Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Радуйтесь, праведные, о Господе—Rejoice, O righteous, in the Lord

Радоваться…, даже когда трудно и больно, даже когда слёзы в глазах и нет сил.
Даже когда привычный мир вокруг рушится, не надломиться,  не погаснуть,  а выстоять там, где, казалось бы, выстоять невозможно. Потому что: «…душа наша уповает на Господа: Он - помощь наша и защита наша!»

To rejoice ... even when it is difficult and painful, even when there are tears in my eyes and I have no strength.
Even when the familiar world around is collapsing, not to break down, not to go out, but to stand where it would seem impossible to stand. Because: "... our soul trusts in the Lord: He is our help and our protection!"

Псалом 32 in the Russian Bible
Psalm 33 in the English Bible

Радуйтесь, праведные, о Господе: правым прилично славословить.
Raduytes', pravednyye, o Gospode: pravym prilichno slavoslovit'.
Rejoice, O righteous, in [the] Lord: [to the] righteous proper to bless/ to hymn/ to praise.

Славьте Господа на гуслях, пойте Ему на десятиструнной псалтири;
Slav'te Gospoda na guslyakh, poyte Yemu na desyatistrunnoy psaltiri;
Praise [the] Lord on [the] harp, sing [to] Him on [the] ten-stringed psalter;

Пойте Ему новую песнь; пойте Ему стройно, с восклицанием,
Poyte Yemu novuyu pesn'; poyte Yemu stroyno, s vosklitsaniyem,
Sing [to] Him [a] new song; sing [to] Him gracefully (harmoniously), with an exclamation (a loud cry),

ибо слово Господне право и все дела Его верны.
ibo slovo Gospodne pravo i vse dela Yego verny.
for [the] word [of the] Lord [is] right and all work [of] His true / faithful

Он любит правду и суд; милости Господней полна земля, полна земля.
On lyubit pravdu i sud; milosti Gospodney polna zemlya, polna zemlya.
He loves truth and judgment; mercy [of the] Lord full [is the] earth, full [is the] earth.


Душа наша уповает на Господа:
Dusha nasha upovayet na Gospoda:
Souls [of] ours trust in [the] Lord:

Он - помощь наша и защита наша;
On - pomoshch' nasha i zashchita nasha;
He [is] help [of] ours and protection/defense [of] ours

О Нём веселится сердце наше,
O Nom veselitsya serdtse nashe,
on Him rejoices heart [of] ours,

ибо на святое имя Его мы уповаем.
ibo na svyatoye imya Yego my upovayem.
for in holy name [of] His we trust.



-------------More straight forward English-------------
Rejoice, O righteous, in the Lord; to the righteous it is proper to praise.
Praise the Lord on the harp, sing to Him on ten-string psalter.

    Sing to Him a new song;
    sing to Him gracefully with a loud exclamation,

For the Word of the Lord is right and all His works are true.
He loves truth and judgment; the earth is full of the mercy of the Lord.


Our souls trust in the Lord:
    He is our help and our protection;
Upon Him our hearts rejoice,
    for in His holy name we trust.


PS. Don't some of the chord sequences sound a bit like Yanni's One Man's Dream?