Friday, October 11, 2024

Иерусалим — Jerusalem


On October 7, 2024, Alex Shevchenko wrote:

The song "Jerusalem" sung by different Christian groups today was written by me and my brother when we were children. At that moment I was 16 and my brother Vladimir was 14 years old. I attach a link to the Russian version, which my brother Vladimir performs.
Jerusalem - Alexander Shevchenko:

But this morning I received a link to the Ukrainian version of this song, performed by Oksana Polishchuk. In my opinion, this is incredible! Thank you, Oksana, for a great performance, as well as Svitlana Kasyanchik for your wonderful translation into Ukrainian!

Holy Jerusalem (in Ukrainian) - Oksana Polishchuk:

See the bottom for the metrical translation

Куплет 1:
Пройдут года и постепенно,
Proydut goda i postepenno,
Will pass the years and gradually
Всё унесут путём своим.
Vso unesut putom svoim.
All [they] will carry away by way [of] their own.
Но там вдали, в красе нетленной,
No tam vdali, v krase netlennoy,
But there [we] see, in beauty imperishable,
Стоит святой, святой Иерусалим.
Stoit svyatoy, svyatoy Iyerusalim.
Stands holy, holy Jerusalem.

Куплет 2:
Вокруг него сад зеленеет,
Vokrug nego sad zeleneyet,
Around him the garden greens (is greening)
Поёт там псалмы херувим.
Poyot tam psalmy kheruvim.
Sings there psalms a cherubim
И все жемчужные аллеи,
I vse zhemchuzhnyye allei,
And all the pearly alleys (or lanes)
Ведут в святой, святой Иерусалим.
Vedut v svyatoy, svyatoy Iyerusalim.
Lead to holy, holy Jerusalem.

      К тебе стремлюсь душой, хочу, хочу домой.
      K tebe stremlyus' dushoy, khochu, khochu domoy.
      For you longs [my] soul, I want, I desire to go home
      И быть всегда с тобой, Иерусалим!
      I byt' vsegda s toboy, Iyerusalim!
      And to be always with you, Jerusalem!
      Забуду всю печаль, земли ничуть не жаль,
      Zabudu vsyu pechal', zemli nichut' ne zhal',
      I will forget all the sorrow, earth not a bit I desire
      Уйду в святую даль, Иерусалим - 2 раза.
      Uydu v svyatuyu dal', Iyerusalim - 2 raza.
      I will go to the holy distance, Jerusalem!  — 2 times

Куплет 3:
Душой, поющей аллилуйя,
Dushoy, poyushchey alliluyya,
With [my] soul, singing alleluia,
Покинув мир, расставшись с ним.
Pokinuv mir, rasstavshis' s nim.
Having left the world, having parted with it
По вечной милости войду я,
Po vechnoy milosti voydu ya,
By eternal mercies will enter I, 
Навек в святой, святой Иерусалим!
Navek v svyatoy, svyatoy Iyerusalim!
Forever into holy, holy Jerusalem



English Translation to fit the meter of the music:

See how the years slip by so gradually
And everything swept by with them,
But there we'll see in timeless beauty
Eternal holy, pure Jerusalem!

Around it is the garden springing
Oh, hear the psalms of cherubim!
And all the pearly streets are leading
Straight up to holy, pure Jerusalem!


      For You my soul cries out! 
      For home I long and shout!
      To be with You always, Jerusalem!
      Forgetting sorrow-filled years, and earthly toils and fears,
      I'll go to holy, pure Jerusalem!

And with my soul still singing glory,
And having left the world, and then
Eternal Mercies bid me enter
Forever holy, pure Jerusalem!


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Just a Little While


                              Just a little while,
                                   all these cares will pass;
                              Just a little while—
                                   we know this earth won't last;
                              Just a little while,
                                   then loved ones we will meet;
                              For in a little while,
                                   we'll sit at Jesus' feet.

The Watchers 4: The Ghost Within, p.147

Friday, February 16, 2024

Across the Water


Photo by Steve Dale, Nov 2023

            Across the water,
               I see the bright lights beckoning,
               Dazzling, colorful, happy, and alluring.

            Yet I'm only here,
               Not there.
            Here is dark and cold and lonely;
               But there is a comfort in its familiarity,
               A kind of solace begot by consistency,
               Fraught with insistence
                       Pressing in all the time.

            Yet, I see the lights across the water.
               How can I get there?
               It's too cold and far to swim.
               No boat have I, no friend, no aide.

            Yet across the water,
               bright lights beckon with bold beacon.
               Who will bring me to that welcoming, warm abode?
               Is there a path, a trail, a road
                   so my angst might weaken?
               A course to bring me there
                      —Across the water?

            Yet still I sit in silence,
               staring across the water.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Quiet Dignity of Appalachia


Photo by The Appalachian Project
Phelps, Kentucky

        There is a quiet dignity about the mountains of Appalachia.  An old, settled sort of grandness that comes with age and maturity.  Other mountains may be younger with sharper peaks and deeper valleys, but Appalachia doesn't have to show off.  She's not a youngster trying to make a name for herself.  She has the quiet dignity of an elegant majesty much like an old lace doily draped over a family heirloom table.   And just as in your grandmother's old parlor, there comes a stillness in the Appalachian hills.  The stillness oozes from every creek, every rivulet, and every stone in each and every holler.  And all the more so when nature pulls the grey blanket of fog over herself to settle down for a well earned early winter rest.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Night Is Still O'er Ancient Israel


New English words to the Russian Carol, Ночь тиха над Палестиной "Noch tikha nad Palestinoi"  ("Quiet Night Over Palestine")

You can see the original Russian version and
my line-by-line English translation here:  Ночь тиха над Палестиной

Night is still o'er ancient Israel,
Earth is tired and slumbers on.
Mountains, forests, hills, and valleys—
Dark of night has hid them all.

There in Bethlehem so wearied,
All the lights were finally out;
Only in remotest pastures,
Shepherds kept their night lookout.

They knew nothing nor suspected;
So to pass the weary night,
Seated then they started talking,
With the comp'ny of firelight.

Suddenly th'angelic voice came;
Trembling took the men with fear;
And in robes of snow-white brilliance,
[An] Angel of the Lord appeared.

"Do not fear nor yet be anxious:
From the Lord in Heav'n Above,
Come I now with revelation
That your hearts rejoice in Love.

"Mercy to the earth God sends now:
Christ, Himself, the Sovereign King.
Sinful earth He comes to ransom—
Gives Himself as offering!"
(Repeat verse 1)
Night is still o'er ancient Israel,
Earth is tired and slumbers on.
Mountains, forests, hills, and valleys—
Dark of night has hid them all.
Listen to three versions of the original song sung in Russian: