give over / return.

Хорошо, когда в битве мы смелы,
Khorosho, kogda v bitve my smely,
[It is] good, when in battle we [are] brave,

Когда действуем так, как поем.
Kogda deystvuyem tak, kak poyem.
When we act so, as we sing.

Куплет 3:
Хорошо, когда бури, невзгоды
Khorosho, kogda buri, nevzgody
[It is] good, when storms, adversities

Нашу душу порой всколыхнут,
Nashu dushu poroy vskolykhnut,
Our souls at times will shake

Когда чувствуем тяжесть дороги,
Kogda chuvstvuyem tyazhest' dorogi,
When [we] feel [the] weight [of the] road,

Когда труден наш жизненный путь.
Kogda truden nash zhiznennyy put'.
When difficult [is] life path.

Куплет 4:
Хорошо с Иисусом повсюду,
Khorosho s Iisusom povsyudu,
[It is] good, with Jesus far and wide,

С Ним легко, ведь Он бремя несёт.
S Nim legko, ved' On bremya nesyot.
With Him [it is] easy, after all He burden carries

Хорошо нам открыть сердце Другу.
Khorosho nam otkryt' serdtse Drugu.
[It is] good [to] us to open heart to Friend.

А наш Друг - Иисус - все поймет.
A nash Drug - Iisus - vse poymet.
But our Friend — Jesus — all will understand.

Куплет 5:
Хорошо! Как мы счастливы с Богом,
Khorosho! Kak my schastlivy s Bogom,
[It is] good! How we [are] happy with God,

Не покинет Он нас никогда!
Ne pokinet On nas nikogda!
Not leave He us never!

По тернистым житейским дорогам
Po ternistym zhiteyskim dorogam
Upon thorny life roads

Хорошо с Иисусом всегда!
Khorosho s Iisusom vsegda!
[It is] good, with Jesus always!

The scripture on the cell phone is: Ephesians 4:32
но будьте друг ко другу добры, сострадательны, прощайте друг друга, как и Бог во Христе простил вас.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.


Lyrics Here:

Music Here:

------- Better English as SOCART sings it -------

It is good when together in fellowship
We meld together in united praise;
It is good when sorrows in patience
We bear with living hope.

Chorus —
It is good if the heart is free,
It is good if it is not in evil!
It is good — good and tranquil —
In that soul where quiet always is.

It is good with Jesus everywhere,
It is easy with Him since He carries all burdens.
It is good to us to open the heart to a Friend,
Our Friend — Jesus — will understand all.

Chorus —

It is good! How happy we are with God,
He will not ever leave us!
Upon the thorny roads of life
It is good always to be with Jesus!

Chorus —


----- English to fit the meter (as SOCART sings it) -----

1. It is good when together in union
We will blend all united in praise.
It is good when in troubles we carry
Patiently with this hope all our days.


It is good if the heart is unshackled,
It is good if in it is no ill,
It is good, very good and so tranquil
In that soul where peace spreads its sweet will.

4. It is good then with Jesus we travel,
Simply go since He takes all our cares.
It is good, our hearts open to Jesus,
Our dear Friend all our troubles then bears.

5. It is good!  Oh how happy when with God,
He will not ever leave us alone!
Here in life upon earth's thorny pathways
It is good ever to be His own!


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Господь Моя Сила — The Lord My Strength



Music & Lyrics by Olga Androshchyuk

Господь моя сила надежда моя
Gospod' moya sila nadezhda moya
[The] Lord [is] my strength, hope [of] mine,

И где ветер сильный Он крепкий маяк
I gde veter sil'nyy On krepkiy mayak
And where [the] wind [is] powerful, He [is] firm/strudy lighthouse.

Господь мне отрада светильник ноге
Gospod' mne otrada svetil'nik noge
[The] Lord [to] me [is] delight, [a] lamp [to] foot;

Ценнее награды больше нет на земле
Tsenneye nagrady bol'she net na zemle
More valuable reward more not on earth.

1 куплет:
Твёрдо я знаю спасенье моё
Tvyordo ya znayu spasen'ye moyo
Firmly I know salvation [of] mine

В имени чудном Иисусе моём
V imeni chudnom Iisuse moyom
In name wonderful [of] Jesus mine;

Твёрдо я верю свобода моя
Tvyordo ya veryu svoboda moya
Firmly I believe liberty/freedom mine

В Его крови пролив на всех нас
V Yego krovi proliv na vsekh nas
In His blood shed on all us.

2 куплет:
Твёрдо иду мой Бог впереди
Tvyordo idu moy Bog vperedi
Firmly [I] go, my God [is] ahead,

Страх и сомненье уже позади
Strakh i somnen'ye uzhe pozadi
Fear and doubt already behind.

Твёрдо и прочно стою на ногах
Tvyordo i prochno stoyu na nogakh
Firmly and securely [I] stand on feet;

Вперед ведёт меня Божья рука
Vpered vedyot menya Bozh'ya ruka
Forward leads me God's hand.

Бог прибежище мне
Bog pribezhishche mne
God [is] refuge [for] me

Когда вокруг горит всё в огне
Kogda vokrug gorit vsyo v ogne
When around burns all in fire,

Когда луна на землю падёт
Kogda luna na zemlyu padyot
When [the] moon on earth will fall,

И солнце не взойдёт Он меня проведёт
I solntse ne vzoydyot On menya provedyot
And [the] sun not will rise, He me will lead.



A more flowing English translation

The Lord is my strength, and my sure hope,
And where the wind is strong, He is a sturdy lighthouse.
The Lord is a delight to me, a lamp to my feet—
A more valuable reward is not found on earth.

1. I firmly know my salvation
In the Name of my wonderful Jesus;
I firmly believe my liberty
Is in His shed for all of us.


2.  Firmly I go, my God is ahead,
Fear and doubt are already behind.
Firmly and securely I stand on my feet;
God's hand leads me forward.


Bridge - - -
God is a refuge for me
When all around burns in fire,
When the moon falls to the earth
And the sun refuses to shine, He will lead me!



Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Man of God — Божий Человек




Two different versions of the same song.


Жизнь Проходит Отмеряя Вехи - Божий Человек
© 2018, Василий Перебиковский, Vasilii Perebikovskii


Жизнь проходит, отмеряя вехи
Zhizn' prokhodit, otmeryaya vekhi
Life passes by, measuring off milestones

С каждым шагом ускоряя бег
S kazhdym shagom uskoryaya beg
With each step hastening [the] run

В Книгу Жизни пишется навеки
V Knigu Zhizni pishetsya naveki
In [the] Book [of] Life is written forever

О тебе вся правда человек.
O tebe vsya pravda chelovek.
About you [the] whole truth O man.


Если горе сдавит грудь:
Yesli gore sdavit grud':
If grief presses [your] chest:

– Не вдохнуть не выдохнуть,
– Ne vdokhnut' ne vydokhnut',
- [Can] not inhale [can] not exhale,

Бог с тобой в жару и в снег,
Bog s toboy v zharu i v sneg,
God [is] with you in heat and snow,

Ведь ты Божий человек.
Ved' ty Bozhiy chelovek.
Indeed you [are] God's man.

Впереди Небесный Град
Vperedi Nebesnyy Grad
Ahead [is the] Heavenly City

И вручение наград!
I vrucheniye nagrad!
And presentation [of] awards!

Проживи достойно век,
Prozhivi dostoyno vek,
Live worthy lifetime,

Ведь ты Божий человек.
Ved' ty Bozhiy chelovek.
After all you [are] God's man.

Каждому дано по силе бремя:
Kazhdomu dano po sile bremya:
[To] everyone is given acording to strength [a] burden:

Кто-то в горе, в чей-то добрый век.
Kto-to v gore, v chey-to dobryy vek.
Someone in grief, in someone's good lifetime.

Хорошо, когда в любое время
Khorosho, kogda v lyuboye vremya
[It is] good, when at any time

Видно всем - ты Божий человек.
Vidno vsem - ty Bozhiy chelovek.
[It's] visible to all — you [are] God's man.

Много в мире титулов и званий,
Mnogo v mire titulov i zvaniy,
Many in [the] world titles and ranks,

Но одно, конечно выше всех:
No odno, konechno vyshe vsekh:
But one, of course highest [of] all:

Сохранить бы нам средь испытаний
Sokhranit' by nam sred' ispytaniy
Save would us in midst of trials

Это званье - Божий человек!
Eto zvan'ye - Bozhiy chelovek!
This rank/title — God's man!

Better English Version --------

1. Life passes by, measuring off milestones
With each step quickening the run.
In the Book of Life is written forever
the whole truth about you, O man.

If grief presses your chest:
- Can't inhale, can't exhale,
God is with you in the heat and in the snow,
Indeed you are God's man.
Ahead is the Heavenly City
And the presentation of awards!
Live a worthy lifetime,
After all you are God's man.

2. To everyone a burden is given according to strength:
Someone in grief, someone else with a good life.
It is good, when at any time
It is visible to all that you are God's man.

3. There are many titles and ranks in the world,
But one, of course, is highest of all.
It would save us in midst of trials:
This rank  — God's man!

Monday, October 5, 2020


Once long ago, I taught science in a public high school.  I generally enjoyed it.  I generally had good classes and we generally got along very well.  One day while teaching my Chemistry class, they were being a little dingy.  I wanted to chide them gently and humorously, but did not want to use any insensitive terms nor politically incorrect words.  Thus I called them "Smagorians"!

 They all laughed then asked what was that.

I said, "Okay.  Extra credit for any and all who have in my inbox before tomorrow's tardy bell 'Where in the world is Smagoria.'"  And I wrote it on the board so they knew the spelling.

I was more than a little amused at how they all took the extra credit assignment so seriously.  That was fourth period.  At the end of lunch I had a couple of colleagues ask me what was up. By the end of the day a few more teachers were asking me what I was doing.  I did not tell them.  All would be revealed in due course.

My students hit every available resource including the early version of the internet.

Fourth period the next day rolled around.  There was a mad dash to turn their answers into my inbox.  The bell rang and I counted almost 20 responses out of a class of 25 honors chemistry students.  I looked through the answers:
  • One misspelled / changed the spelling to allow for an actual place name in Italy;
  • Someone wrote, "You made it up."
  • Everyone else wrote: "Africa."

I asked, "Africa?  Where did that come from?"

A student, I'll call Jay, replied, "Oh, that would be me."

"What?" I said.  "You didn't even turn an answer in."

"Yeah, I know.  I couldn't find where it was."

"But?" I pressed.

"I was so disgusted that I couldn't find it," he went on. "I mean, I looked everywhere and asked every teacher.  I was just leaving the library this morning before first period and so-and-so asked me if I found it.  I sarcastically answered, 'Yeah, it's in Africa!'"

After everyone realized that they had been had, someone suggested that we should come up with a website so that ensuing classes would be able to see where Smagoria is.  One student specifically said jokingly, "If it's on the internet, it must be true!"  (And this was about 25 years ago.)

That was near the end of the school year.  The next year I had most of those students again in Physics.  I gave them a small reading assignment about the discovery of Smagoria.  That and other additions made their way onto this website.

       Link ==>      Smagoria! — The Forgotten Island

 The location of this forgotten land
The flag of the Republic.

Take away lessons:

1) After this, I told my students that sometimes the answer is, "There is no answer" or "Does not exist."  I told them about my Algebra Two class where the teacher had shown us cases that were insolvable by the methods we were learning.  We had a huge stinking test on that unit.  I was only a little surprised that there was one like that on the test.  So I confidently wrote: There is No Solution.  However, my confidence eroded when the next one also was insolvable.  I reworked those problems twice, then three times.  I felt comfortable finally when I got answers to the remaining questions.

Turns out that test had two problems that were insolvable.  I caught both of them.  It's okay to say it can't be done, but make sure that you have your supporting data.

2) Don't just trust anyone else's answer.  They're probably just as clueless as you are.  Even the brainiacs in the class got snookered by the "Africa" answer.  There is something to be said for the adage: "Trust but Verify."

3) Don't believe it just because your teacher said so—check it out.  Likewise, don't believe it because you read it on the internet.  I mean, just look!  Smagoria and all it's history is there complete with supporting pictures!

Monday, September 21, 2020

Мой Путь — My Path

Lyrics found on-line here:

КУПЛЕТ Verse 1:

Я хочу Тебе всё рассказать,
YA khochu Tebe vso rasskazat',
I want You everything to tell;

Знаю твёрдо поймёшь Ты меня.
Znayu tvordo poymosh' Ty menya.
[I] know solidly understand You me.

Так бывает тяжело мне прощать
Tak byvayet tyazhelo mne proshchat'
So [it] is hard [for] me to forgive

И учиться любить у Тебя.
I uchit'sya lyubit' u Tebya.
And to learn to love from You.

Невозможно мне всех понимать
Nevozmozhno mne vsekh ponimat'
Impossible [for] me everyone to understand

И сочувствовать людям, как Ты
I sochuvstvovat' lyudyam, kak Ty
And sympathize with people, like You [do]

И спокойно судьбе принимать
I spokoyno sud'be prinimat'
And calmly destiny accept

То ли камень, то ли цветы
To li kamen', to li tsvety
[of] either stone or [of] flower.

ПРИПЕВ (Chorus):
Пусть мой путь не украшен цветами
Pust' moy put' ne ukrashen tsvetami
Let my path not decorated [with] flowers

И фиалки на нём не растут.
I fialki na nom ne rastut.
And violets on it not sprout.

Он  вед благословен небесами,
On  ved blagosloven nebesami,
It after all was blessed [by the] heavens,

Мой тернистый, узенький путь.
Moy ternistyy, uzen'kiy put'.
My thorny, narrow path.

Не сверну ни на миг я в сторонку
Ne svernu ni na mig ya v storonku
Not turn not for [a] moment I aside

И пускай будет мне тяжело
I puskay budet mne tyazhelo
And let [it] be [for] me hard

Ты на помощь придёшь, словно мама к ребёнку
Ty na pomoshch' pridosh', slovno mama k rebonku
You on help will come, as though mother to [a] child

Успокоишь и станет тепло
Uspokoish' i stanet teplo
[You] will calm and [it] will become warm

Успокоишь и станет тепло
Uspokoish' i stanet teplo
[You] will calm and [it] will become warm

КУПЛЕТ Verse 2:

Я хочу поделиться с Тобой
YA khochu podelit'sya s Toboy
I want to share with You

Как же много тревожит меня,
Kak zhe mnogo trevozhit menya,
How many [things] worry me;

Мой Спаситель услышь, успокой,
Moy Spasitel' uslysh', uspokoy,
My Savior, hear, reassure;

Вся надежда моя на Тебя.
Vsya nadezhda moya na Tebya.
All hope [of] mine [is] in You.

Не напрасно мне дан этот путь
Ne naprasno mne dan etot put'
Not vainly [to] me given [is] this path

Я на нём достигаю небес
YA na nom dostigayu nebes
I on it reach heavens.

Ураган заревёт, ну и пусть
Uragan zarevot, nu i pust'
Hurricane will roar, well and let [it]
                     (Ie, so let it)
Ты его усмиришь, мой Отец.
Ty yego usmirish', moy Otets.
You it will subdue, my Father.

ПРИПЕВ (Chorus):


ПРИПЕВ (Chorus):

----------------  Better English  ----------------

1. I want to tell You everything,
I firmly know that You understand me.
It is hard for me to forgive
and to learn to love as You do.

It is impossible for me to understand everyone
And sympathize with people as You do
And calmly accept destiny of
Either a rock or a flower.


Let my path not be decorated with flowers
And no violets on it grow.
After all this path was blessed by Heaven,
My thorny, narrow path.
I will not turn aside for a moment.
It may be hard for me,
You will come with help, as a mother to her child;
You will calm it and all will become warm,
You will calm it and all will become warm.

2. I want to share with You
Just how many things worry me;
My Savior, O hear, reassure—
All my hope is in You.

This path was not vainly given to me;
Upon it, I reach the heavens!
The hurricane will roar—well, let it!
You, my Father, will subdue it!




Friday, September 18, 2020

Не Сдавайся — Don't Give Up

Youtube Video

They introduced this video and song with these words:

21 век.  Век стремительной гонки 🚀 и новшеств. Так много искушений на пути человека. Но большая часть из них ложится на долю  молодого поколения.  И ведь кому как не им нужно идти вперёд!  И не просто идти, а покорять вершины и не растерять веру в Бога.  Как много ловушек расставлено на их пути. Скольким искушениям они подвергаются изо дня в день. Сколько взлётов и разочарований на их пути!  Как часто враг души человека показывает им что их жизнь не имеет значения, не имеет смысла, что они всего лишь пылинка во вселенной, которая ничего не может изменить, а поэтому нет смысла бороться и они впадают в дипрессию, а иногда просто уходят из жизни не сказав «Прощай». Но хочется кричать им вслед «Не сдавайся!».  Никогда не сдавайся, иди вперёд, помни что Бог всегда рядом с тобой!   Он твоя защита, Он твоя сила и победа!!!  Дорогая молодёжь, что бы не случилось на твоём пути, не ожесточи своё сердце под тяжестью обстоятельств!  Помни, что Бог тебя сильно любит и хочет тебе помочь, только ты постарайся не оттолкнуть Его и пусть этот мир не заглушит Его нежный голос, который укажет тебе дорогу вперёд.  Помни, вера в Бога - спасает!  Никогда, никогда не сдавайся!!!
--------------- translation -------------------
21st century. The age of rapid racing and innovation. There are so many temptations in the way of man. But most of them fall to the younger generation. And after all, who but they need to go forward! And not just to go, but to conquer the peaks and not lose faith in God. How many traps are set in their path. How many temptations they are exposed to every day. How many UPS and downs on their way! How often the enemy of the human soul shows them that their life does not matter, does not make sense, that they are just a speck of dust in the universe that can not change anything, and therefore there is no point in fighting and they fall into depression, and sometimes just leave life without saying goodbye. But I want to shout "Don't give up!" after them. Never give up, go ahead, remember that God is always there for you! He is your protection, he is your strength and victory!!! Dear youth, whatever happens in your path, do not harden your heart under the weight of circumstances! Remember that God loves you very much and wants to help you, but try not to push Him away and let this world not drown out His gentle voice that will show you the way forward. Remember, faith in God saves! Never, never give up!!!

1. Ты хочешь убежать куда-то вдаль
Ty khochesh' ubezhat' kuda-to vdal'
You want to run away somewhere far

Без цели, мир слишком манит
Bez tseli, mir slishkom manit
Without [a] goal, [the] world too much beckons

И грех как гость непрошеный
I grekh kak gost' neproshenyy
And sin like [a] guest uninvited

В мыслях хочет строить свои планы.
V myslyakh khochet stroit' svoi plany.
In [the] mind wants to make its own plans.

Нет, ты скажи ему нет! Стоп! Хватит!
Net, ty skazhi yemu net! Stop! Khvatit!
No, you tell him no!  Stop!  Enough!

Нет, мне не с тобой, у меня путь другой.
Net, mne ne s toboy, u menya put' drugoy.
No, I not with you, I have path another.

Не сдавайся, иди вперёд
Ne sdavaysya, idi vperod
Not give up, go ahead

Побеждай, ведь Бог тебя так ждёт
Pobezhday, ved' Bog tebya tak zhdot
Win, after all God [for] you so waits

И любит, очень любит,
I lyubit, ochen' lyubit,
And loves, very [much] loves

Ты верь, верь! Вера спасает!
Ty ver', ver'! Vera spasayet!
You believe, believe! Faith saves!

2. Знаешь, люди - корабли
Znayesh', lyudi - korabli
[You] know people [are] ships

С маленьким штурвалом в океане
S malen'kim shturvalom v okeane
With small helm in [the] ocean.

Но ты, ты к Свету плыви,
No ty, ty k Svetu plyvi,
But you, you to [the] Light sail*

Чтоб не утонуть под греха волнами.
Chtob ne utonut' pod grekha volnami.
So as not to sink* under sin's waves.

Нет, ты скажи ему нет! Стоп! Хватит!
Net, ty skazhi yemu net! Stop! Khvatit!
No, you tell him no!  Stop!  Enough!

Нет, мне не с тобой, у меня путь другой.
Net, mne ne s toboy, u menya put' drugoy.

|: Не сдавайся, иди вперёд
Ne sdavaysya, idi vperod
Not give up, go ahead

Побеждай, ведь Бог тебя так ждёт
Pobezhday, ved' Bog tebya tak zhdot
Win, after all God [for] you so waits

И любит, очень любит,
I lyubit, ochen' lyubit,
And loves, very [much] loves

Ты верь, верь! Вера спасает!
Ty ver', ver'! Vera spasayet!
You believe, believe! Faith saves! :|

Часто, закрывая глаза, ты слышишь пустоту внутри себя.
Chasto, zakryvaya glaza, ty slyshish' pustotu vnutri sebya.
Often, closing eyes, you hear [the] emptiness within yourself.

Часто посреди друзей так не хватает любви тебе.
Chasto posredi druzey tak ne khvatayet lyubvi tebe.
Often in the middle of friends so not be enough love [for] you

Ты тогда зови, тогда зови, Бога зови.
Ty togda zovi, togda zovi, Boga zovi.
You then call, then call, [to] God call.

Не сдавайся, иди вперёд
Ne sdavaysya, idi vperod
Not give up, go ahead

Побеждай, ведь Бог тебя так ждёт
Pobezhday, ved' Bog tebya tak zhdot
Win, after all God [for] you so waits

И любит, очень любит,
I lyubit, ochen' lyubit,
And loves, very [much] loves

Ты верь, верь! Вера спасает!
Ty ver', ver'! Vera spasayet!
You believe, believe! Faith saves!

Не сдавайся, иди вперёд
Ne sdavaysya, idi vperod
Not give up, go ahead

Побеждай, ведь Бог тебя так ждёт
Pobezhday, ved' Bog tebya tak zhdot
Win, after all God [for] you so waits

И любит, очень любит,
I lyubit, ochen' lyubit,
And loves, very [much] loves

Ты верь, верь! Вера спасает!
Ty ver', ver'! Vera spasayet!
You believe, believe! Faith saves!

* Given the context of "ship" at sea, the verbs to swim or to drown take on the meaning of "sail" or "sink."

--------------- Better English -------------------------

1. You want to run away someplace far
Without a goal; the world beckons to much
And sin like an uninvited guest
In the mind wants to make its own plans.

No!  You tell him no!  Stop!  Enough!
No, I'm not with you, I have another path.

Do not give up, press on ahead,
Win, after all God waits there for you
And loves you, so very much
loves you—
Just believe, believe! Faith saves!

2. You know people are ships
With very small rudders in the ocean.
But you, you sail to the Light
So as not to sink under sin's waves.



Often, while closing your eyes, you hear the emptiness within yourself.
Often in the midst of friends, you find there is not enough love for you.
Then call out, call!  Call upon God.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Of God I Sing

Youtube Video


From Bill Carle's album of the same title.  This song, "Of God I Sing" was written by Stuart Hamblen.  Bill Carle was a trained bass singer, appearing as soloist with the NY Philharmonic at Carnegie Hall.  He also sang before King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II.  On April 22, 1950, after becoming a Christian, Mr. Carle dedicated his talents to sing only for and of his Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

Lyrics based on Psalm 121:

O'er the Hills, I lift My eyes—
Whither shall I look for aid?
My help cometh from the Lord,
Who both heaven and earth hath made.
For the Lord in watchful keeping
Guides thy steps along the way,
In the night protects thee sleeping,
Shelters thee throughout the day.

Of God I sing, Of God I sing,
The song that God gave to a king.
Of God I sing, Of God I sing,
Of our great God I sing.

Day by day and hour by hour
God will keep thee from all ill.
Overshadowed by His pow'r,
Thou art well protected still.
He will not let evil harm thee
Near at home nor far afield;
Why should any fear alarm thee
For the Lord God is thy shield?!


Saturday, September 12, 2020

Милость Божия — The Mercy of God

«От погибели спасла» (Песнь возрождения #2665)

1. От погибели спасла меня Милость Божия,
Ot pogibeli spasla menya Milost' Bozhiya,
From perdition saved me [the] Mercy [of] God

в день отчаянья нашла меня Милость Божия.
v den' otchayan'ya nashla menya Milost' Bozhiya.
In day [of] despair found me [the] Mercy [of] God

То, что я ещё живу, то, что Господу служу,
To, chto ya yeshcho zhivu, to, chto Gospodu sluzhu,
That I still live, that [the] Lord [I] serve,

это Милость Божия, это Милость Божия.
eto Milost' Bozhiya, eto Milost' Bozhiya.
this [is the] Mercy of God, this [is the] Mercy of God.

2. Что грехи мои Он смыл, это Милость Божия,
Chto grekhi moi On smyl, eto milost' Bozhiya,
That sins [of] mine He washed away, this [is the] Mercy [of] God,

и Свой Дух Святой излил, это Милость Божия.
i Svoy Dukh Svyatoy izlil, eto milost' Bozhiya.
and His Own Spirit Holy [He] poured out, this [is the] Mercy [of] God,

То, что вера мне дана и ведёт меня она,
To, chto vera mne dana i vedot menya ona,
That faith [to] me was given and leads me it,

это Милость Божия, это Милость Божия.
eto Milost' Bozhiya, eto Milost' Bozhiya.
this [is the] Mercy of God, this [is the] Mercy of God.

3. Вновь и вновь благодарю эту Милость Божию
Vnov' i vnov' blagodaryu etu Milost' Bozhiyu
Again and again [I] thanks this Mercy [of] God

и желанием горю славить Милость Божию.
i zhelaniyem goryu slavit' Milost' Bozhiyu.
and [with] desire [I] burn to praise [the] Mercy [of] God.

Эту бездну доброты, эту силу чистоты,
Etu bezdnu dobroty, etu silu chistoty,
This chasm [of] kindness, this power [of] purity,

эту Милость Божию, эту Милость Божию.
etu Milost' Bozhiyu, etu Milost' Bozhiyu.
this Grace [of] God, this Mercy [of] God.

4. Всё однажды здесь пройдёт, даже Милость Божия,
Vso odnazhdy zdes' proydot, dazhe Milost' Bozhiya,
Everything one day here will pass away, even [the] Mercy [of] God,

от земли Бог заберёт Свою Милость Божию.
ot zemli Bog zaberot Svoyu Milost' Bozhiyu.
from earth God will take His own Mercy [of] God.

Там, где место для святых, будет вечно им светить
Tam, gde mesto dlya svyatykh, budet vechno im svetit'
There, where [is] place for saints, will forever them shine

эта Милость Божия, эта Милость Божия.
eta Milost' Bozhiya, eta Milost' Bozhiya.
this [is the] Mercy of God, this [is the] Mercy of God.

5. Повтор первого куплета.
     Repeat the first verse

Music & lyrics can be found here.

------------ English to fit the music ------------

1. From destruction has this Grace, Grace of God now saved me;
In the day of my distress, Grace of God has found me.
Since His life He gives to me, Him I'll serve eternally,
This is all of God's own Grace, this is all of God's own Grace.

2. That my sins He washed away, this is all the Grace of God;
that He poured his Spir't on me, this is all the Grace of God.
And that faith to me was giv'n, and it leads me on Heav'n,
This is all of God's own Grace, this is all of God's own Grace.

3. Ceaselessly I thank the Lord for the Mercy of our God;
With desire I burn to praise all the loving Grace of God.
Praise this depth of Love so kind, pow'r of holiness sublime—
This is all of God's own Grace, this is all of God's own Grace.

4. All down here one day will pass, even all the Grace of God;
from the earth He'll take away all His Mercy, Love, and Grace.
But in heav'n a place for saints, He with glory then will paint—
This is all of God's own Grace, this is all of God's own Grace.