Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Looking out across

Looking out across the placid waters,
I stare into the eye of setting day;
My cares fall shaken from my mind forgotten,
As I view peaceful scenes of joy's display.

- D. Benning

Photos from Edward Hermanson.


Lord, When the Disciples — Господь, когда ученикам

1.  Господь! Когда ученикам
Gospod'! Kogda uchenikam
O Lord!  When with [the] disciples

Ты смерть Свою явил,
Ty smert' Svoyu yavil,
You death Yours revealed,

Тогда с любовью, как к друзьям,
Togda s lyubov'yu, kak k druz'yam,
Then with love, as to friends,

Взяв хлеб, благословил.
Vzyav khleb, blagoslovil.
Taking bread, blessed [it].

2.  И, преломив, им всем раздал
I, prelomiv, im vsem razdal
And, breaking [it], [to] them all gave

И им слова сказал:
I im slova skazal:
And [to] them words said:

Друзья, примите, ешьте все,
Druz'ya, primite, yesh'te vse,
Friends, take/accept, eat all,

То Тело есть Мое!
To Telo yest' Moye!
That Body is Mine! 
   (Notice the use of “to be” in the present tense.  Straight out of the Old Church Slavic Bible.)

3.  Затем с вином Ты чашу взял,
Zatem s vinom Ty chashu vzyal,
Then / thereafter  with wine You [the] cup took

Им дал, о ней моля.
Im dal, o ney molya.
Them [You] gave, over it praying

Сия есть Кровь Моя,- сказал,-
Siya yest' Krov' Moya,- skazal,-
This is Blood [of] Mine, — [You] said, —
   (Notice the use of “to be” in the present tense.  Straight out of the Old Church Slavic Bible.)

Все пейте из нея!
Vse peyte iz neya!
All drink of it!

4.  Вот новый Мой завет в Крови
Vot novyy Moy zavet v Krovi
Here [is] new Mine covenant in Blood

Я вам, друзья, даю,
YA vam, druz'ya, dayu,
I [to] y'all, friends, give

Сие всегда творите вы,
Siye vsegda tvorite vy,
This always do y'all,

Смерть вспомните Мою.
Smert' vspomnite Moyu.
Death [y'all will] remember Mine.

5.  О, дай же Кровь Твою, Господь,
O, day zhe Krov' Tvoyu, Gospod',
O, give  Blood Yours, O Lord,

Пролитую за нас,
Prolituyu za nas,
Spilled for us,

Твою истерзанную Плоть
Tvoyu isterzannuyu Plot'
Your tormented Flesh

Нам вспомнить в этот час!
Nam vspomnit' v etot chas!
[To] us recall  at this hour!

6.  И дай, Господь, всегда во всем
I day, Gospod', vsegda vo vsem
And give, O Lord, always in everything

Нам мыслить лишь о том,
Nam myslit' lish' o tom,
Us thinking only about

Как много Ты за нас страдал,
Kak mnogo Ty za nas stradal,
How much Your for us suffered,

Как тяжко умирал!
Kak tyazhko umiral!
How sorely [You] died!

This do in My Remembrance.
Сие творите в Мое воспоминание.
Лука 22:19

Lord, When the Disciples

1. When with disciples, O my Lord,
You told'st them of Thy death;
And then with love, as Friend to friends,
Thou tookest bread then blessed it.

2. Then breaking bread, Thou gavest all
With words Thou biddest them dine:
"My friends now take, and eat ye all—
This bread is Body Mine!"

3. The cup of wine, Thou took'st in hand,
And gavest them with words:
"This is my blood, that is shed for thee,
Drink all you now," this they heard.

4. "Behold My new covenant in Blood,
My friends, I give to thee;
This always do till we meet again:
Remember My Death and Me."

5. Oh Lord, our God, give then Thy Blood
That spilled for us so free,
Thy body racked by pain for us—
O Lord, we will remember Thee.

6. And let us, Lord, fill all our days,
And think with thanks on this:
How much Thou bore and endured for us;
Thy suff'ring brings us Life and Bliss.

This do in My Remembrance.
Сие творите в Мое воспоминание.
Лука 22:19


Monday, November 5, 2018

Любовь Господа!

Любовь Господа - как широко -
Налил вокруг нас со всех сторон!
Погрузи меня в святой поток
Пока Иисус всё только, что знаю.

The love of the Lord—how very wide—
Poured around us from all sides!
Immerse me in the holy flood
Until Jesus is all that I know.

If this seems familiar.... God's Love Has Called Us 
- D. Benning