Monday, April 27, 2020

My Heart Sings — Поёт моё сердце

Группа Мелодия

 1 куплет:
Поёт моё сердце, когда устаю я в земном пути
Poyot moyo serdtse, kogda ustayu ya v zemnom puti
Sings my heart, when when tired [am] I in earth's way;

Поёт моё сердце, когда не могу я вперед идти
Poyot moyo serdtse, kogda ne mogu ya vpered idti
Sings my heart, when not can I forward go;

Поёт моё сердце, когда невозможно борьбу вести
Poyot moyo serdtse, kogda nevozmozhno bor'bu vesti
Sings my heart, when impossible [a] fight to wage;

«Не бойся, Я рядом» - Господь говорит - «Я твой свет в пути».
«Ne boysya, YA ryadom» - Gospod' govorit - «YA tvoy svet v puti».
"Not fear, I [am] near (alongside)" — the Lord says — "I [am] your light in [the] way."

Пой же сердце не уставая пой о Боге, Его прославляя
Poy zhe serdtse ne ustavaya poy o Boge, Yego proslavlyaya
Sing, O heart, not tiring sing about God, Him praising;

Пой Иисусу, только Ему одному.
Poy Iisusu, tol'ko Yemu odnomu.
Sing to Jesus, only [to] Him alone.

Пой же сердце вместе с душою окрылённой Христовой любовью
Poy zhe serdtse vmeste s dushoyu okrylonnoy Khristovoy lyubov'yu
Sing, O heart, together with [the] soul inspired [by] Christ's love

Ожидая последнюю Божью весну.
Ozhidaya poslednyuyu Bozh'yu vesnu.
Waiting [for] final God's spring.

 2 куплет:
Поёт моё сердце, когда посещает меня печаль
Poyot moyo serdtse, kogda poseshchayet menya pechal'
Sings my heart, when visits me sadness; (ie, when sadness visits me)

И радость уходит туда в неизвестность, в глухую даль
I radost' ukhodit tuda v neizvestnost', v glukhuyu dal'
And joy departs there into [the] unknown, in remote distance;

Но Бог наполняет Божественным миром и красотой
No Bog napolnyayet Bozhestvennym mirom i krasotoy
But God fills [with] Divine peace and beauty,

Меня ободряет и мне говорит «Песню пой».
Menya obodryayet i mne govorit «Pesnyu poy».
Me [He] encourages and [to] me says, "[A] Song sing."

3 куплет:
Поёт моё сердце, когда наступает на душу враг
Poyot moyo serdtse, kogda nastupayet na dushu vrag
Sings my heart, when treads on soul [the] enemy;

Поёт моё сердце, когда отцветает надежды сад
Poyot moyo serdtse, kogda ottsvetayet nadezhdy sad
Sings my heart, when withers hope's garden;

И с новою песней Господь ободряет меня в пути
I s novoyu pesney Gospod' obodryayet menya v puti
And with [a] new song [the] Lord encourages me on [the] way,

«Не бойся я рядом! Я буду с тобою всегда идти.»
«Ne boysya ya ryadom! YA budu s toboyu vsegda idti.»
"Not fear, I [am] near / alongside! I will with you always go."

A translation following better English syntax — — —

My heart sings when I am tired along earth's way;
My heart sings when I find I cannot go forward;
My heart sings when it is impossible to wage a fight;
"Do not fear, I am near," says the Lord, "I am the light on your way."

  Sing, O heart, tire not of singing of God, praising Him;
  Sing to Jesus and only to Him alone.
  Sing, O heart, together with your soul, inspired by the love of Christ,
  Waiting for God's final Spring.

My heart sings when sadness visits me,
And joy departs there into the unknown, the the remote distance;
But God fills it with Divine peace and beauty,
He encourages me and says to me, "Sing a song."

My heart sings when the enemy treads on my soul;
My heart sings when the garden of hope is withered;
And with a new song the Lord encourages me along the way,
"Do not fear, I am near!  I'll always go with you."

Sunday, April 26, 2020

A Mother's Prayer

1. Delightful days of youth were mine, no troubles then I knew;
No worries and no fuss of life in morning, night and noon.
I gave scant thought to anything, I lived just for my will;
But griefs for me would squeeze her heart, her eyes with tears would fill.

2. I walked the paths of my intents, I pushed God from my thoughts.
My mother's grief grew more each day—these griefs that I had brought.
But in her loving heart she prayed for me both night and day;
I heard her whispering my name in anguish as she prayed.

A mother's prayer for me
A mother's prayer for me
I heard my name within her prayer—
A mother's prayer for me.

3. In carefree days there came to me; the voice of love would talk:
"Behold, my son, lose not my words, becareful how you walk;
Flee all these sins, no evil do, and keep your spirit clean!"
I once more heard my name in pray'r as on her Lord she'd lean.

4. The loving heart that prayed for me, fell silent long ago.
Yet still her voice within my heart reminds me how to go:
"Flee ev'ry sin, no evil do, and live with God each day."
I heard my name within her pray'r, still echoing on its way.


5. And now I found there at the cross salvation for my soul;
I laid my sin at Jesus' feet and prayed He'd make me whole.
Now joy has come—Dawn's Holy Rays—salvation full and free
Christ shed upon my heart and mind by mother's prayer for me.


On-line music can be found here: and here: