Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Исцели Мое Сомненье — Heal My Doubt

lyrics & performance:  https://holychords.com/17871
pdf of hymn: https://noty-bratstvo.org/sites/default/files/isceli-moe-somnenje-054_1_0.pdf

Куплет 1:
Исцели мое сомненье [сомнение],
Istseli moye somnen'ye,
Heal my doubt
Что приходит иногда
Chto prikhodit inogda
That comes sometimes
В час минутного забвенья [забвения]
V chas minutnogo zabven'ya
In hour [of] momentary disregard / oblivion
С ношей горького плода.
S noshey gor'kogo ploda.
With burden [of] bitter fruit.

Куплет 2:
Я хочу не сомневаться
YA khochu ne somnevat'sya
I want not to doubt
Ни на миг, что Твой я сын,
Ni na mig, chto Tvoy ya syn,
Not for [a] moment, that Yours I [am] son,
Что я призван подвизаться
Chto ya prizvan podvizat'sya
That I [am] called to fight bravely
Посреди Твоих дружин.
Posredi Tvoikh druzhin.
Amidst Your troops (retinue/brigade).

Куплет 3:
Удали мое сомненье [сомнение],
Udali moye somnen'ye,
Remove my doubt,
Будто в мире я без сил;
Budto v mire ya bez sil;
[It is] as though in [the] world I [am] weak;
Сам приди, веди в сраженье [сражение],
Sam pridi, vedi v srazhen'ye,
Yourself come, lead in battle / combat,
Чтоб с Тобой я победил.
Chtob s Toboy ya pobedil.
So that with You I overcome / conquer.

Куплет 4:
Помоги, чтоб я душою
Pomogi, chtob ya dushoyu
Help, so that I [with] soul
От Тебя не отходил,
Ot Tebya ne otkhodil,
From You not depart,
Чтобы враг своей стрелою
Chtoby vrag svoyey streloyu
So that enemy [with] his own arrow

Дух мой слабый не смутил.
Dukh moy slabyy ne smutil.
Soul [of] mine weak / feeble not confuse.


English Translation to Fit the Music

Heal my doubt that comes in darkly
Sometimes with an unseen root,
In the hour of inattention
With the weight of bitter fruit.

This I do not want to e'er doubt,
Not for aye, that I'm Your son,
That I'm called to bravely fight on
Midst Your troops till battles won.

So I ask You take my doubting—
In this world no strength in me.
Come, Yourself, and lead in battle,
So with You I'll victor be.

Help me, Lord, so that with my soul,
From You I will ne'er depart.
So my foe with his own sharp arrow
Won't confuse my feeble heart.

Another rendition of this hymn

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Радуйтесь, праведные, о Господе—Rejoice, O righteous, in the Lord

Радоваться…, даже когда трудно и больно, даже когда слёзы в глазах и нет сил.
Даже когда привычный мир вокруг рушится, не надломиться,  не погаснуть,  а выстоять там, где, казалось бы, выстоять невозможно. Потому что: «…душа наша уповает на Господа: Он - помощь наша и защита наша!»

To rejoice ... even when it is difficult and painful, even when there are tears in my eyes and I have no strength.
Even when the familiar world around is collapsing, not to break down, not to go out, but to stand where it would seem impossible to stand. Because: "... our soul trusts in the Lord: He is our help and our protection!"

Псалом 32 in the Russian Bible
Psalm 33 in the English Bible

Радуйтесь, праведные, о Господе: правым прилично славословить.
Raduytes', pravednyye, o Gospode: pravym prilichno slavoslovit'.
Rejoice, O righteous, in [the] Lord: [to the] righteous proper to bless/ to hymn/ to praise.

Славьте Господа на гуслях, пойте Ему на десятиструнной псалтири;
Slav'te Gospoda na guslyakh, poyte Yemu na desyatistrunnoy psaltiri;
Praise [the] Lord on [the] harp, sing [to] Him on [the] ten-stringed psalter;

Пойте Ему новую песнь; пойте Ему стройно, с восклицанием,
Poyte Yemu novuyu pesn'; poyte Yemu stroyno, s vosklitsaniyem,
Sing [to] Him [a] new song; sing [to] Him gracefully (harmoniously), with an exclamation (a loud cry),

ибо слово Господне право и все дела Его верны.
ibo slovo Gospodne pravo i vse dela Yego verny.
for [the] word [of the] Lord [is] right and all work [of] His true / faithful

Он любит правду и суд; милости Господней полна земля, полна земля.
On lyubit pravdu i sud; milosti Gospodney polna zemlya, polna zemlya.
He loves truth and judgment; mercy [of the] Lord full [is the] earth, full [is the] earth.


Душа наша уповает на Господа:
Dusha nasha upovayet na Gospoda:
Souls [of] ours trust in [the] Lord:

Он - помощь наша и защита наша;
On - pomoshch' nasha i zashchita nasha;
He [is] help [of] ours and protection/defense [of] ours

О Нём веселится сердце наше,
O Nom veselitsya serdtse nashe,
on Him rejoices heart [of] ours,

ибо на святое имя Его мы уповаем.
ibo na svyatoye imya Yego my upovayem.
for in holy name [of] His we trust.



-------------More straight forward English-------------
Rejoice, O righteous, in the Lord; to the righteous it is proper to praise.
Praise the Lord on the harp, sing to Him on ten-string psalter.

    Sing to Him a new song;
    sing to Him gracefully with a loud exclamation,

For the Word of the Lord is right and all His works are true.
He loves truth and judgment; the earth is full of the mercy of the Lord.


Our souls trust in the Lord:
    He is our help and our protection;
Upon Him our hearts rejoice,
    for in His holy name we trust.


PS. Don't some of the chord sequences sound a bit like Yanni's One Man's Dream?

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Thus Daylight Woke



Blackwater Falls State Park, West Virginia
picture (c) 2015, d. benning



 The muted light,
     the colors soft,
          the morning light so moist and drawn,
The gray-draped rain
     with petrichor washed—
          thus daylight woke with quiet yawn.

-d. benning, (c) 2021

Monday, October 4, 2021

Куда пойду от Духа Твоего? — Where Will I Go from Your Spirit

SOCART's music video


Based on Psalm 139
See also: https://holychords.com/11793  for lyrics & performance
 1 куплет:
Куда пойду от Духа Твоего?
Kuda poydu ot Dukha Tvoyego?
Where will [I] go from Spirit [of] Yours?

Такое разве Господи возможно?
Takoye razve Gospodi vozmozhno?
[Is] such really, O Lord, possible?

Моё с Тобою слито естество,
Moyo s Toboyu slito yestestvo,
My with You joined essence,

И наш союз святой и непреложный.
I nash soyuz svyatoy i neprelozhnyy.
And our union [is] holy and unalterable.

Куда пойду, куда я убегу?
Kuda poydu, kuda ya ubegu?
Where will [I] go, where will I flee (run away)?

К чему пересекать меридианы?
K chemu peresekat' meridiany?
For what to cross [the] meridians?

Жить без Тебя Создатель не могу -
Zhit' bez Tebya Sozdatel' ne mogu -
To live without You, Creator, [I] cannot —

С Тобою, безусловно, я останусь.
S Toboyu, bezuslovno, ya ostanus'.
With You, certainly, I remain.

2 куплет:
Возьму ли крылья утренней зари
Voz'mu li kryl'ya utrenney zari
Will [I] take [the] wings [of the] morning dawn

И унесусь к окраине вселенной?
I unesus' k okraine vselennoy?
And speed away to [the] fringe [of the] universe?

Ты будешь там и дух мой ободришь,
Ty budesh' tam i dukh moy obodrish',
You will be there and spirit [of] mine will encourage,

Присутствие Твоё там вне сомненья.
Prisutstviye Tvoyo tam vne somnen'ya.
Presence [of] Your there beyond doubts.

3 куплет:
Сойду ли в преисподние места,
Soydu li v preispodniye mesta,
Will [I] go down in [the] underworld places,

Где ночь тоски* без проблеска отрады.
Gde noch' toski
* bez probleska otrady.
Where night of sadness
* without glimmer [of] joy.

"Ты здесь, Господь?" произнесут уста,
"Ty zdes', Gospod'?" proiznesut usta,
"[Are] You here, Lord?" will utter [the] mouth,

А слух уловит: "Я с тобою рядом..."
A slukh ulovit: "YA s toboyu ryadom..."
But [the] hearing (that is, the ear) will catch: "I [am] with you near..."

* тоска....
тоска isn't really weariness, it's closer to sadness, but it doesn't really have an English equivalent. Kind of sadness mixed with weariness of soul and despondency with a bit of depression and boredom thrown in for good measure. One popular definition is "the feeling of a person who desires something, but doesn't know exactly what, but knows that the desired thing is unachievable". Basically, the most Russian thing imaginable.  (Source: TG.)

--------- English to fit the music ---------
Oh, from Your Spirit, whither shall I flee?
O Lord, could I in fact depart and leave You?
You've joined me to Yourself with guarantee;
Our union now is holy, changeless and true.

Oh, whither shall I go where shall I flee?
What purpose would it be to cross each far land?
Creator, without You I cannot live —
With You I stay protected in Your strong Hand.

The wings of morning dawn then shall I seize
To speed away to fringes of this vast sphere?
Your Spirit will be there to strengthen me,
Your Presence there beyond all doubt is so near.

Should I descend into the underworld
With night of endless angst and joyless bleak tears
My lips would utter, "Are You here, O Lord?"
My ears would hear your voice: "I am with you near..."


Friday, September 24, 2021

Взойдём на Голгофу мой брат — Let Us Ascend to Calvary



Perfect for the Lord's Supper or at a Good Friday service.

Sheet music: https://noty-bratstvo.org/sites/default/files/vzoydem-na-golgofu-420_0.pdf
   Куплет 1.
Взойдём на Голгофу, мой брат!
Vzoydyom na Golgofu, moy brat!
Let's ascend to Golgotha, my brother!

Там посланный Богом Мессия распят.
Tam poslannyy Bogom Messiya raspyat.
There sent [by] God Messiah [is] crucified.

О правде святой проповедовал Он,
O pravde svyatoy propovedoval On,
About truth holy preached He,

Больных исцелял, а теперь Он казнён.
Bol'nykh istselyal, a teper' On kaznyon.
[The] sick [He] healed, but now He [is] executed.

Падём перед Ним!
Padyom pered Nim!
[Let us] fall down before Him!
   Куплет 2 
Взойдём на Голгофу, мой брат!
Vzoydyom na Golgofu, moy brat!
Let's ascend to Golgotha, my brother!

Он страждет, и жаром ланиты горят;
On strazhdet, i zharom lanity goryat;
He suffers, and [with] fevor cheeks burn;

Он жаждет, и уксус Тому подают,
On zhazhdet, i uksus Tomu podayut,
He thirsts, and vinegar [to] Him [they] serve,

Чьи воды живые для мира текут.
CH'i vody zhivyye dlya mira tekut.
Whose waters living for [the] world flow.

Падём перед Ним!
Padyom pered Nim!
[Let us] fall down before Him!
   Куплет 3.
Взойдём на Голгофу, мой брат!
Vzoydyom na Golgofu, moy brat!
Let's ascend to Golgotha, my brother!

"Прости им, не знают, что худо творят!" -
"Prosti im, ne znayut, chto khudo tvoryat!" -
"Forgive them, [they do] not know, that evil/harm do/make!"

Он молит, Взойдём же, дабы и за нас
On molit, Vzoydyom zhe, daby i za nas
He prays, Let us ascend then so that for us too

Молитва Христова к Отцу вознеслась.
Molitva Khristova k Ottsu vozneslas'.
[The] Prayer of Christ to [the] Father ascends.

Падём перед Ним!
Padyom pered Nim!
[Let us] fall down before Him!
   Куплет 4.
Взойдём на Голгофу, мой брат!
Vzoydyom na Golgofu, moy brat!
Let's ascend to Golgotha, my brother!

Вот снова Он к небу подъемлет Свой взгляд!
Vot snova On k nebu pod"yemlet Svoy vzglyad!
Here again He to heaven raises His own gaze!

"Отец Мой! Зачем Ты оставил Меня?"
"Otets Moy! Zachem Ty ostavil Menya?"
"Father Mine! Why [did] You forsake Me?"

О брат мой! Принять чтоб тебя и меня.
O brat moy! Prinyat' chtob tebya i menya.
O brother mine! To receive you and me.

Падём перед Ним!
Padyom pered Nim!
[Let us] fall down before Him!
   Куплет 5.
Взойдём на Голгофу, мой брат!
Vzoydyom na Golgofu, moy brat!
Let's ascend to Golgotha, my brother!

Страдальца святого слова там звучат:
Stradal'tsa svyatogo slova tam zvuchat:
Sufferer's holy words there resound:
   (Ie, Words of the holy Sufferer there resound)

"Свершилось: Я дух Мой Тебе предаю!"
"Svershilos': YA dukh Moy Tebe predayu!"
"It is finished: I spirit Mine [to] You commit!"

За нас Он пожертвовал душу Свою.
Za nas On pozhertvoval dushu Svoyu.
For us He sacrificed/offered soul His own.

Падём перед Ним!
Padyom pered Nim!
[Let us] fall down before Him!
   Куплет 6.
Взойдём на Голгофу, мой брат!
Vzoydyom na Golgofu, moy brat!
Let's ascend to Golgotha, my brother!

Посмотрим, как нашей греховности яд
Posmotrim, kak nashey grekhovnosti yad
Let us see, how our sinfulness's poison

В страданиях горьких Христа истомил,
V stradaniyakh gor'kikh Khrista istomil,
In [the] sufferings bitter [of] Christ exhausted,

Как дорого Он нам Спасенье купил.
Kak dorogo On nam Spasen'ye kupil.
How dearly He us Salvation bought.

Падём перед Ним!
Padyom pered Nim!
[Let us] fall down before Him!

  -  -- - --  -  -- - --  -  -- - --  -  -- - --  -

English to fit the music
My brother, let's climb to Calvary!
Where God sent Messiah to die on the Tree.
The Holy Truth preached and the sick He made well—
But now He is sentenced to suffer our Hell.
Fall down before Him!

My brother, let's climb to Calvary!
O see how He suffers, His cheeks with fever burn.
He cries then He thirsts! Vinegar they then show
To the One who caused waters of life to o'erflow.
Fall down before Him!

My brother, let's climb to Calvary!
"Forgive them, they know not their sin," is His plea.
Then let us ascend so that for us in Heav'n,
Christ's prayers to the Father ascend as they're giv'n.
Fall down before Him!

My brother, let's climb to Calvary!
To Heaven He lifts up His eyes in agony:
"O My Father, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"
O_my brother, it was so that we could be free.
Fall down before Him!

My brother, let's climb to Calvary!
For there are the Sufferer's Words that ring so free.
Hear Him cry "It's Finished! My Spirit I give!"
For us He was offered that we may then live.
Fall down before Him!

My brother, let's climb to Calvary!
Our sinfulness' poison, oh, let us truly see
In Christ's bitter cup that He drank on the Cross;
Our richest gains came at immeasurable cost.
Fall down before Him!


Friday, September 3, 2021

Я Верую - I Believe


Молодежный хор церкви Вифания
Bethany Church Youth Choir
Lyrics & Chords: https://holychords.com/22995 
 (See footnotes for distinction between the two forms of "I believe."
 Я верую+, в распятого Спасителя, Воскресшего,
YA veruyu, v raspyatogo Spasitelya, Voskresshego,
I believe in [the] crucified Savior, [the] Resurected One,

Святого Искупителя, и вечного,  
Svyatogo Iskupitelya, i vechnogo,
[The] Holy Redeemer and eternal,

Творца Освободителя, пришедшего,  
Tvortsa Osvoboditelya, prishedshego,
Creator Liberator, who came

На землю к нам.  
Na zemlyu k nam.
On earth to us.

Я верую, в Иисуса Всемогущего, Он святый Наш,  
YA veruyu, v Iisusa Vsemogushchego, On svyatyy Nash,
I believe in Jesus Almighty, He [is] holy one ours,

Его я буду славить каждый миг и час,  
Yego ya budu slavit' kazhdyy mig i chas,
Him I will praise every minute and hour,

Он в жертву искупления терпел за нас, страдания.  
On v zhertvu iskupleniya terpel za nas, stradaniya.
He in offering atonement endured for us, suffering.

Я верую!  
YA veruyu!
I believe!

Я верую, хоть я и не заслуживал любви Его,
A veruyu, khot' ya i ne zasluzhival lyubvi Yego,
I believe, though I even not deserved love [of] His,

Он не оставил без прощенья никого,
On ne ostavil bez proshchen'ya nikogo,
He not leave without forgiveness nobody,

За нас Он на кресте пролил Святую кровь,
Za nas On na kreste prolil Svyatuyu krov',
For us He on [the] cross shed Holy blood,

Я верую, Однажды Он Воскрес и для моей Души,
YA veruyu, Odnazhdy On Voskres i dlya moyey Dushi,
I believe, once He rose and for my soul,

Сказал иди вперёд и больше не греши, и Мне служи.
Skazal idi vperod i bol'she ne greshi, i Mne sluzhi.
[He] said go forth and anymore not sin, and Me serve.

Я верую!  
YA veruyu!
I believe.

Я верую, и знаю что любовь Его всегда сильна,
YA veruyu, i znayu chto lyubov' Yego vsegda sil'na,
I believe, and [I] know that [the] love [of] God [is] always strong,

И верю++ Он однажды поведёт меня,
I veryu On odnazhdy povedot menya,
And [I] believe He one day lead me

В святые небеса, где будем прославлять  Любви Отца.
V svyatyye nebesa, gde budem proslavlyat' Lyubvi Ottsa.
Into [the] holy heavens, where [we] will glorify [the] Love [of the] Father.

Я верую, в Того кто пребывает у людей в сердцах,
YA veruyu, v Togo kto prebyvayet u lyudey v serdtsakh,
I believe in [the] One who remains/dwells with people in hearts,

Даруя утешенье в самый скорбный час,
Daruya uteshen'ye v samyy skorbnyy chas,
Granting comfort in [the] most sorrowful hour,

Надежду дарит каждому, а в небесах,
Nadezhdu darit kazhdomu, a v nebesakh,
Hope [it] gives [to] everyone, and in heaven

Он ожидает каждого нас!
On ozhidayet kazhdogo nas!
He waits for each [of] us.

----- footnotes -----

+ верую  ---  first-person singular present indicative imperfective of ве́ровать [to believe (in, especially to believe in God) ]
   Note: верую is used in the Russian translations of the creeds.  For example the Nicene Creed.

++ верю   ---  first-person singular present indicative imperfective of ве́рить [to believe, trust]


Friday, August 13, 2021

Любите Друг Друга — Love Each Other

youtube video

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Screen shot of phone from video.
Note: It is Ukrainian

привіт малишка я Тебе люблю дуже сильно чекаю дома  ЦЬОМ  ЦЬОМ!
Hi baby I love you very much I'm waiting for you at home!
 SMACK SMACK! (smooch smooch!) (ie, kisses)

Любите друг друга, любите от чистого сердца
Lyubite drug druga, lyubite ot chistogo serdtsa
Love each other, love from [a] pure heart

Пусть ваша любовь озаряется светлой мечтой
Pust' vasha lyubov' ozaryayetsya svetloy mechtoy
Let your love light up by [a] bright dream
Better: Your love lighting up becomes like a bright dream

Чтоб были сияющим неугасающим светом
Chtob byli siyayushchim neugasayushchim svetom
So that [you] would be [a] bright unquenchable light

Чтоб видели в вас эту Божью святую Любовь
Chtob videli v vas etu Bozh'yu svyatuyu Lyubov'
So that [they] would see in you this God's holy Love.

О Любви не сказать, не описать, не объяснить
O Lyubvi ne skazat', ne opisat', ne ob"yasnit'
About Love [you] can't tell, can't describe, can't explain

Так Она велика, глубока
Tak Ona velika, gluboka
So she (it) great, deep  (Ie, It is so great and deep)

Пусть у вас каждый час пламенеет в сердцах
Pust' u vas kazhdyy chas plameneyet v serdtsakh
Let by you every hour flame in hearts 

Мир святой, что превыше ума
Mir svyatoy, chto prevyshe uma
[The] Peace holy, that [is] above [the] mind.
   (Ie, May the Holy Peace that is above the mind it burn in your hearts every hour)

Как часто порою печалимся мы и страдаем
Kak chasto poroyu pechalimsya my i stradayem
How often sometimes grieve we and suffer

Что наша любовь исчезает, как утром луна
Chto nasha lyubov' ischezayet , kak utrom luna
That our love disappears, like in morning [the] moon

Мы плачем порою у ног Иисуса склоняясь
My plachem poroyu u nog Iisusa sklonyayas'
We weep sometimes at feet [of] Jesus bowing

Что нету любви в сердце к брату и близким друзьям.
Chto netu lyubvi v serdtse k bratu i blizkim druz'yam.
That there is no love in heart for brothers and close friends.


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Возвожу Очи Мои — I Lift My Eyes

Original song by Simon Khorolskiy
Lyrics based on Psalm 121 (Псалом 120)
Adapted with the help of Zarina Kozlov

Возвожу очи мои к горам
Vozvozhu ochi moi k goram
[I] raise eyes [of] mine to [the] mountains

Откуда придет помощь.
Otkuda pridet pomoshch'.
from where comes help.

Помощь моя от Господа,
Pomoshch' moya ot Gospoda,
Help [of] mine [is] from [the] Lord,

Сотворившего землю и небо.
Sotvorivshego zemlyu i nebo.
Creator [of] earth and heaven.

Солнце днем и ночью луна
Solntse dnem i noch'yu luna
[The] sun [by] day and [by] night [the] moon

Не поразят, не поразят тебя.
Ne porazyat, ne porazyat tebya.
Will not strike, will not smite you.

Господь будет охранять
Gospod' budet okhranyat'
[The] Lord will protect

Твои выхождения отныне и навсегда.
Tvoi vykhozhdeniya otnyne i navsegda.
Your departure henceforth and always.

Сохранит душу твою от зла,
Sokhranit dushu tvoyu ot zla,
[He] will keep soul [of] yours from evil,

Не дремлет и не спит,
Ne dremlet i ne spit,
[He does] not slumber (doze) and [does] not sleep,

Хранящий Израиля!
Khranyashchiy Izrailya!
[The] Guardian [of] Israel!

Солнце днем и ночью луна
Solntse dnem i noch'yu luna
[The] sun [by] day and [by] night [the] moon

Не поразят, не поразят тебя.
Ne porazyat, ne porazyat tebya.
Will not strike, will not smite you.

Господь будет охранять
Gospod' budet okhranyat'
[The] Lord will protect

Твои выхождения отныне и навсегда.
Tvoi vykhozhdeniya otnyne i navsegda.
Your departure henceforth and always.

Твои вхождения отныне и навсегда.
Tvoi vkhozhdeniya otnyne i navsegda.
Your coming in henceforth and always.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

A Dios Ofrecemos Gozosa Canción — To God We Offer a Joyful Song


youtube video

Letra: Julia H. Johnson.
Música: H. R. Palmer, 1834–1907

Lyrics found here:   A Dios Ofrecemos Gozosa Canción
               along with the music

1. A Dios ofrecemos gozosa canción
To God we offer joyful song
que cantamos en esta feliz estación.
that we sing in this happy season.
Le agradecemos Su luz y amor,
You we thank [for] Your light and love,
y Sus dones tan ricos de grande valor.
and Your gifts so rich of great value.

    ¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya! Entonad la canción;
    Alleluia! Alleluia! Sing the song;
    con rebosantes corazones elevemos el son.
    with overflowing hearts let us elevate the sound (tone).

2. Abiertas las puertas del cielo están,
   Open the portals (gates) of heaven are,

y cordial bienvenida a todos darán.
and warm welcome to all will be given.

Con fe, pues, obremos en bien de Sión,
With faith, then, let us work in good of Zion,

con afán trabajando por nuestra mansión.
with eager working for our mansion.



3. Al fin al llegar al hogar celestial,
   At last to arrive at the home celestial,

con sus calles de oro y mar de cristal;
with its street of gold and sea of crystal;

y con gran poder el Señor reinará
and with great power the Lord shall reign

y a todos los fieles Sus dones dará.
and to all the faithfull His gifts give.

English Translation with extra verse
To God let us offer glad songs of great joy;
That we sing in all seasons our hearts shall employ.
We thank Him for gifts of His light and His love
That He showers upon us as dew from Above.

The Portals of Heaven are now open wide
And extend a warm welcome to come on inside.
With faith let us work for Mount Zion's increase
With our eager endeavors to spread our Lord's peace.

At last we arrive at our heavenly land
Golden streets, a crystal sea we shall then see firsthand.
With pow'r and authority our Lord shall reign
And with gifts to His faithful with Grace He shall deign.

O bless now the Lord, O my soul, praise the Lord!
Tell His glory and splendor, all honor accord.
In great adoration fall down at His Throne
And worship the Sovereign who makes you His own!

  Alleluia!  Praise Jehovah!  Loudly sing His great Name!
  With songs of thanksgiving to the Lamb that was slain!

Там, в Вышине Бесконечной — There in the Infinite Heights

Там, в вышине бесконечной
Tam, v vyshine beskonechnoy
There, in [the] heights without-limits (ie, endless / infinite)

Между планет город стоит, город вечный.
Mezhdu planet gorod stoit, gorod vechnyy.
Between (among) [the] planets [a] city stands, [a] city eternal.

Как я хочу там отдохнуть и дышать, дышать, дышать
Kak ya khochu tam otdokhnut' i dyshat', dyshat', dyshat'
How I want there to rest and to breathe, to breathe, to breathe

И с восторгом наслаждаться, прославлять Христа, прославлять.
I s vostorgom naslazhdat'sya, proslavlyat' Khrista, proslavlyat'.
And with delight to enjoy, to glorify Christ, to glorify.

Всё предо мною прекрасно,
Vsyo predo mnoyu prekrasno,
Everything before me [is] beautiful,

Кажется нет, чувство мое не угасло.
Kazhetsya net, chuvstvo moye ne ugaslo.
It seems no, my feeling has not faded.

Город родной неповторим он живёт, растёт, цветёт.
Gorod rodnoy nepovtorim on zhivyot, rastyot, tsvetyot.
[The] city native (dear) [is] unique, it lives, grows, blooms.

Город чудный, город славный – красотой к себе влечёт.
Gorod chudnyy, gorod slavnyy – krasotoy k sebe vlechyot.
[The] city [is] wonderful, [the] city [is] glorious — beauty to itself [it] draws (attracts).

Здесь постоянно усталый,
Zdes' postoyanno ustalyy,
Here, continuously (constantly) tired,

Душу мою томит житейское море.
Dushu moyu tomit zhiteyskoye more.
Soul [of] mine wearied by life's sea.

Только в одном, мне со Христом все вперёд, вперёд, вперёд,
Tol'ko v odnom, mne so Khristom vse vperyod, vperyod, vperyod,
Only one thing, me* with Christ everything [is] forward, forward, forward,

Он в небесную Отчизну непременно доведёт.
On v nebesnuyu Otchiznu nepremenno dovedyot.
He to heavenly Fatherland certainly will bring (*me, see line above).


Thursday, July 29, 2021

Мы Увидим Небеса — We Will See Heaven

1 куплет:

Что твоя жизнь? - только лишь пар
Chto tvoya zhizn'? - tol'ko lish' par
What [is] your life? — only just [a] vapor.

Это Мой вдох, это Мой дар
Eto Moy vdokh, eto Moy dar
This [is] My breath — this [is] My gift.

Лучшие дни - труд и болезнь,
Luchshiye dni - trud i bolezn',
[The] best days — work and sickness,

Ведь в эти дни Я с тобой Есмь
Ved' v eti dni YA s toboy Yesm'
After all in these days I am with you.

Вся твоя жизнь - бой за любовь
Vsya tvoya zhizn' - boy za lyubov'
All your life [is] battle for love

Это твой путь и твоя боль,
Eto tvoy put' i tvoya bol',
This [is] your path and your pain

Но ты хранил веру свою
No ty khranil veru svoyu
But you kept the faith [of] your own

Будешь однажды со Мною в раю
Budesh' odnazhdy so Mnoyu v rayu
[You] will be one day with Me in paradise.


Мы увидим небеса
My uvidim nebesa
We will see heaven

И в мире лучшем
I v mire luchshem
And in the best world

Бог откроет нам глаза
Bog otkroyet nam glaza
God will open our eyes

Ко дню от ночи
Ko dnyu ot nochi
Unto day from night

Мы увидим небеса.
My uvidim nebesa.
We will see heaven.

Все те, кто верил
Vse te, kto veril
All those, who believe

Будет там конец слезам
Budet tam konets slezam
will be there [an] end [to] tears

И всем потерям
I vsem poteryam
And all losses

2 куплет:

Не ужасайся и не страшись.
Ne uzhasaysya i ne strashis'.
Not be terrified and not fear.

За Мою руку крепко держись
Za Moyu ruku krepko derzhis'
To My hand firmly hold

Вся твоя жизнь под контролем Моим
Vsya tvoya zhizn' pod kontrolem Moim
All your life [is] under control [of] Mine

Будешь всегда ты Мною храним
Budesh' vsegda ty Mnoyu khranim
Will be always you by Me kept/preserved.


«Я веровал и потому говорил, и мы веруем, потому и говорим, зная, что Воскресивший Господа Иисуса воскресит через Иисуса и нас и поставит перед Собою с вами.»
«YA veroval i potomu govoril, i my veruyem, potomu i govorim, znaya, chto Voskresivshiy Gospoda Iisusa voskresit cherez Iisusa i nas i postavit pered Soboyu s vami.»
"I believe and therefore [I] spoke, and we believe, and therefore [we] say, knowing, that the One who resurected the Lord Jesus will raise through Jesus and set us before Him Himself with you."


Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Звёзд Дивные Алмазы — Wondrous Diamonds of the Stars



Filmed near Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River.  See link for information about the bridge, or further information about the geology of the area.

At about 3:41, an octagonal structure is briefly shown.  
 This is the Vista House, on Crown Point in Multnomah County Oregon.

Что этот свет, он созданье  (создание) Всевышнего,
Chto etot svet, on sozdan'ye Vsevyshnego,
What [is] this light, it [is] creation [of the] Most High,

Воля и разум Творца,
Volya i razum Tvortsa,
[The] Will and [the] mind [of the] Creator,

Это ль не есть выражение Божьей любви?
Eto l' ne yest' vyrazheniye Bozh'yey lyubvi?
This not is expression [of] God's love?

Горы, равнины и дали лесистые.
Gory, ravniny i dali lesistyye.
Mountains, plains and distances wooded.

Скалы, овраги и травы душистые,
Skaly, ovragi i travy dushistyye,
Rocks, ravines and grasses fragrant,

Утра румянец и ночи мерцание –
Utra rumyanets i nochi mertsaniye –
Morning blush and night shimmer —

Бога создание, Бога дыхание!
Boga sozdaniye, Boga dykhaniye!
God's creation, God's breath!

Звёзд дивные алмазы на черный бархат неба,
Zvozd divnyye almazy na chernyy barkhat neba,
Stars' wondrous diamonds on black velvet [of the] sky,

Ты поместил Своей рукой,
Ty pomestil Svoyey rukoy,
You placed [by] Your own hand,

Поместил Своей рукой.
Pomestil Svoyey rukoy.
Placed [by] Your own hand.

Нет, я ещё ни разу столь к Тебе близок не был,
Net, ya yeshcho ni razu stol' k Tebe blizok ne byl,
No, I still not once so to You close not was,
  (Ie, No, I've never been this close to You before)

Ты подарил душе покой,
Ty podaril dushe pokoy,
You gave soul peace,

Ты подарил душе покой.
Ty podaril dushe pokoy.
You gave soul peace.

Что этот мрак, силы темной сгущение,
Chto etot mrak, sily temnoy sgushcheniye,
What [is] this darkness, power [of] darkness thickening,

Вечно скрывает свой лик?
Vechno skryvayet svoy lik?
Forever hiding its own face?

Слава, Отец, что не ею дано нам спастись!
Slava, Otets, chto ne yeyu dano nam spastis'!
Glory!  Father, that not it given [to] us to save self!

Солнце взойдет, тучи черные скроются,
Solntse vzoydet, tuchi chernyye skroyutsya,
[The] sun will rise, [the] clouds dark will flee,

Земли водой дождевою омоются,
Zemli vodoy dozhdevoyu omoyutsya,
Earth [with] water rain (ie, with rain water) will be washed,

Птицы небесные песню Тебе поют,
Ptitsy nebesnyye pesnyu Tebe poyut,
Birds [of the] sky song [to] You sing,

Имя Твое облекая в гармонию!
Imya Tvoye oblekaya v garmoniyu!
Name [of] Yours clothing in harmony!

Что эта жизнь – Божий дар и служение,
Chto eta zhizn' – Bozhiy dar i sluzheniye,
What [is] this life — God's gift and ministry,

Радость и мука души.
Radost' i muka dushi.
Joy and agony [of the] soul

Где ты найдёшь совокупность столь разных в одном?
Gde ty naydyosh' sovokupnost' stol' raznykh v odnom?
Where will you find [the] combination of different things in one?

Пусть из страданий и счастие (счастье) строится,
Pust' iz stradaniy i schastiye stroitsya,
Let through/among suffering and happiness build up,

Лишь после смерти награда откроется.
Lish' posle smerti nagrada otkroyetsya.
Only after death reward will be revealed.

Чаша скорбей производит терпение,
Chasha skorbey proizvodit terpeniye,
Chalice [of] suffering produces patience,

Вся наша жизнь на земле – лишь мгновение!
Vsya nasha zhizn' na zemle – lish' mgnoveniye!
All our life on earth [is] just [a] moment!

Saturday, May 15, 2021

С Ранней Зари — From the Early Dawn

С ранней зари ищет душа моя
S ranney zari ishchet dusha moya
From/since early dawn seeks soul of mine

Бога моего, Бога Израиля
Boga moyego, Boga Izrailya
God mine, [the] God [of] Israel

К тихим водам душу Он мою ведёт
K tikhim vodam dushu On moyu vedot
To quiet/still waters soul He leads
  (Ie, He leads my soul to quiet waters)
И от стрел и мрака защитит спасёт
I ot strel i mraka zashchitit spasot
And from arrows and darkness will defend, will save.

1.На Него я уповаю
Na Nego ya upovayu
On Him I hope
Перед Ним колени склоняю
Pered Nim koleni sklonyayu
Before Him knees [I] bow
В Его славу войду и обновлюсь
V Yego slavu voydu i obnovlyus'
Into His glory [I] will enter and will be renewed
Бог спасенья,Бог искупленья
Bog spasen'ya, Bog iskuplen'ya
God [of] salvation, God [of] Redemption—
Свет в Нём И нету в Нём тленья
Svet v Nyom I netu v Nyom tlen'ya
Light [is] in Him and [there is] not in Him decay
Святой Бог, Отец, Сын и Дух
Svyatoy Bog, Otets, Syn i Dukh
Holy God, Father, Son, and Spirit.

2.Он Велик и в славных делах
On Velik i v slavnykh delakh
He [is] great also in glorious deeds

Он Могуч, на земле, в небесах
On Moguch, na zemle, v nebesakh
He [is] Mighty on earth, [and] in [the] heavens.

День и ночь склоняються пред Ним
Den' i noch' sklonyayut'sya pred Nim
Day and night bow down before You

Свят, Свят Господь Саваоф
Svyat, Svyat Gospod' Savaof
Holy, Holy Lord Sabaoth,

Ты Един, Ты Сущий Наш Бог
Ty Yedin, Ty Sushchiy Nash Bog
You [are] One, You [actively] being [are] our God

Твоё имя Святий Елохим!
Tvoyo imya Svyatiy Yelokhim!
Your name [is] Holy Elohim!

The video was filmed at Zabriskie Point, Death Valley California.

This Photo was taken by Wolfgang Moroder.Feel free to use my photos, but please mention me as the author and send me a message.This image is not public domain. Please respect the copyright protection.
From wikipedia

-------- Better English --------
From the early dawn my soul seeks
My God, the God of Israel.
To quiet waters He leads my soul
And from arrows and darkness He will defend and save.

1. Upon Him I hope,
Before Him I bow my knees;
I will enter into His Glory and be renewed.
God of salvation, God of Redemption—
In Him is Light and not one shadow of decay—
Holy God, Father, Son, and Spirit.


2. He is also great in glorious deeds:
He is Mighty on earth and in the heavens.
Day and night bow down to You.
Holy, Holy Lord Sabaoth,
You are One, You are our God,
Your name is Holy Elohim!


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Я был Так Слеп — I Was So Blind

youtube video

Words: https://kzhead.info/sun/ls-BltJ8i1-Gkok/byl.html

Lyrics & Chords: https://holychords.com/23164

To introduce the video, SOCART wrote:
     Впервые делимся нашим живым исполнением.
     Sharing our live performance for the first time.

Слова песни:

Я был так слеп, и жил бесцельно,
Ya byl tak slep, i zhil bestsel'no,
I was so blind, and lived aimlessly,

И день за днём страдал.
I den' za dnom stradal.
And day after day suffered.

Но Ты спустился на нашу землю
No Ty spustilsya na nashu zemlyu
But You came down to our earth

Чтоб подарить любовь.
Chtob podarit' lyubov'.
In order to give love.

И Ты пришёл, меня нашёл!
I Ty prishol, menya nashol!
And You came, me found!

Я смотрю на крест, чтоб понять ту любовь
Ya smotryu na krest, chtob ponyat' tu lyubov'
I look on the cross, so to understand that love,

Ту любовь, что Ты даёшь
Tu lyubov', chto Ty dayosh'
That love, that You give

Кровь Свою Ты пролил, чтобы я снова жил
Krov' Svoyu Ty prolil, chtoby ya snova zhil
Blood of Your own You shed, so that I again lived

Иисус спас меня, Его милость велика.
Iisus spas menya, Yego milost' velika.
Jesus saved me, His mercy [is] great.

Ты дал мне жизнь и жизнь с избытком
Ty dal mne zhizn' i zhizn' s izbytkom
You gave me life and life with abundance

Благодарю, Тебя.
Blagodaryu, Tebya.
[I] thank You.

В Тебе победа, победа над грехом!
V Tebe pobeda, pobeda nad grekhom!
In You [is] victory, victory over sin!

Веди вперед меня,
Vedi vpered menya,
Lead forward me,

Как велика, любовь Твоя!
Kak velika, lyubov' Tvoya!
How great [is] love [of] Yours!


[turn around]
И Ты пришёл, меня нашёл!
I Ty prishol, menya nashol!
And You came, me found!


-------- Better English --------

I was so blind and lived aimlessly,
and suffered day after day.
But You came down to our world
In order to give love.
You came and found me!

I look on the cross to understand that love,
That love that You give.
You shed Your own blood that I may live again.
Jesus saved me — His mercy is great!

You gave me life, abundant life;
I thank You!
In You there is victory, victory over sin!
Lead me forward.
How great is Your love!


[turn around]
You came and found me!


To fit the music — —

1. I was so blind, lived aimlessly,
Day after day distressed;
But You came down, down to our earth,
With love You gave to bless—
You came to me, and rescued me!

I look on Your Cross so I understand love,
Your love given that holds fast!
You had shed Your own Blood that I might live again—
For You have saved me!  O, Your Mercy is so vast!

2. You gave me life, abundant life;
O how I thank You, Lord.
In You is vict'ry; we're more than conqu'ors;
Lead us forth by Your Word!
How great Your Grace: to see Your Face!


Thursday, April 22, 2021

Тысячи Лет Пролетели — Thousands of Years Flew

1 куплет:
Тысячи лет пролетели, как день -
Tysyachi let proleteli, kak den' -
Thousands [of] years flew, as [a] day

Перед рассветом сгущается тень
Pered rassvetom sgushchayetsya ten'
Before dawn deepens [the] shadow

К битве готова вражия рать
K bitve gotova vrazhiya rat'
For battle ready [is] enemy's army

Церковь, вставай! Ты должна побеждать!
Tserkov', vstavay! Ty dolzhna pobezhdat'!
Church, get up! You must triumph!

Встань, поднимайся, верный народ!
Vstan', podnimaysya, vernyy narod!
Stand up, get up, faithful people!

Слышишь шаги - Господь твой грядёт!
Slyshish' shagi - Gospod' tvoy gryadot!
[You] hear footsteps — [the] Lord yours comes!

Встань, поднимайся, хватит дремать -
Vstan', podnimaysya, khvatit dremat' -
Stand up, get up, enough slumbering —

Время сегодня жатву пожать!
Vremya segodnya zhatvu pozhat'!
Time today harvest to reap!

Встань, поднимайся, верный народ!
Vstan', podnimaysya, vernyy narod!
Stand up, get up, faithful people!

Слышишь шаги? Господь твой грядёт!
Slyshish' shagi? Gospod' tvoy gryadyot!
[You] hear footsteps?  [the] Lord yours comes!

Встань, поднимайся, хватит дремать
Vstan', podnimaysya, khvatit dremat'
Stand up, get up, enough slumbering —

Жатва не будет ждать!
Zhatva ne budet zhdat'!
Harvest not will wait!

Встань, поднимайся, верный народ!
Vstan', podnimaysya, vernyy narod!
Stand up, get up, faithful people!

Скоро Господний день настает!
Skoro Gospodniy den' nastayet!
Soon [the] Lord's day comes!

Долго ли будешь ждать благодать?
Dolgo li budesh' zhdat' blagodat'?
How long will [you] wait [for] grace?

Время людей спасать!
Vremya lyudey spasat'!
Time people to save!

2 куплет:
Церковь Христова - Божьи уста.
Tserkov' Khristova - Bozh'i usta.
Church of Christ [is] God's mouth.

Встань, проповедуй Царство Христа!
Vstan', propoveduy Tsarstvo Khrista!
Stand up, preach [the] Kingdom [of] Christ!

Весть о спасеньи с края на край
Vest' o spasen'i s kraya na kray
News about salvation from edge to edge

Всем и повсюду провозглашай!
Vsem i povsyudu provozglashay!
[To] All and everywhere proclaim!

Церковь Христова, святость храни!
Tserkov' Khristova, svyatost' khrani!
Church [of] Christ, holiness keep!

Силу Святого Духа прими!
Silu Svyatogo Dukha primi!
Power [of the] Holy Spirit accept!

Церковь - невеста, будь же верна!
Tserkov' - nevesta, bud' zhe verna!
Church — [the] Bride, be then faithful!

Слушай призыв, просыпайся от сна!
Slushay prizyv, prosypaysya ot sna!
Listen to call, wake up from slumber!

3 куплет:
Братья и сестры, нам есть, что терять
Brat'ya i sestry, nam yest', chto teryat'
Brothers and sisters, by us is something to lose 
                  (ie we have something to lose)

Можно ль сегодня просто молчать?
Mozhno l' segodnya prosto molchat'?
Possible if today just to keep silence?

Где наши дети, родные, друзья?
Gde nashi deti, rodnyye, druz'ya?
Where [are] children, loved ones (relatives), friends?

Время спасать их, и медлить нельзя!
Vremya spasat' ikh, i medlit' nel'zya!
Time to save them, and to hesitate mustn't!

Тысячи лет пролетели, как день
Tysyachi let proleteli, kak den'
Thousands [of] years flew like [a] day

Перед рассветом сгущается тень!
Pered rassvetom sgushchayetsya ten'!
Before dawn deepens [the] shadow

К битве готова вражия рать
K bitve gotova vrazhiya rat'
For battle ready [is] enemy's army.

Церковь, вставай! Ты должна побеждать!
Tserkov', vstavay! Ty dolzhna pobezhdat'!
Church, get up! You must triumph!

Additional Lyrics and Music found here:
Including the sheet music in Russian & English
-------- Better English --------
Thousands of years have flown as a day;
Before the dawn the shadows deepen,
The enemy's army for battle is ready.
Church, get up!  You must triumph!
Stand up, get up, faithful people!
Hear the footsteps! —Your Lord comes!
Stand up, arise, enough slumbering—
Today is time the harvest to reap!

Stand up, arise, faithful people!
Hear the footsteps! —Your Lord comes!
Stand up, get up, enough slumbering—
The harvest will not wait!
Stand up, arise, faithful people!
Soon the Day of the Lord comes!
How long will you wait for grace?
It is time to save people!

The Church of Christ is God's mouth.
Stand up, preach the Kingdom of Christ!
News of salvation from pole to pole
To all and everywhere proclaim.
Church of Christ, holiness keep!
Accept the Power of the Holy Spirit!
O Church, His Bride, be then faithful!
Listen to the call, wake up from slumber!
Brothers and sisters we have something to lose.
Is it possible today to keep silence?
Where are our children, loved ones, and friends?
Time to save them—do not hesitate!
Thousands of years have flown as a day;
Before the dawn the shadows deepen,
The enemy's army for battle is ready.
Church, get up!  You must triumph!
-------  To Fit the Meter ------- 

Thousands of years now have flown as a day;
Before the dawn bids all shadows away,
Enemies come, to the battle draw near;
O Church, arise and dispel now all fear!
Stand up, arise now, you faithful of God,
Hear now His footsteps, in this way He trod!
Stand up, arise, enough of your sleep;
Now is the time for the harvest to reap!

Stand up, arise! O faithful of God!
Follow the steps where our Lord has trod!
Stand up, get up! Put sleep far away—
Harvest will not delay!
Stand up, arise! Be faithful and true!
For soon His Day will burst into view!
Do not just sit and wait for some grace—
Now is the time to save!

The Church of Christ is the mouth of the Lord.
Stand up, O people and preach now His Word!
Salvation news proclaim loudly on earth
Tell everyone wondrous news of new birth!
O Church of Christ, in this holiness stay,
Pow'r of the Spirit to fill you each day!
O Church, His Bride! Be now faithful in all,
Shake off your slumber and heed now His call!

Brothers and sisters, O think what we lose:
How can this silence be then what we choose?
Where are our children, our loved ones, and friends?!
Don't hesitate—it is time to save them!
Thousands of years now have flown as a day;
Before the dawn bids all shadows away,
Enemies come, to the battle draw near;
O Church, arise and dispel now all fear!

Monday, April 19, 2021

К Награде Я Стремлюсь — "Faith"

 К награде я стремлюсь. Все силы отдаю.
K nagrade ya stremlyus'. Vse sily otdayu.
To reward I strive.  All strength [I] render / give.

И всё, что есть во мне
I vso, chto yest' vo mne
And everything that is in me

Живёт для Бога.
Zhivot dlya Boga.
Lives for God.

Никто и никогда не отделит меня
Nikto i nikogda ne otdelit menya
No one and never not separate me

От плана твоего
Ot plana tvoyego
From plan [of] Yours

Ведь знаю я
Ved' znayu ya
Indeed know I.

Тот, Кто во мне
Tot, Kto vo mne
The One who [is] in me

Намного сильней того,
Namnogo sil'ney togo,
Considerably stronger than the one

Кто в миру живёт.
Kto v miru zhivot.
Who in [the] world lives.

Верой! Я сдвину даже горы
Veroy! YA sdvinu dazhe gory
[By] faith! I move even mountains

Во Христе я всё смогу. Я знаю!
Vo Khriste ya vso smogu. YA znayu!
In Christ I everything can do.  I know!

Верой! Стоять я буду твёрдо
Veroy! Stoyat' ya budu tvordo
[By] faith!  Stand I will firm

Укрепит меня Господь. И я всё смогу!
Ukrepit menya Gospod'. I ya vso smogu!
Strengthen me [the] Lord.  And I everything can do!
 ------------------- SOCART writes -----------------------

Почему ещё никто Не сдвинул гору? Я не однократно задавал себе этот вопрос... Может проблема в надобности? Думаю это ключевой момент. Сколько проблем может возникнуть если все наши прихоти исполнять...? Но для настоящих нужд Господь конечно же даст просимое. Главное:
   1. не сомневаться в Господе,
   2. верить что Он нас Услышал,
   3. Радоваться (не унывать),
   4. Хранить своё сердце чистым (от гнева, обид, зависти и гордости)
   5. Господь будет посылать ответы на наши молитвы. (Это Его обещания)

“Иисус ответил им: – Имейте веру в Бога! Говорю вам истину: если кто-то скажет этой горе: «Поднимись и бросься в море!» – и при этом не будет сомневаться в душе, а будет верить, что произойдет то, что он сказал, то так ему и будет. Поэтому говорю вам: о чем бы вы ни молились и чего бы ни просили, верьте, что вы уже получили это, – и будет вам. И когда вы молитесь, то прощайте всем, на кого вы обижены, чтобы и ваш Небесный Отец простил вам ваши проступки.”
‭‭Марка‬ ‭11:22-25‬ ‭НРП‬‬

Хотя этот жанр не совсем нам близкий, но Этой песней мы хотим ободрить Вас - не сомневайтесь! Бог живой! Могила Христа пуста! Радуйтесь тому, что Ваши Грехи Господь прощает, через веру в Христа!


Why hasn't anyone moved the mountain yet? I have asked myself this question more than once... Maybe the problem is in need? I think this is the key point. How many problems can arise if all our whims are fulfilled...? But for real needs, the Lord will certainly give what is asked for. The main thing:
   1. do not doubt the Lord,
   2. believe that He heard us,
   3. Rejoice (do not be discouraged),
   4. Keep your heart clean (from anger, resentment, envy, and pride)
   5. The Lord will send answers to our prayers. (These are His promises)

"Jesus answered them, 'Have faith in God! I tell you the truth: if someone says to this mountain, 'Get up and throw yourself into the sea!' and does not doubt his soul, but believes that what he said will happen, then so it will be for him. Therefore I say to you, whatever you pray for or ask for, believe that you have already received it – and it will be done for you. And when you pray, forgive all those you have offended, so that your Heavenly Father will also forgive you for your transgressions."
Mark 11: 22-25

Although this genre is not our normal one, yet with this song we want to encourage you—do not doubt! God is alive! Christ's grave is empty! Rejoice that the Lord forgives your sins through faith in Christ!

--------------  Better English  --------------
I press on toward the prize.  All my strength I give.
And everything that is in me
Lives for God.

No one will ever separate me
From Your plans
Indeed I know!

The one in me
Is considerably stronger that
The one who lives in the world.

By faith! I move even mountains;
In Christ I can do everything.  I know!

By faith!  I will stand firm;
The Lord strengthens me.  And I can do everything!
Compare to the original Hillsong lyrics and presentation

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Пусть Земля Вся Утверждает — Let the Whole Earth Claim


 youtube video

Music: https://mscmusic.org/works/PV-206

Chords and Additional Lyrics: https://holychords.com/17983


Куплет 1.
Пусть земля вся утверждает,
Pust' zemlya vsya utverzhdayet,
Let [the] earth all claim

Что Тобой я не спасён,
Chto Toboy ya ne spason,
That [by] You I [am] not saved;

Дух мой песню воспевает:
Dukh moy pesnyu vospevayet:
Spirit [of] mine song sings:

"Принят раб Твой на Сион!"
"Prinyat rab Tvoy na Sion!"
"Received servant Yours in Zion!"

Радуйтесь со мною, люди!
Raduytes' so mnoyu, lyudi!
Rejoice with me, O people!

Нет сомненья: я спасён!
Net somnen'ya: ya spason!
No doubt: I [am] saved!

Пусть весь мир твердит иное:
Pust' ves' mir tverdit inoye:
Let whole world insist otherwise:

Знаю я, Христом спасён!
Znayu ya, Khristom spason!
[i] Know I [by] Christ [am] saved!

Куплет 2.
Нету места для сомненья
Netu mesta dlya somnen'ya
There is no place for doubt

В сердце избранных Тобой;
V serdtse izbrannykh Toboy;
In [the] heart [of] elect Yours;

В час минутного затменья
V chas minutnogo zatmen'ya
In [the] hour [of a] momentary eclipse (blackout)

Будь на страже, Пастырь мой!
Bud' na strazhe, Pastyr' moy!
Be on guard, O Shepherd mine!

Куплет 3.
Знаю я, в Кого я верю;
Znayu ya, v Kogo ya veryu;
Know I, in Whom I believe;

Дух мой в Нем несокрушим;
Dukh moy v Nem nesokrushim;
Spirit [of] mine in Him [is] indestructible;

Жизни всякую потерю
Zhizni vsyakuyu poteryu
[of] life any loss

С радостью снесу я с Ним.
S radost'yu snesu ya s Nim.
With joy will carry/bear I with Him.

-----------------  Exact Fit  -----------------

1. Let the whole earth come and claim now
That my Lord did not save me.
Yet my soul will go on singing:
"Jesus saves eternally!"
"Soon in Zion I will be!"

Come, rejoice with me, O people!
Doubts, be gone, I know I'm saved!
Let all earth speak differently—
I know Jesus Christ saved me!
    I know Jesus Christ saved me!

2. There's no place for doubts or mistrust
In the heart of God's elect;
Through the hour both dark and lonely,
Shepherd of my heart, protect!

3. I know Him in Whom I now trust;
Safe in Him my spirit rests;
Earthly things and joys may be lost,
Jesus gives the heav'nly best.

-------- Better English --------

Let the whole earth claim
That I am not saved by You;
My spirit sings this song:
"Your servant is received into Zion!"

Rejoice with me, O people!
There is no doubt: I am saved!
Let the whole earth insist otherwise:
I know that I am saved by Christ!

There is no place for doubt
In the heart of Your elect;
In the hour of a momentary blackout,
Be on guard, O my Shepherd!

I know in Whom I believe;
My spirit is in Him, indestructible;
Any loss in life
With joy will I bear with Him.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Особенный день — Special Day

Сегодня день особенный друзья
Segodnya den' osobennyy druz'ya
Today [is] day special, friends,

Из уст в уста звучит Христу хвала,
Iz ust v usta zvuchit Khristu khvala,
From mouth to mouth sound Christ's praise,

Что на кресте так тяжко умирал,
Chto na kreste tak tyazhko umiral,
That on [the] cross so gravely died,

Но в третий день из мёртвых Он восстал! Он восстал!  Он восстал!
No v tretiy den' iz mortvykh On vosstal! On vosstal! On vosstal!
But on [the] third day from dead He rose!  He rose!  He rose!

   И нет Его лишь только пелены лежат,
   I net Yego lish' tol'ko peleny lezhat,
   And not He [is there] only [the] grave clothes lie;

   Христос Воскрес и мрака больше нет.
   Khristos Voskres i mraka bol'she net.
   Christ [is] risen and darkness anymore [is] not.

   Пусть эхо вторит трижды над землёй:
   Pust' ekho vtorit trizhdy nad zemloy:
   Let [the] echo repeat thrice over [the] earth:

   “Христос Воскрес! Воистину Воскрес!”
   “Khristos Voskres! Voistinu Voskres!”
   “Christ [is] Risen! Truly [is] Risen!”

Пойду по сёлам я и городам, скажу:
Poydu po solam ya i gorodam, skazhu:
Will go through villages I and cities, [I] will say:

“Проснитесь люди всей земли.  
“Prosnites' lyudi vsey zemli.
“Wake up, people all [of the] earth.

Христос Воскрес, природа ожила,
Khristos Voskres, priroda ozhila,
Christ [is] Risen, nature came to life,

а ты ещё в раздумии душа”
a ty yeshcho v razdumii dusha”
and you still in doubt, O soul.”

Мой друг постой, прислушайся к словам,
Moy drug postoy, prislushaysya k slovam,
My friend, stand, listen (give careful attention) to [the] words,

Что в глубине души звучат твоей.
Chto v glubine dushi zvuchat tvoyey.
That in depth [of] soul sound yours.
    (Ie, listen carefully to the words that sounds in the depth of your soul)

Не упускай ты свой последний шанс,
Ne upuskay ty svoy posledniy shans,
Not miss you your own last chance,

Приди к Христу, раскайся ты в грехах.      ты в грехах.      раскайся ты!
Pridi k Khristu, raskaysya ty v grekhakh.  ty v grekhakh     raskaysya ty!
Come to Christ, repent you of sins.    You of sins,    repent you!

-------- Better English --------

Today is a special day, my friends,
Christ's praises sound from mouth to mouth,
That on the cross He so gravely died,
But on the the third day He rose!  He rose!  He rose!

And He is not there only the grave clothes lie;
Christ is risen and darkness is no more.
Let the echo repeat thrice o'er the earth:
“Christ is Risen!  He is risen indeed!”

I will go through villages and towns and say:
“Wake up, all people of the earth.
Christ is risen, nature came to life,
but you are still in doubt, o soul.”

My friend, stand, carefully listen to the words
That sound in the depths of your soul.
Do not miss your last chance;
Come to Christ, repent of your sins.  You of sins, repent!

Another version from a church in Tambov, Russia:

Christ is risen!
Truly is risen!