I initially wrote this one off because Simon did not have English lyrics and it was not something that I immediately understood. However, Simon has since added English lyrics and I have seen that this video has garnered many, many views in the last 6 or 7 months. Thus I thought it was time to give it another, closer look.
Poems and Reflections from the Bible plus Translations of Russian Christian songs.
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Desert sinful, worldly — Пустыней Греховной Земной
I initially wrote this one off because Simon did not have English lyrics and it was not something that I immediately understood. However, Simon has since added English lyrics and I have seen that this video has garnered many, many views in the last 6 or 7 months. Thus I thought it was time to give it another, closer look.
Friday, December 28, 2018
Happy Childhood — Счастливое Детство
Take Me — Возьми Меня
Simon does include English lyrics below the Russian lyrics, but they are not close to what the Russian says at all. (At least as of 10:45am 28-Dec-18—he did just release the video this morning.) Thus this attempt at word-for-word translation is very important to Simon's English speaking followers.
Additional Note:
The last scene along the beach with the shipwreck in the surf and the sand is The Wreck of the Peter Iredale in Oregon. See this link for more information.
The Peter Iredale Wreck on the beach at Fort Stevens State Park, Oregon. |
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
God Called Fire Upon
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"To Sit and Dream" — Copyright Louisiana Dreams & Beyond Photography by Sherry Lynn 2018 |
God called fire upon the water at the end of day:
A fire of joy to celebrate, commemorate;
A fire of thousand blessings bundled into twilight spray—
To show His love and then His promise demonstrate
That though day ends and night descends and wends its way,
His watchful eye on earth and those He loves will stay.
Thus peaceful rest now till that Promised Coming Day.
- D. Benning
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Mother's Prayer — Молитва Матери
Simon prefaced this video with these words:
Хотя порой нам так не кажется, но однажды рядом с нами уже не будет тех, кого мы любим и ценим. Пусть эта песня вдохновит каждого из нас уважать, почитать и дорожить теми людьми, которыми Бог окружил нас.Note: the lyrics as Simon listed them on the youtube channel are a little different than he actually sings them—especially in the choruses.
Although sometimes we do not think so, but one day those whom we love and appreciate will not be there around us. Let this song inspire each of us to respect, honor and cherish the people with whom God has surrounded us.
Vo dni prekrasnoy yunosti ne znal ya suyety.
In [the] days [of] beautiful youth not know I fuss / bustle
Не знал забот, Не знал хлопот с утра и до зари,
Ne znal zabot, Ne znal khlopot s utra i do zari,
Not know worries, Not know trouble from morning unto dawn,
Ни о чём я не заботился, по воле своей жил,
Ni o chyom ya ne zabotilsya, po vole svoyey zhil,
Not about anything I not cared, by will [of] my own [I] lived
А скорбь о мне сжимала грудь у матери моей.
A skorb' o mne szhimala grud' u materi moyey.
And griefs over me squeezed [the] chest [of] mother mine.
Ходил путями помыслов, о Боге не мечтал -
Khodil putyami pomyslov, o Boge ne mechtal -
[I] walked [the] paths [of] intentions, about God not desired —
Своей любимой матери тем скорби причинял.
Svoyey lyubimoy materi tem skorbi prichinyal.
My beloved mother those griefs [I] caused.
Но сердце в ней любимое молилось в эти дни,
No serdtse v ney lyubimoye molilos' v eti dni,
But heart in her beloved prayed in those days
(Ie, but her beloved heart prayed in those days)
И слышал имя я свое в молитве матери.
I slyshal imya ya svoye v molitve materi.
And heard name I mine in prayer [of] mother.
::,: В молитве матери:,:
V molitve materi
In [the] prayer [of] mother
Я имя услыхал свое,
YA imya uslykhal svoye
I name heard my own
(Ie, I heard my name)
В молитве матери.
V molitve materi.
In [the] prayer [of] mother
В часы моих весёлых дней звучал мне глас любви:
V chasy moikh vesyolykh dney zvuchal mne glas lyubvi:
In [the] hours [of] lighthearted days sounded [out to] me [the] voice [of] love:
"Смотри, сын мой, не забывай молитву матери,
"Smotri, syn moy, ne zabyvay molitvu materi,
"Look, son [of] mine, not forget prayer [of] mother,
Беги греха, не делай зла, храни себя, храни!"
Begi grekha, ne delay zla, khrani sebya, khrani!"
Flee sin, not do evil, keep yourself, keep!
Вновь слышал имя я свое в молитве матери.
Vnov' slyshal imya ya svoye v molitve materi.
Once more heard name I mine in [the] prayer [of] mother.
То сердце, полное любви, почило уж давно,
To serdtse, polnoye lyubvi, pochilo uzh davno,
That heart, full [of] love, asleep already long ago,
А глас ее в душе моей твердит мне об одном:
A glas yeye v dushe moyey tverdit mne ob odnom:
But voice [of] hers in soul [of] mine repeats/insists [to] me about one [thing]:
"Беги греха, не делай зла и с Господом живи!"
"Begi grekha, ne delay zla i s Gospodom zhivi!"
"Flee sin, not do evil, and with [the] Lord live!"
И слышу имя я свое в молитве матери.
I slyshu imya ya svoye v molitve materi.
And heard name I mine in prayer [of] mother.
Припев: 3x
Теперь нашел я у креста спасенье для души.
Teper' nashel ya u kresta spasen'ye dlya dushi.
Now found I at [the] cross salvation for [my] soul.
Сложил грехи у ног Христа, молясь Ему в тиши.
Slozhil grekhi u nog Khrista, molyas' Yemu v tishi.
Lay down sin at feet [of] Christ, praying [to] Him in silence (ie, quietly).
И счастие спасения, и луч святой зари
I schastiye spaseniya, i luch svyatoy zari
And happiness of salvation, and beam [of] holy dawn
Пролил Христос на разум мой молитвой матери.
Prolil Khristos na razum moy molitvoy materi.
Shed Christ on mind [of] mine [by the] prayer [of] mother.
Monday, December 17, 2018
Confession — Исповедь
(See also: "Placing The Golden Crown — Сложив Златой Венец")
Simon includes this verse in the youtube notes, but he does not sing it:
В тишине склоняю пред Тобой,V tishine sklonyayu pred Toboy,In silence [I] bow before YouГолову и дух усталый мойGolovu i dukh ustalyy moyHead and spirit tired mineСердце чистое создай во мнеSerdtse chistoye sozday vo mneHeart pure create in meВознеси к Себе.Voznesi k Sebe.Take [it] to Yourself.
"Придите ко Мне все труждающиеся и обремененные, и Я успокою вас"
Матфея 11:28
"И найдете покой душам вашим; Ибо иго Мое благо, и время Мое легко."
"Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest"
Matthew 11:28
"And you will find rest for your souls; For My yoke is good, and my time is easy."
Приветствую, Симон! Благодарю тебя за исполнение этой песни. Я не увидела и не услышала никакого артистического лицемерия... Напротив, ты и девочки, исполняющие вокал, прониклись духом глубокого смирения перед Господом, и смогли это выразить своими голосами. Видео, аудио и содержание песни гармонируют, - это редкость, и у тебя получилось. Думаю, эта песня коснется очень многих сердец... Лично у меня - мурашки по коже и слезы на глазах, а в сердце - молитва... молитва... молитва...
Greetings, Simon! Thank you for performing this song. I didn’t see and didn’t hear any artistic hypocrisy ... On the contrary, you and the girls performing the vocals were filled with the spirit of deep humility before the Lord, and were able to express it with your voices. Video, audio and content of the song are in harmony, - this is rare, and you did it. I think this song will touch so many hearts ... Personally, I have goosebumps and tears in my eyes, and a prayer in my heart ... a prayer ... a prayer ...
Larisa Reshetova, Приветствую! Очень ждал, чтобы вы прокомментировали😀. Спасибо за добрые слова! Ваши мелодии особенные, они не стоят на месте, а взлетают. Уже полгода прошло как было первое желание исполнить эту песню, но вот, судьба закрутила😁 .
Larisa Reshetova, Greetings! I was waiting for you to comment 😀. Thank you for the kind words! Your melodies are special, they do not stand still, but take off. Already half a year has passed since the first desire to perform this song was, but here, fate twirled 😁.
Может быть, дело не в судьбе, а во времени. Всему свое время, как ты выразился в своем комментарии: время петь мажоры, и время петь миноры. Для исполнения любой песни должен быть соответствующий внутренний мир. Вот теперь пришло время и для "Исповеди".
Maybe it's not fate, but in time. Everything has its time, as you put it in your comment: time to sing the majors, and time to sing the minor. For the performance of any song must be an appropriate inner world. Now the time has come for "Confession."
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Wonderful and Marvelous — Велики и чудны
Велики и чудны дела Твои,
Veliki i chudny dela Tvoi,
Great and marvelous [are] works [of] Yours,
Господи, Боже Вседержитель.
Gospodi, Bozhe Vsederzhitel'.
Lord, God All-mighty.
Праведны и истинны пути Твои,
Pravedny i istinny puti Tvoi,
Righteous and true [are] ways [of Yours,
Царь Святых.
Tsar' Svyatykh.
King [of] saints.
Кто не убоится не прославит Тебя,
Kto ne uboitsya he proslavit Tebya,
Who not fear [and] not glorify You,
Ибо Ты Един Свят.
Ibo Ty Yedin Svyat.
For You Alone [are] Holy.
Все народы преклонятся пред Тобой,
Vsye narody preklonyatsya pred Toboi,
All nations will bow themselves before You,
Ибо Ты Един Свят.
For You Alone [are] Holy.
Все народы преклонятся пред Тобой,
Свят, Свят,
Svyat, svyat,
Holy, holy,
Ты Един Свят,
Ty Yedin svyat,
You Alone [are] holy,
Свят, Свят,
Svyat, svyat,
Holy, holy,
Ты Един Свят,
Ty Yedin svyat,
You Alone [are] holy.
NOTE: Simon and the brothers filmed this at Cape Kiwanda State Natural Area in Oregon.
Interesting fact about the Russian language:
Свят (Svyat) is Russian for holy
Свет (Svyet) is Russian for light
Yes, they are related! And that makes complete sense since He who dwells in unapproachable Light should be most Holy—in fact, the thrice Holy God!
Saturday, November 24, 2018
My Home In Heaven
Я всегда знал, что раньше или позже я должен буду сделать видео на эту тему. Уровень жизни в наше время так высок, что иногда кажется, что тот период времени просто выдумка. Но это не так. Я благодарен Богу, что сегодня никто не отнимает мою жизнь за веру в Иисуса Христа. Но будем ли мы готовы сделать это, если потребуется?
I always knew that sooner or later I would have to make a video on this topic. The standard of living in our time is so high that sometimes it seems that that [this] period of time is just an invention. But it is not. I am grateful to God that today no one takes my life for believing in Jesus Christ. But will we be ready to do this if necessary?
My home in Heaven beyond the clouds here,
Is where new life starts—eternal days;
There friends and fam'ly will gather with us
To sing the Father our songs of praise.
As in a storm then a sailor seeks rest
A quiet place then his boat to dock;
So my heart longs for the dwelling of light
Where rest awaits us 'neath this strong Rock.
O home of Heaven, O how I long for,
So that etern'lly I'll live within;
And there will be God whom I will praise then
And in His light serve Christ without sin.
Eternal homeland, O pleasant country!
There will my spirit see my Dear Friend,
Who on Golgotha for our sins suffered
And reconciled us—world without end!
The sor'ws of bitter tears we pour not now,
For evermore then the glory sing!
Illness and parting and tears forgotten—
All swept away on that Heav'nly wing!
Мой отец был приговорен к 25 годам в Гулаг за то что проповедывал Христа. Его взяли прямо со школы, где он был директором, в Барнауле,где и моя мама учительствовала, и только один ученик со школы случайно увидел как Андрея Петровича Горетого, по НКВД кличке «Небесный Огородник», увезли в черном воронке. Строили в ряды по 25 человек и каждого 5-го по рачсчету расстреливали. Отец несколько раз был 4-м... проведение Божие ( после лагерей он стал пресвитером одной из многочисленной Церкви Пятидесятников г. Барнаула и позже г. Находка, совместно со своим братом Николаем Петровичем). В ГУЛАГе он провел 3.5 года, Сталин помер, отца освободили по недоказанности преступления (враг народа), ст. 58, но поразили во всех гражданских правах, так что до конца жизни он мог работать только как штукатур- маляр. Учительствовать ветерану 2-й мировой не дали, еще и гнали с работы через 2-3 месяца- «баптист» не имел права даже на работу, чтобы кормить свою семью из 9-ти детей!.. Спасибо и благодарность, брат Симон, за клип! Это сильно встревожило всю историю моей семьи. Мы плакали, по просмотру. Господи! Упокой души погибших за Имя Твое, за Свидетельство Иисуса Христа, за Дух Христов!..Аминь! Аминь! Аминь!
~~David Goretoy
My father was sentenced to 25 years in the Gulag for preaching Christ. He was taken directly from the school where he was the director, in Barnaul, where my mother taught, and only one student from the school accidentally saw Andrei Petrovich Goretogo, according to the NKVD [Narodny Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del—The People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs], nicknamed “Heavenly Gardener,” was taken away in a black paddy wagon. They placed in rows of 25 people, and every 5th on a counter was shot. Father was the 4th several times ... held of God (After the camps he became the presbyter of one of the numerous Pentecostal Church of Barnaul and later the city of Nakhodka, together with his brother Nikolai Petrovich). In the gulag he spent 3.5 years, Stalin died, and my father was released due to the lack of evidence of the crime (the enemy of the people), article 58, but was struck in all civil rights, so that for the rest of his life he could only work as a plaster - painter. The veteran of the 2nd World War was not allowed to teach, they also driven from work in 2-3 months - the “Baptist” didn’t even have the right to work to feed his family of 9 children! ..
Thanks and much gratefulness, brother Simon, for the clip! This greatly disturbed the whole history of my family. We cried, upon viewing.
Good Lord God, give rest to the souls of those who perished for your name, for the testimony of Jesus Christ, for the Spirit of Christ! .. Amen! Amen! Amen!..
~~David Goretoy
O Prayer Time
O prayer time, O gracious prayer time,
God gave You to us in life.
In the sadness midst the battles
You have raise me up from strife!
On a dark night I slept not
And on knees I prayed and sought;
There my soul cried out to God in grief:
"You have heard me, O my God,
Amidst all Life's pains and flaws—
Help me for my life dries as a leaf."
There without Oh how the storm howls,
Lashing ice and snow with gale;
And this same storm buffets my heart—
In this night, I fear I fail!
I resign myself to dust
And with tears in eyes I thrust
Myself onto Jesus in a prayer!
"O Dear Lord You can see all
And my soul so frail will fall—
I am lost without Your tender care!"
O my Lord God, a carefree life
I want not nor ask of You!
Let me pains and sorrows find there
On the Way You mark so true.
I will only ask of You
That I always see as true
That Your Hand most Sovereign be on me
Let it on my shoulders rest
And from battles vict'ries wrest
And encourage and then strengthen me!
O prayer time, O gracious prayer time,
With great thankfulness I burn!
Glorifying God's great power;
O, to depths of Grace I turn!
O my Lord, in holy love
You have gifted from Above
Strength for me when weak I would have failed!
To high Heav'n I offer prayers
Let it rise through all my cares
I in prayer to Heav'n's high Throne have scaled!
Friday, November 23, 2018
My Home in Heaven — Мой Дом На Небе
Simon wrote:
Я всегда знал, что раньше или позже я должен буду сделать видео на эту тему. Уровень жизни в наше время так высок, что иногда кажется, что тот период времени просто выдумка. Но это не так. Я благодарен Богу, что сегодня никто не отнимает мою жизнь за веру в Иисуса Христа. Но будем ли мы готовы сделать это, если потребуется?
I always knew that sooner or later I would have to make a video on this topic. The standard of living in our time is so high that sometimes it seems that that [this] period of time is just an invention. But it is not. I am grateful to God that today no one takes my life for believing in Jesus Christ. But will we be ready to do this if necessary?
Unlike the video, the lyrics are suitable for any one of any age. They are hopeful, encouraging, and heaven-pointing.
A new version by Группа Мелодия, Group Molodiya (based in Sacramento, CA)
Песня написанная в 1937 году на ссылке в узах неизвестным автопом.
A song written in 1937 in prison in bonds by unknown author.
Another version by Белый Ангел, White Angel (also based in Sacramento, CA)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9i4Z2oRdvk
(This video cannot be hot linked and must be played directly on youtube.)
Someone asked where the music for this hymn could be found.
Music may be found here: Мой Дом На Небе
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
O Prayer — О Молитва
Friday, November 16, 2018
He Placed His Golden Crown
Composed by Larisa Reshetova
(see also: "Confession — Исповедь")
He placed His golden crown at His Father's feet
Then taking off His garments
of royalty and was born of poverty,
He left the throne of glorious Creator,
Then donned He earthly clothes of humility.
Chorus —
He came from Heav'n to earth
With sinners walked to set us free;
But oft He offered up His prayers
to Heav'n above:
Listen, Father, heed my prayer and plea
How can I e'er forget the eyes of Christ?
Forgivingly with love He looked
on our sinful world with gracious eye.
Again those sinless lips cried out to Heav'n;
His Father gladly heard His humble cry.
Chorus —
Larisa Reshetova writes about Simon's arrangement:
Здравствуйте! Я автор этого псалма. Мне подарил его Господь, и я Ему сердечно благодарна. Симон, Благодарю Бога за твоё творчество. Прекрасное исполнение, захватывает и держит от первой до самой последней ноты. Хор девушек звучит чисто и безупречно. Очень понравилась пауза, в которой слышны звуки поля... во всем - чувство вкуса и такта. И самое главное, как здесь уже подметили - духовность. Аллилуйя, Слава Господу! Душа поёт вместе с вами!
Hello! I am the author of this psalm. The Lord gave it to me, and I am sincerely grateful to him. Simon, thanks to God for your creativity. Excellent performance, it captures and holds from the first to the very last note. The chorus of girls sounds clean and flawless. I liked very much the pause in which the sounds of the field are heard ... in everything there is a sense of taste and tact. And most importantly, as they have already noticed here - spirituality. Hallelujah, Praise the Lord! The soul sings along with you!
Thursday, November 15, 2018
In Response to the Fires
Oh, the weather outside is smoky,
And the air is slow and pokey,
But I wish all this smoke would go—
Let winds blow, let 'em blow, let 'em blow!
Well, it doesn't show signs of clearin',
But my eyes now sure be tearin';
And the sun sure be dimmin' low—
Let winds blow, let 'em blow, let 'em blow!
When we finally leave our work,
How I hate to go out in the smoke;
As I drive my car in the murk,
All the way home I will choke!
We pray the fires are dying,
Else I know that we'll be flying
A long ways from fire's glow—
Let winds blow, let 'em blow, let 'em blow!
- D. Benning
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The orange dot right center, above the tree, is the sun. Because of the Camp Fire, on Nov 9, 2018 |
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Placing The Golden Crown — Сложив Златой Венец
(see also: "Confession — Исповедь")
YA ne smogu zabyt' glaza Khrista
Larissa Reshetova writes about Simon's arrangement:
Здравствуйте! Я автор этого псалма. Мне подарил его Господь, и я Ему сердечно благодарна. Симон, Благодарю Бога за твоё творчество. Прекрасное исполнение, захватывает и держит от первой до самой последней ноты. Хор девушек звучит чисто и безупречно. Очень понравилась пауза, в которой слышны звуки поля... во всем - чувство вкуса и такта. И самое главное, как здесь уже подметили - духовность. Аллилуйя, Слава Господу! Душа поёт вместе с вами!
Hello! I am the author of this psalm. The Lord gave it to me, and I am sincerely grateful to him. Simon, thanks to God for your creativity. Excellent performance, it captures and holds from the first to the very last note. The chorus of girls sounds clean and flawless. I liked very much the pause in which the sounds of the field are heard ... in everything there is a sense of taste and tact. And most importantly, as they have already noticed here - spirituality. Hallelujah, Praise the Lord! The soul sings along with you!
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Sunrise on the Isle of Skye
See the colors there upon the sky and the water!
delicate and transcendent touches of a divine hand, captured in a
moment and inscribed upon a photograph. These colors, these delicate
hues and stains, are like the soft and exquisite
display of a mother decorating the nursery of her first born child.
Subtle and tender, fragile and graceful—she colors the sky and paints
the landscape with her tender hues.
- D. Benning
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Sherry Lynn, Photographer |
Mother Nature and I, her earth child, both smile at your extremely intuitive and very touching prose. On a very personal note, I must tell you that I did indeed decorate the nursery of my first born child with these exact colors. Each and every one of them you see in the sky and water. I even chose each color of yarn and crocheted blankets. I’ve told you before you are the psychic poet!! Truly “divinely inspired.”
~ Sherry Lynn