Friday, July 8, 2016

In View of Current Events

I have been numb.

Mind bendingly numb.

The events of the last few days capped off an insane news cycle so as to leave the mind wondering which end might be up.  There is no sense to the travesty of justice and the carnage of innocent lives.  I can't begin to explain it on a normal, 2D sort of level.  So I won't even try.

I thought about the joy of seeing flower bloom and rivers flow down their mountain channels to where they widen out into a broad confluence of many waters.  I smiled remembering a gorgeous sunrise over the hills with mist rising up in splendor at the first kiss of the sun's touch.  I also recalled with joy as I first held our children minutes after their arrival in this world—so fragile, so helpless, so full of potential. 

I almost introverted and went full "Ecclesiastes," saying that it's all meaningless and a huge vanity—what's the point of it all since evil is advancing!?

However there are some other things that I keep coming back to.  God is still God.  He has not abdicated nor given up.  He is not pacing back and forth in heaven worried over this latest development.  No, He who called the stars forth by name is still calling all the shots in this grand game of life.  Evil may think that it holds an advantage and seemingly has the upper hand, but our God is still Sovereign and in control.

(No, God does not sanction evil nor condone bad things to happen.  Yet because He has given His creatures choice and free-will, all that they do is their own choice and out of their own desires.  He permits and human kind commits.  Yet God limits and mutes the full force of evil's intent.)

So I can rest in the security of a Sovereign God who is completely in control and completely good and totally loving.  I can trust His promises that He will do all to make me conform to the image of His Son and thus make me ready and fit to dwell with Him forever.

This world is not my home; I'm just passing through.  All the things of this earth are growing strangely dim as I view them through Heaven's lens.

That is not to say that I have given up on this world—if fact, quite the opposite.

It is because I see Heaven and God's kingdom that I also see the one solution that is necessary for this poor, dispairing and wretched world.  The solution is Jesus Christ.  We all need to submit to Him and repent of our sinful, selfish ways.  Our society has become more and more out of wack by throwing God out of the equation. 

Some would say, "Oh, there' always been murder and hate around."

Yeah.  But at this level of craziness?  When in the history of the USA have there been multiple instances of people targeting police throughout the country in the same week?  What about the other sorts of violent crimes that seem to rise up in the news feed?

No, things are out of wack because we are not right with God.  Our society has not based its rubric on God's standard.  In fact, God's standard is pretty much thrown out and despised.

So I will say it again.  The only solution to our national problem is to repent, confess our sins and then forsake all of our sins.  This means reading the Bible to see what God says are sins.  It also means giving up selfish definitions of autonomy and personal control. 

God commands it.  Repent.

The consequences are becoming more and more dire if you do not.

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